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Enable captcha support

Obihörnchen edited this page Jan 15, 2017 · 7 revisions

There are 2 ways to enable captcha support.

  1. Search PokemonGo-Map workerstatus DB for accounts which triggered a captcha
  2. Use 2captcha API to get amount of solved captchas

1. Enable captcha support

First edit your variable.json to activate captcha graph on Dashbord ( "captcha_support":true ) This entry will add the captcha graph and will query the database when cron run to see how many accounts are stuck behind captchas.

2. Enable 2captcha support

First of all do 1. as well. If you use 2captcha API you need to activate captchas and set your API key in /core/json/variable.secret.json by setting "captcha_key" : "Your2CaptchaAPIKey" '''BE SURE TO PROTECT THIS FILE FROM OUTSIDE !!!!(.htaccess or any other solution)''' If your captcha.stats.json file is empty the cron script will query the last 7 days.

Add CRONTAB captcha file

To create the captcha graph our crontab script we'll need to create a JSON file (captcha.stas.json) with all datas. This file will be added in core/json/ so ensure your crontab user can read/write in the directory.


see Add Dashboard page