The Social Share Code Libraries project provides source code libraries for writing code that uses sharing on social-media.
All code is released under the permissive BSD-3-Clause License, so you should be able to use it in any of your projects, even if they are not permissively licensed like the BSD-3-Clause License.
This is a sub-project of Social Share URL's, a project for documenting the sharing URL API's of third-party, social-media websites. Check out more about us here :
Online Demo
- Murray Bookchin : Society and Ecology
- : Learn Russian Online
- Remove Spacing : Removing Spaces and Spacing from Your Text
Code Sandbox
Sample Use
my @social_media_names = @{GetSocialMediaSites_WithShareLinks_OrderedByPopularity() || []};
my $social_media_urls = GetSocialMediaSiteLinks_WithShareLinks({
foreach my $social_media_name(@social_media_names) {
my $social_media_url = $social_media_urls->{$social_media_name};
print($social_media_name . ' : ' . $social_media_url . "\n\n");
Library Files