- 1. Give the name of the algorithm that results from each of the
following special cases, and an explanation why:
- (a) Local beam search with k=1.
- (b) Local beam search with one initial state and no limit on the number of states retained.
- (c) Simulated annealing with T=0 at all times (and omitting the termination test). Detail: you would obviously assume that setting T=0 doesn’t immediately terminate the algorithm, as would typically happen once Simulated Annealing’s T value reaches zero. So assume it just keeps searching with T=0.
- (d) Simulated annealing with T=∞ at all times.
- (e) Genetic algorithm with population size N=1.
This is all about understanding the actual search behaviors of all of the various searches that we’ve talked about in Ch3 and Ch4. If you understand these, you can do reasoning like “Hmmm, well search-algoXX is really just based on a the more basic search-algoYY, but with the addition/modification of a, b, c.” This question asks you to do something similar to this: think about the search behavior that would result when making the given tweaks to the given algos, then formulate that as “This would sort of like <algo name> search configured so that <whatever settings/assumptions>, in that <explain your reasoning, i.e., why the two search behaviors would be the same>”. The focus is less on naming the algo it’s like, but on your characterization of search behavior and how it could be seen as similar to some other one.
- 2. Searching in belief spaces. In Ch4 we introduced belief states to solve sensorless search problems. A sequence of actions solves a sensorless problem if it maps every physical state in the initial belief state b to a goal state. Suppose the agent knows h*(s), the true optimal cost of solving the physical state s in the fully observable problem, for every state s in b. Find an admissible heuristic h(b) for the sensorless problem in terms of these costs, and prove its admissibilty. Comment on the accuracy of this heuristic on the sensorless vacuum problem of Figure 4.14. How well does A* perform?
This question makes you think clearly about searching within believe state spaces, i.e., that it’s really just like searching in physical spaces…only you have to think a bit differently about heuristics. You’ll need to review our discussion of A* heuristics and their admissibility in order to translate that to this search in a simple belief space. Clarification: The last piece of the problem state (starting with ‘Comment on the accuracy…”) means “tell me what your heuristic would compute for each state, and then the order of exploration that would result in for your A*.
- 3. Defining belief state spaces for non-deterministic behaviors. Consider the sensorless version of the erratic vacuum world (sometimes the suck action cleans the dirt, and sometimes it deposits dirt). Draw the belief-state space reachable from the initial belief state {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, and explain why the problem is unsolvable.
This problem explores the interaction of non-determinism and belief state search, asking you to draw out the belief states when the “erratic vacuum cleaner” (section 4.3.1) is operated in a sensorless worlds, and must therefore plan its actions via belief state search. You are also asked to think about what it means for a problem to be solveable in such contexts. After you explain the unsolveability, add this: what is the minimum modification to the world that would be needed to be able to produce viable solutions?
- 4. Contingencies plans in online search. Suppose that an agent is in a
3×3 maze environment like the one shown in Figure 4.19 (there are
walls in some places that block movement). The agent knows that its
initial location is (1,1), that the goal is at (3,3), and that the
actions Up, Down, Left, Right have their usual effects unless
blocked by a wall. The agent does not know where the internal walls
are. In any given state, the agent perceives the set of legal
actions; it can also tell whether the state is one it has visited
- (b) How many distinct percepts are possible in the initial state?
- (c) Describe the first few branches of a contingency plan for this problem. How large (roughly) is the complete plan?
Notice that this contingency plan is a solution for every possible environment fitting the given description. Therefore, interleaving of search and execution is not strictly necessary even in unknown environments.
Part (a), which you are NOT doing, ultimately illustrates that, without interleaving percepts, the belief state space is enormous…roughly 2^2^12. So what about when doing online search where I’m developing a contingency plan to operate based on all possible percepts that I might see as I move? When it says “describe the first few branches” it means: draw out the first two levels of the belief space possible based on percepts received at each step, starting at the states possible in the initial state (i.e. from part(b) ), when you turn on the robot in position (1,1.)