// @ts-check import assert from 'node:assert/strict' import { parse } from '@babel/parser' import { existsSync, readFileSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs' import MagicString from 'magic-string' import dts from 'rollup-plugin-dts' if (!existsSync('temp/packages')) { console.warn( 'no temp dts files found. run `tsc -p tsconfig.build.json` first.', ) process.exit(1) } const packages = readdirSync('temp/packages') const targets = process.env.TARGETS ? process.env.TARGETS.split(',') : null const targetPackages = targets ? packages.filter(pkg => targets.includes(pkg)) : packages export default targetPackages.map( /** @returns {import('rollup').RollupOptions} */ pkg => { return { input: `./temp/packages/${pkg}/src/index.d.ts`, output: { file: `packages/${pkg}/dist/${pkg}.d.ts`, format: 'es', }, plugins: [dts(), patchTypes(pkg), ...(pkg === 'vue' ? [copyMts()] : [])], onwarn(warning, warn) { // during dts rollup, everything is externalized by default if ( warning.code === 'UNRESOLVED_IMPORT' && !warning.exporter?.startsWith('.') ) { return } warn(warning) }, } }, ) /** * Patch the dts generated by rollup-plugin-dts * 1. Convert all types to inline exports * and remove them from the big export {} declaration * otherwise it gets weird in vitepress `defineComponent` call with * "the inferred type cannot be named without a reference" * 2. Append custom augmentations (jsx, macros) * * @param {string} pkg * @returns {import('rollup').Plugin} */ function patchTypes(pkg) { return { name: 'patch-types', renderChunk(code, chunk) { const s = new MagicString(code) const ast = parse(code, { plugins: ['typescript'], sourceType: 'module', }) /** * @param {import('@babel/types').VariableDeclarator | import('@babel/types').TSTypeAliasDeclaration | import('@babel/types').TSInterfaceDeclaration | import('@babel/types').TSDeclareFunction | import('@babel/types').TSInterfaceDeclaration | import('@babel/types').TSEnumDeclaration | import('@babel/types').ClassDeclaration} node * @param {import('@babel/types').VariableDeclaration} [parentDecl] */ function processDeclaration(node, parentDecl) { if (!node.id) { return } assert(node.id.type === 'Identifier') const name = node.id.name if (name.startsWith('_')) { return } shouldRemoveExport.add(name) if (isExported.has(name)) { const start = (parentDecl || node).start assert(typeof start === 'number') s.prependLeft(start, `export `) } } const isExported = new Set() const shouldRemoveExport = new Set() // pass 0: check all exported types for (const node of ast.program.body) { if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && !node.source) { for (let i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; i++) { const spec = node.specifiers[i] if (spec.type === 'ExportSpecifier') { isExported.add(spec.local.name) } } } } // pass 1: add exports for (const node of ast.program.body) { if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { processDeclaration(node.declarations[0], node) if (node.declarations.length > 1) { assert(typeof node.start === 'number') assert(typeof node.end === 'number') throw new Error( `unhandled declare const with more than one declarators:\n${code.slice( node.start, node.end, )}`, ) } } else if ( node.type === 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration' || node.type === 'TSInterfaceDeclaration' || node.type === 'TSDeclareFunction' || node.type === 'TSEnumDeclaration' || node.type === 'ClassDeclaration' ) { processDeclaration(node) } } // pass 2: remove exports for (const node of ast.program.body) { if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && !node.source) { let removed = 0 for (let i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; i++) { const spec = node.specifiers[i] if ( spec.type === 'ExportSpecifier' && shouldRemoveExport.has(spec.local.name) ) { assert(spec.exported.type === 'Identifier') const exported = spec.exported.name if (exported !== spec.local.name) { // this only happens if we have something like // type Foo // export { Foo as Bar } continue } const next = node.specifiers[i + 1] if (next) { assert(typeof spec.start === 'number') assert(typeof next.start === 'number') s.remove(spec.start, next.start) } else { // last one const prev = node.specifiers[i - 1] assert(typeof spec.start === 'number') assert(typeof spec.end === 'number') s.remove( prev ? (assert(typeof prev.end === 'number'), prev.end) : spec.start, spec.end, ) } removed++ } } if (removed === node.specifiers.length) { assert(typeof node.start === 'number') assert(typeof node.end === 'number') s.remove(node.start, node.end) } } } code = s.toString() // append pkg specific types const additionalTypeDir = `packages/${pkg}/types` if (existsSync(additionalTypeDir)) { code += '\n' + readdirSync(additionalTypeDir) .map(file => readFileSync(`${additionalTypeDir}/${file}`, 'utf-8')) .join('\n') } return code }, } } /** * According to https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-7.html#packagejson-exports-imports-and-self-referencing * the only way to correct provide types for both Node ESM and CJS is to have * two separate declaration files, so we need to copy vue.d.ts to vue.d.mts * upon build. * * @returns {import('rollup').Plugin} */ function copyMts() { return { name: 'copy-vue-mts', writeBundle(_, bundle) { assert('code' in bundle['vue.d.ts']) writeFileSync('packages/vue/dist/vue.d.mts', bundle['vue.d.ts'].code) }, } }