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Sample Gradle Android project



Most interesting for you here is not the source code, but configs in .mainframer folder.

This is a very common setup for basically any Gradle Android project (including multimodule), but of course you might need to tune some ignore configs for your project.

How to build

$ bash ./gradlew build

Or any other Gradle task you want, btw it integrates with Android Studio and IntelliJ pretty easily!


  • JDK 8 installed on remote machine.
  • Android SDK with required components installed on remote machine.

Android Studio Configuration to Run APK

  1. RunEdit Configuration+.
  • Select Android App.
    • Name: something meaningful, like *-remote-build.
  • Remove Gradle-aware Make from Before Launch section (ha!).
  • Create a step in Before Launch section for Run External Tool.
    • Name: use something meaningful, like remote assembleDebug.
    • Program: bash.
    • Parameters: ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug or any command you want*.
    • Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$.

Note: local Gradle sync is required sometimes because this is how Android Studio determines resulting APK name even though we’ll build it on a remote machine.

* Please check to target your build as precise as you can. If you do assembleDebug it will compile all debug builds. If you i.e. have 2 flavors (i.e. Dev/Prod from the google multidex tutorial) it will compile both. In this case it's better to target only one - :app:assembleDevDebug or :app:assembleProdDebug.

Android Studio Configuration to Run JUnit tests

  1. RunEdit ConfigurationDefaultsAndroid JUnit.
  • Remove default entry from Before Launch section.
  • Create a step in Before Launch section for Run External Tool.
    • Name: use something meaningful, like remote compileDebugUnitTestSources.
    • Program: bash.
    • Parameters: ./gradlew compileDebugUnitTestSources mockableAndroidJar (NOTE: Turning incremental kotlin compilation ON can lead to test run issues. Build Cache and Minimum SDK tunings are OK.).
    • Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$.
  1. Run required JUnit tests as usual.
  2. If tests are failing with configuration issues, run remote clean: ./gradlew clean, then run Gradle sync locally and repeat step 2.

Pro: Any Android Studio / IntelliJ Configuration / Run from Terminal

Looks like you got it, right? You can run any command on remote machine and grab its results to local one.

We ❤️ IntelliJ because it allows you do things in ways you’d like them to be and then it’ll do its part: launch and install APK, run tests from compiled classes and so on.

Note to Android Developer Tools team and IntelliJ team: please keep things as is so we can do crazy stuff like mainframer!

Performance Optimizations

Specify Precise Task

For example, assembleDebug for specific module.

$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug

Instead of.

$ ./gradlew assembleDebug

Change Minimum SDK

$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug -Pmin.sdk.version=21

See detailed explanation.

Enable Build Cache of Android Gradle Plugin

$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug -Pandroid.enableBuildCache=true

Enable Kotlin Incremental Compilation

Note: it doesn’t work very well with Unit tests and it’s actually flaky at this point of time, but speeds things up.

$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug -Pkotlin.incremental=true


Auto-download missing Android SDK packages on remote machine
