- All folders within the clients follow the kebab-case naming convention. This means folder names are lowercase with words separated by hyphens ("-").
- All folders within the programs follow the snakecase naming convention. This means folder names are lowercase with words separated by underscores ("").
- Component files within the project follow the TitleCase naming convention. This means that the first letter of each word in the filename is capitalized, and there are no spaces or special characters. For example:
- Helper files within the project follow the lowercase naming convention. This includes files such as index files, types files, and utility files. For example:
- clients/
- Contains all RWA typescript sdk code.
- programs/
- Contains all programs deployed on the solana blockchain.
To maintain consistency across the project, please adhere to the following naming conventions when creating new folders and files. This helps keep the project organized and makes it easier for team members to navigate and understand the codebase.