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File metadata and controls

166 lines (136 loc) · 11.5 KB


This is guide for upgrade from version 2.x to 3.0 for using the CLI tool.

Before following this guide, install v2.19 and run in verbose mode (php-cs-fixer fix -v) or in future mode (PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE=1 php-cs-fixer fix) to identify deprecations and fix them first.

Rename of files

2.x 3.0 Description
.php_cs .php-cs-fixer.php Configuration file (local)
.php_cs.dist .php-cs-fixer.dist.php Configuration file (to be distributed)
.php_cs.cache .php-cs-fixer.cache Cache file

CLI options

2.x 3.0 Description Note
--diff-format Type of differ Option was removed, all diffs are now
--show-progress --show-progress Type of progress indicator Allowed values were modified:
run-in and estimating was removed,
estimating-max was renamed to dots
--rules --rules Default value changed from @PSR2 to @PSR12
--config --rules No longer allowed to pass both

Changes to rules

Renamed rules

Old name New name Note
blank_line_before_return blank_line_before_statement use configuration ['statements' => ['return']]
final_static_access self_static_accessor
hash_to_slash_comment single_line_comment_style use configuration ['comment_types' => ['hash']]
lowercase_constants constant_case use configuration ['case' => 'lower']
method_separation class_attributes_separation use configuration ['elements' => ['method']]
no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines no_extra_blank_lines
no_multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons
no_short_echo_tag echo_tag_syntax use configuration ['format' => 'long']
php_unit_ordered_covers phpdoc_order_by_value use configuration ['annotations' => [ 'covers' ]]
phpdoc_inline_tag general_phpdoc_tag_rename, phpdoc_inline_tag_normalizer and phpdoc_tag_type
pre_increment increment_style use configuration ['style' => 'pre']
psr0 psr_autoloading use configuration ['dir' => x ]
psr4 psr_autoloading
silenced_deprecation_error error_suppression
trailing_comma_in_multiline_array trailing_comma_in_multiline use configuration ['elements' => ['arrays']]

Removed rootless configuration

Rule Root option Note
general_phpdoc_annotation_remove annotations
no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines tokens
no_spaces_around_offset positions
no_unneeded_control_parentheses statements
ordered_class_elements order
php_unit_construct assertions
php_unit_dedicate_assert target root option works differently than rootless configuration
php_unit_strict assertions
phpdoc_no_alias_tag replacements
phpdoc_return_self_reference replacements
random_api_migration replacements
single_class_element_per_statement elements
visibility_required elements

Changed options

Rule Option Change
binary_operator_spaces align_double_arrow option was removed, use operators instead
binary_operator_spaces align_equals option was removed use operators instead
blank_line_before_statement statements: die option die was removed from statements, use exit instead
class_attributes_separation elements option does no longer accept flat array as a value, use map instead
class_definition multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine option was renamed to multi_line_extends_each_single_line
class_definition singleItemSingleLine option was renamed to single_item_single_line
class_definition singleLine option was renamed to single_line
doctrine_annotation_spaces around_argument_assignments option was removed, use before_argument_assignments and after_argument_assignments instead
doctrine_annotation_spaces around_array_assignments option was removed, use after_array_assignments_colon, after_array_assignments_equals, before_array_assignments_colon and before_array_assignments_equals instead
final_internal_class annotation-black-list option was renamed, use annotation_exclude
final_internal_class annotation-white-list option was renamed, use annotation_include
final_internal_class consider-absent-docblock-as-internal-class option was renamed, use consider_absent_docblock_as_internal_class
header_comment commentType option was renamed to comment_type
is_null use_yoda_style option was removed, use yoda_style rule instead
no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines tokens one of possible values, useTrait, was renamed to use_trait
ordered_class_elements sortAlgorithm option was renamed, use sort_algorithm instead
ordered_imports importsOrder option was renamed, use imports_order
ordered_imports sortAlgorithm option was renamed, use sort_algorithm
php_unit_dedicate_assert functions option was removed, use target instead

Changed default values of options

Rule Option Old value New value
array_syntax syntax 'long' 'short'
function_to_constant functions ['get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi'] ['get_called_class', 'get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']
list_syntax syntax 'long' 'short'
method_argument_space on_multiline 'ignore' 'ensure_fully_multiline'
native_constant_invocation strict false true
native_function_casing include '@internal' '@compiler_optimized'
native_function_invocation include '@internal' '@compiler_optimized'
native_function_invocation strict false true
non_printable_character use_escape_sequences_in_strings false true (when running on PHP 7.0 and up)
php_unit_dedicate_assert target '5.0' 'newest'
phpdoc_align tags ['param', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var'] ['method', 'param', 'property', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var']
phpdoc_scalar types ['boolean', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str'] ['boolean', 'callback', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str']

Removed rule sets

Rule set Note
@PHP56Migration was empty

Rule behavior changes

  • no_unused_imports now runs all files defined in the configuration (used to exclude some hardcoded directories)


  • udiff output now includes the file name in the output (if applicable)

Code BC changes

Removed; various

  • class AbstractAlignFixerHelper has been removed
  • class AccessibleObject has been removed
  • class AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper has been removed
  • class AlignEqualsFixerHelper has been removed
  • class FixerConfigurationResolverRootless has been removed
  • HeaderCommentFixer deprecated properties have been removed
  • MethodArgumentSpaceFixer deprecated methods have been removed
  • NoMixedEchoPrintFixer the property $defaultConfig has been removed
  • class Tokens, the following methods has been removed:
    • current()
    • key()
    • next()
    • rewind()
    • valid()
  • namespace PhpCsFixer\Test\ and each class in it has been removed, as it served pure development purpose and should not be part of production code - reach out to community if you are willing to help building dev package

Interface changes

  • ConfigurableFixerInterface has been updated
  • ConfigurationDefinitionFixerInterface has been removed in favor of the updated ConfigurableFixerInterface
  • DefinedFixerInterface has been removed, related methods are now part of the updated FixerInterface interface
  • DifferInterface has been updated
  • FixerInterface interface has been updated
  • PhpCsFixer\RuleSetInterface has been removed in favor of \PhpCsFixer\RuleSet\RuleSetInterface

BC breaks; various

  • class Token is now final
  • class Tokens is now final
  • method create of class Config has been removed, use the constructor
  • method create of class RuleSet has been removed, use the constructor

BC breaks; common internal classes

  • method getClassyElements of class TokensAnalyzer parameter $returnTraitsImports has been removed; now always returns trait import information
  • method getSetDefinitionNames of class RuleSet has been removed, use RuleSets::getSetDefinitionNames()