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123 lines (87 loc) · 3.92 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (87 loc) · 3.92 KB


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Gulp plugin to log the size of individual files (Vinyl objects) in the stream. A simpler, more flexible alternative to gulp-size.


$ npm install --save-dev gulp-vinyl-size

Basic Usage

const gulp = require('gulp');
const size = require('gulp-vinyl-size');

function copyScripts() {
  return gulp

// [13:01:44] main.js: 3.13 kB
// [13:01:45] demo.js: 1.09 kB


The first parameter is an options object.

gzip (Default: false)

Additionally log gzipped-size.

.pipe(size({gzip: true}))

// [12:32:22] main.js: 5.29 kB (2.18 kB gzipped)

bytes (Default: false)

Log size in bytes rather than converting to kilobytes, megabytes, etc.

.pipe(size({bytes: true}))

// [12:32:22] main.js: 5417 B


All options get passed directly to the size-prettifying package filesize. See it's npm page for a full list of options.

.pipe(size({base: 2, spacer: '|'}))

// [12:32:22] main.js: 5.29|KiB

Callback function

The second parameter is a callback function that lets you do whatever you want with the size info, instead of it being logged automtically.

.pipe(size({}, size => console.log(`Minified CSS: ${size}`))

// Minified CSS: 3.13 kB

fancy-log can be used to keep the timestamp when logging via a callback.

const log = require('fancy-log');
// ...
.pipe(size({}, size => log(`Minified CSS: ${size}`)))

// [12:32:22] Minified CSS: 3.13 kB

Advanced usage

The parameter of the callback (which can be named anything, but size or info are recommended) is an object which outputs the size string when used within a template literal, but it also contains these properties:

  • sizeString - Size with gzipped size (if gzip: true). E.g. '24 B (gzipped: 8 B)'. Same as info directly in the callback.
  • size - Size without gzipped size. E.g. just '24 B'.
  • gzip - Gzipped size, available even if the gzip option is false. E.g. '8 B'
  • filename - file.relative of the vinyl. E.g. 'main.js'.

With these properties, multiple calls to gulp-vinyl-size, fancy-log and ansi-colors, detailed logging can be done, e.g.

const gulp = require('gulp');
const size = require('gulp-vinyl-size');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const c = require('ansi-colors');
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const purgecss = require('gulp-purgecss');

function css() {
  return gulp
    .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
    .on('data', () => log('CSS'))
    .pipe(size({}, info => log(`└ transpiled ${color.magenta(info)}`)))
    .pipe(purgecss({content: ['**/*.php']}))
    .pipe(size({}, info => log(`└ purged     ${color.magenta(info)}`)))
    .pipe(size({}, info => log(`└ minified   ${color.magenta(info.size)} ${color.gray(`(gzipped: ${info.gzip})`)}`)))

// [11:02:38] Starting 'css'...
// [11:02:39] CSS
// [11:02:39] └ transpiled 29.06 kB
// [11:02:40] └ purged     6.31 kB
// [11:02:40] └ minified   3.13 kB (gzipped: 1.04 kB)