| null, flatText?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentAccordionItemsFlatText', category?: string | null, content?: string | null, width?: Enum_Componentaccordionitemsflattext_Width | null, align?: Enum_Componentaccordionitemsflattext_Align | null, moreLinkTitle?: string | null, moreLinkUrl?: string | null, moreLinkPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, title?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, institutionsNarrow?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentAccordionItemsInstitutionNarrow', title?: string | null, subtitle?: string | null, category?: string | null, url?: string | null, urlLabel?: string | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsArticlesList', title?: string | null, filtering?: boolean | null, category?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 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null, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: 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null, desc?: string | null, icon?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsIframe', url: string, iframeWidth: Enum_Componentsectionsiframe_Iframewidth, iframeHeight: string, fullHeight: boolean, allowFullscreen: boolean, css?: string | null, allowGeolocation?: boolean | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsLinks', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, pageLinks?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsListItems', title?: string | null, 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__typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, alternativeText?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsVideos', id: string, title?: string | null, subtitle?: string | null, videos?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksVideo', id: string, title?: string | null, speaker?: string | null, url?: string | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsWaves', position?: Enum_Componentsectionswaves_Position | null, isRich?: boolean | null } | { __typename: 'Error' } | null> | null, localizations?: { __typename?: 'PageRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null }> } | null, pageHeaderSections?: Array<{ __typename: 'ComponentSectionsFeaturedBlogPosts', id: string, first_blog?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, tag?: { __typename?: 'TagEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TagEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Tag', pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, shortTitle?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, second_blog?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { 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accessibilityLink?: { __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, footerSections?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksFooterSection', title?: string | null, pageLinks?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null } | null } | null, mainMenu?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { 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-export type VznDetailQueryVariables = Exact<{
- id: Scalars['ID'];
-export type VznDetailQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', vzn?: { __typename?: 'VznEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vzn', title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null } | null } | null };
export type GeneralPageFragment = { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, title?: string | null, pageColor?: Enum_Page_Pagecolor | null, metaDiscription?: string | null, locale?: string | null, pageBackgroundImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, pageButtonContent?: { __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksBlogPostLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null } | null, sections?: Array<{ __typename: 'ComponentSectionsAccordion', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, institutions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentAccordionItemsInstitution', title?: string | null, subtitle?: string | null, category?: string | null, firstColumn?: string | null, secondColumn?: string | null, thirdColumn?: string | null, url?: string | null, urlLabel?: string | null } | null> | null, flatText?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentAccordionItemsFlatText', category?: string | null, content?: string | null, width?: Enum_Componentaccordionitemsflattext_Width | null, align?: Enum_Componentaccordionitemsflattext_Align | null, moreLinkTitle?: string | null, moreLinkUrl?: string | null, moreLinkPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, title?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, institutionsNarrow?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentAccordionItemsInstitutionNarrow', title?: string | null, subtitle?: string | null, category?: string | null, url?: string | null, urlLabel?: string | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsArticlesList', title?: string | null, filtering?: boolean | null, category?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', title?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsCalculator', hasBackground?: boolean | null, single_adult_value?: number | null, another_adult_value?: number | null, child_value?: number | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsColumnedText', hasBackground?: boolean | null, content?: string | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsContact', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, description?: string | null, phone?: string | null, phoneLabel?: string | null, email?: string | null, emailLabel?: string | null, address?: string | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsDivider', hasBackground?: boolean | null, style?: Enum_Componentsectionsdivider_Style | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsDocumentList', vzns?: { __typename?: 'VznRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vzn', category?: Enum_Vzn_Category | null, details?: string | null, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null, consolidatedText?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsFileList', hasBackground?: boolean | null, fileList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksFile', title?: string | null, category?: string | null, media?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, createdAt?: any | null, size: number, ext?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsIconTitleDesc', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, list?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksIconWithTitleAndDescription', title?: string | null, desc?: string | null, icon?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsIframe', url: string, iframeWidth: Enum_Componentsectionsiframe_Iframewidth, iframeHeight: string, fullHeight: boolean, allowFullscreen: boolean, css?: string | null, allowGeolocation?: boolean | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsLinks', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, pageLinks?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsListItems', title?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, listItems?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksListItem', content?: string | null, moreLinkTitle?: string | null, moreLinkUrl?: string | null, circleOption?: Enum_Componentblockslistitem_Circleoption | null, moreLinkPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', locale?: string | null, slug?: string | null, title?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsNarrowText', hasBackground?: boolean | null, content?: string | null, width?: Enum_Componentsectionsnarrowtext_Width | null, align?: Enum_Componentsectionsnarrowtext_Align | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsNewsletter' } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsNumericalList', id: string, title?: string | null, variant?: Enum_Componentsectionsnumericallist_Variant | null, buttonText?: string | null, buttonLink?: string | null, hasBackground?: boolean | null, items?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksNumericalListItem', text?: string | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsOrganizationalStructure', id: string, title?: string | null, items?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentOsItemsAdvancedAccordionItem', title?: string | null, departments?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentOsItemsAdvancedAccordionDepartment', title?: string | null, items?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentOsItemsAdvancedAccordionSubItem', isGroupTitle?: boolean | null, title?: string | null, items?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentOsItemsAdvancedAccordionSubSubItem', title?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsSpace' } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsTextWithImage', hasBackground?: boolean | null, content?: string | null, imagePosition?: Enum_Componentsectionstextwithimage_Imageposition | null, imageShadow?: boolean | null, imageSrc?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, alternativeText?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsVideos', id: string, title?: string | null, subtitle?: string | null, videos?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksVideo', id: string, title?: string | null, speaker?: string | null, url?: string | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsWaves', position?: Enum_Componentsectionswaves_Position | null, isRich?: boolean | null } | { __typename: 'Error' } | null> | null, localizations?: { __typename?: 'PageRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null }> } | null, pageHeaderSections?: Array<{ __typename: 'ComponentSectionsFeaturedBlogPosts', id: string, first_blog?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, tag?: { __typename?: 'TagEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TagEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Tag', pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, shortTitle?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, second_blog?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, tag?: { __typename?: 'TagEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TagEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Tag', pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, shortTitle?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, third_blog?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, tag?: { __typename?: 'TagEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TagEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Tag', pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, shortTitle?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | { __typename: 'ComponentSectionsSubpageList', id: string, subpageList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | { __typename: 'Error' } | null> | null, parentPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null, title?: string | null, parentPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null, title?: string | null, parentPage?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null, title?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', title?: string | null, color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> };
export type BlogSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'BlogPostEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'BlogPost', title?: string | null, publishedAt?: any | null, slug?: string | null, coverImage?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string } | null } | null } | null, tag?: { __typename?: 'TagEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TagEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Tag', pageCategory?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, shortTitle?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null };
@@ -3295,6 +3288,33 @@ type Sections_Error_Fragment = { __typename: 'Error' };
export type SectionsFragment = Sections_ComponentSectionsAccordion_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsArticlesList_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsCalculator_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsColumnedText_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsContact_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsDivider_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsDocumentList_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsFileList_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsIconTitleDesc_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsIframe_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsLinks_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsListItems_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsNarrowText_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsNewsletter_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsNumericalList_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsOrganizationalStructure_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsSpace_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsTextWithImage_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsVideos_Fragment | Sections_ComponentSectionsWaves_Fragment | Sections_Error_Fragment;
+export type VznStaticPathsQueryVariables = Exact<{
+ page?: InputMaybe
+ limit?: InputMaybe;
+export type VznStaticPathsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', vzns?: { __typename?: 'VznEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null }> } | null };
+export type VznByIdQueryVariables = Exact<{
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+ locale: Scalars['I18NLocaleCode'];
+export type VznByIdQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', vzn?: { __typename?: 'VznEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vzn', title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, details?: string | null, category?: Enum_Vzn_Category | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, consolidatedText?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null } | null } | null, footer?: { __typename?: 'FooterEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'FooterEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Footer', address?: string | null, copyright?: string | null, email?: string | null, facebookUrl?: string | null, instagramUrl?: string | null, phone?: string | null, youtubeUrl?: string | null, accessibilityLink?: { __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, footerSections?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksFooterSection', title?: string | null, pageLinks?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null } | null } | null, mainMenu?: { __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageCategoryEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageCategory', title?: string | null, color?: Enum_Pagecategory_Color | null, icon?: Enum_Pagecategory_Icon | null, iconHover?: Enum_Pagecategory_Iconhover | null, priority?: number | null, subcategories?: { __typename?: 'PageSubcategoryRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PageSubcategoryEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'PageSubcategory', title?: string | null, priority?: number | null, icon?: Enum_Pagesubcategory_Icon | null, moreLink?: { __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null, pages?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksPageLink', title?: string | null, url?: string | null, anchor?: string | null, page?: { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PageEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Page', title?: string | null, slug?: string | null, locale?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null }> } | null } | null }> } | null };
+export type VznDetailQueryVariables = Exact<{
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+export type VznDetailQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', vzn?: { __typename?: 'VznEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vzn', title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, details?: string | null, category?: Enum_Vzn_Category | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, consolidatedText?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null } | null } | null };
+export type VznDocumentEntityFragment = { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null };
+export type VznEntityFragment = { __typename?: 'VznEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vzn', title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, details?: string | null, category?: Enum_Vzn_Category | null, mainDocument?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, consolidatedText?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, amedmentDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, cancellationDocument?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ComponentBlocksDocListExtensions', id: string, title?: string | null, validFrom?: any | null, document?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UploadFile', url: string, size: number, ext?: string | null, createdAt?: any | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null };
export const LatestBlogsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment LatestBlogs on BlogPostEntityResponseCollection {
data {
@@ -3949,6 +3969,59 @@ export const MainMenuItemFragmentDoc = gql`
+export const VznDocumentEntityFragmentDoc = gql`
+ fragment VznDocumentEntity on UploadFileEntity {
+ id
+ attributes {
+ url
+ size
+ ext
+ createdAt
+ name
+ }
+ `;
+export const VznEntityFragmentDoc = gql`
+ fragment VznEntity on VznEntity {
+ id
+ attributes {
+ title
+ validFrom
+ details
+ category
+ mainDocument {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ consolidatedText {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ amedmentDocument {
+ id
+ title
+ validFrom
+ document {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cancellationDocument {
+ id
+ title
+ validFrom
+ document {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ${VznDocumentEntityFragmentDoc}`;
export const BlogPostBySlugDocument = gql`
query BlogPostBySlug($slug: String!, $locale: I18NLocaleCode!) {
blogPosts(filters: {slug: {eq: $slug}}, locale: $locale) {
@@ -4207,57 +4280,41 @@ export const PageBySlugDocument = gql`
+export const VznStaticPathsDocument = gql`
+ query VznStaticPaths($page: Int, $limit: Int) {
+ vzns(pagination: {page: $page, pageSize: $limit}) {
+ data {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+export const VznByIdDocument = gql`
+ query VznById($id: ID!, $locale: I18NLocaleCode!) {
+ vzn(id: $id) {
+ data {
+ ...VznEntity
+ }
+ }
+ footer(locale: $locale) {
+ ...Footer
+ }
+ mainMenu: pageCategories(locale: $locale) {
+ ...MainMenuItem
+ }
+ ${VznEntityFragmentDoc}
export const VznDetailDocument = gql`
query VznDetail($id: ID!) {
vzn(id: $id) {
data {
- id
- attributes {
- title
- validFrom
- mainDocument {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- cancellationDocument {
- id
- title
- document {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- }
- amedmentDocument {
- id
- title
- document {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ ...VznEntity
- `;
+ ${VznEntityFragmentDoc}`;
export type SdkFunctionWrapper = (action: (requestHeaders?:Record) => Promise, operationName: string, operationType?: string) => Promise;
@@ -4302,6 +4359,12 @@ export function getSdk(client: GraphQLClient, withWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper =
PageBySlug(variables: PageBySlugQueryVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise {
return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request(PageBySlugDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'PageBySlug', 'query');
+ VznStaticPaths(variables?: VznStaticPathsQueryVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise {
+ return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request(VznStaticPathsDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'VznStaticPaths', 'query');
+ },
+ VznById(variables: VznByIdQueryVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise {
+ return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request(VznByIdDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'VznById', 'query');
+ },
VznDetail(variables: VznDetailQueryVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise {
return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request(VznDetailDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'VznDetail', 'query');
diff --git a/next/graphql/queries/Pages.graphql b/next/graphql/queries/Pages.graphql
index 19cac6883..d76bde9e0 100644
--- a/next/graphql/queries/Pages.graphql
+++ b/next/graphql/queries/Pages.graphql
@@ -37,55 +37,7 @@ query PageBySlug($slug: String!, $locale: I18NLocaleCode!) {
-query VznDetail($id: ID!) {
- vzn(id: $id) {
- data {
- id
- attributes {
- title
- validFrom
- mainDocument {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- cancellationDocument {
- id
- title
- document {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- }
- amedmentDocument {
- id
- title
- document {
- data {
- attributes {
- url
- size
- ext
- createdAt
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
fragment GeneralPage on PageEntityResponseCollection {
data {
diff --git a/next/graphql/queries/Vzns.graphql b/next/graphql/queries/Vzns.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..748c4b3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/next/graphql/queries/Vzns.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+query VznStaticPaths($page: Int, $limit: Int) {
+ vzns(pagination: { page: $page, pageSize: $limit }) {
+ data {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+query VznById($id: ID!, $locale: I18NLocaleCode!) {
+ vzn(id: $id) {
+ data {
+ ...VznEntity
+ }
+ }
+ footer(locale: $locale) {
+ ...Footer
+ }
+ mainMenu: pageCategories(locale: $locale) {
+ ...MainMenuItem
+ }
+query VznDetail($id: ID!) {
+ vzn(id: $id) {
+ data {
+ ...VznEntity
+ }
+ }
+fragment VznDocumentEntity on UploadFileEntity {
+ id
+ attributes {
+ url
+ size
+ ext
+ createdAt
+ name
+ }
+fragment VznEntity on VznEntity {
+ id
+ attributes {
+ title
+ validFrom
+ details
+ category
+ mainDocument {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ consolidatedText {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ amedmentDocument {
+ id
+ title
+ validFrom
+ document {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cancellationDocument {
+ id
+ title
+ validFrom
+ document {
+ data {
+ ...VznDocumentEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/next/pages/vzn/[slug].tsx b/next/pages/vzn/[slug].tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..061d2d99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/next/pages/vzn/[slug].tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */
+import {
+ MainMenuItemFragment,
+ VznByIdQuery,
+ VznDocumentEntityFragment,
+ VznEntityFragment,
+} from '@bratislava/strapi-sdk-homepage'
+import { FileCard, PageHeader, SectionContainer } from '@bratislava/ui-bratislava'
+import { paginationObj } from '@utils/constants'
+import { client } from '@utils/gql'
+import { getNumericLocalDate } from '@utils/local-date'
+import { pageStyle, parseFooter, parseMainMenu } from '@utils/page'
+import { isPresent, shouldSkipStaticPaths } from '@utils/utils'
+import { GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps } from 'next'
+import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next'
+import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations'
+import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'node:querystring'
+import * as React from 'react'
+import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
+import BasePageLayout from '../../components/layouts/BasePageLayout'
+import PageWrapper from '../../components/layouts/PageWrapper'
+export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
+ let paths: { params: { slug: string } }[] = []
+ if (shouldSkipStaticPaths()) return { paths, fallback: 'blocking' }
+ let defaultStart: number = paginationObj.defaultPage
+ // Fetch all pages to prerender
+ const allVzns = []
+ while (defaultStart !== 0) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
+ const { vzns } = await client.VznStaticPaths({
+ page: defaultStart,
+ limit: paginationObj.maxLimit,
+ })
+ if (vzns) {
+ allVzns.push(...vzns.data)
+ }
+ if (vzns?.data.length === 0) {
+ defaultStart = 0
+ break
+ }
+ defaultStart += 1
+ }
+ if (allVzns) {
+ paths = allVzns
+ .map(({ id }) => {
+ if (id)
+ return {
+ params: {
+ slug: id,
+ },
+ }
+ return null
+ })
+ .filter(isPresent)
+ }
+ console.log(`GENERATED STATIC PATHS FOR ${paths.length} SLUGS`)
+ return { paths, fallback: 'blocking' }
+interface StaticParams extends ParsedUrlQuery {
+ slug: string
+export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (ctx) => {
+ console.log(`Revalidating ${ctx}`)
+ const locale = ctx.locale ?? 'sk'
+ const slug = ctx.params?.slug ?? ''
+ const { vzn, footer, mainMenu } = await client.VznById({ id: slug, locale })
+ if (!vzn?.data) {
+ return {
+ notFound: true,
+ } as const
+ }
+ return {
+ props: {
+ id: slug,
+ vzn: vzn.data,
+ footer,
+ mainMenu,
+ ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['common'])),
+ },
+ revalidate: 14_400, // revalidate after 4 hours
+ }
+const DocumentSection = ({
+ title,
+ documents,
+}: {
+ title: string
+ documents: ({ titleToDisplay: string } & VznDocumentEntityFragment)[]
+}) => {
+ return (
+ {documents.map((doc) => {
+ return (
+ )
+ })}
+ )
+interface VznPageProps {
+ id: string
+ vzn: VznEntityFragment
+ footer: VznByIdQuery['footer']
+ mainMenu: MainMenuItemFragment | null | undefined
+const VznPage = ({ vzn, footer, mainMenu }: VznPageProps) => {
+ const { t, i18n } = useTranslation()
+ if (!vzn || !vzn.id || !vzn.attributes) {
+ // TODO redirect to 404
+ return null
+ }
+ const {
+ title,
+ details,
+ mainDocument,
+ validFrom,
+ consolidatedText,
+ // The name from Strapi is wrongly in singular and with typo
+ amedmentDocument: amendmentDocuments,
+ // The name from Strapi is wrongly in singular - it should actually be single component,
+ // but it is set to be repeatable component now, so we should use plural name
+ cancellationDocument: cancellationDocuments,
+ } = vzn.attributes
+ return (
+ {/* Header */}
+ {mainDocument && (
+ {/* TODO fix ugly tmp fix
+ * validFrom is just date, not datetime, but getNumericLocalDate takes datetime,
+ * so ISO string missing part was added manually
+ */}
+ {getNumericLocalDate(`${validFrom}T12:00Z`)}
+ )}
+ {cancellationDocuments?.length ? (
+ {/* TODO fix ugly tmp fix */}
+ {getNumericLocalDate(`${cancellationDocuments[0]?.validFrom}T12:00Z`)}
+ ) : null}
+ {details && (
+ {details}
+ )}
+ {/* Main Document */}
+ {mainDocument?.data && title && (
+ //
+ )}
+ {consolidatedText?.data && title && (
+ )}
+ {!!amendmentDocuments?.length && (
+ doc?.document?.data && {
+ titleToDisplay: doc.title || doc.document.data.attributes?.name || '',
+ ...doc?.document?.data,
+ },
+ )
+ .filter(isPresent)}
+ />
+ )}
+ {!!cancellationDocuments?.length && (
+ doc?.document?.data && {
+ titleToDisplay: doc.title || doc.document.data.attributes?.name || '',
+ ...doc?.document?.data,
+ },
+ )
+ .filter(isPresent)}
+ />
+ )}
+ )
+export default VznPage