The FHIR server supports the $everything endpoint of the FHIR specification ( This operation is used to retrieve all resources related to the provided resource. The $everything operation internally uses graphs to fetch or delete all the resources. Here are the graphs that $everything uses underneath:
Note - If loading the result of each resource for $everything to node.js takes more than the specified time in MONGO_TIMEOUT (default 2 mins), a error is returned.
It is mandatory to provide id
either in search query parameter or in path parameter.
For example:
- <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient//$everything
- <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/$everything?id=
Sample $everything result for patient
"entry": [
"id": "patient1",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "patient1"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "example",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Account",
"id": "example"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "2354-InAgeCohort",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Observation",
"id": "2354-InAgeCohort"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "person2",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Person",
"id": "person2"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "personTopLevel",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Person",
"id": "personTopLevel"
// <rest of resource fields>
// rest of resources
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "searchset",
"timestamp": "2023-12-20T03:31:07.077Z",
"total": 4,
"link": [
"relation": "self",
"url": "<base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/patient1/$everything"
URL: <base_url>/4_0_0/Practitioner/<practitioner_id>/$everything
Resources returned/deleted: Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization, Location, HealthcareService, InsurancePlan
URL: <base_url>/4_0_0/Organization/<organization_id>/$everything
Resources returned/deleted: Organization, Location, HealthcareService, OrganizationAffiliation
URL: <base_url>/4_0_0/Slot/<slot_id>/$everything
Resources returned/deleted: Slot, Schedule, PractitionerRole, Practitioner
URL: <base_url>/4_0_0/Person/<person_id>/$everything
Resources returned/deleted: Person, Patient, Account, AdverseEvent, AllergyIntolerance, Appointment, AppointmentResponse, Basic, BodyStructure, CarePlan, CareTeam, ChargeItem, Claim, ClaimResponse, ClinicalImpression, Communication, CommunicationRequest, Composition, Condition, Consent, Contract, Coverage, CoverageEligibilityRequest, CoverageEligibilityResponse, DetectedIssue, Device, DeviceRequest, DeviceUseStatement, DiagnosticReport, DocumentManifest, DocumentReference, Encounter, EnrollmentRequest, EpisodeOfCare, ExplanationOfBenefit, FamilyMemberHistory, Flag, Goal, Group, GuidanceResponse, ImagingStudy, Immunization, ImmunizationEvaluation, ImmunizationRecommendation, Invoice, List, MeasureReport, Media, MedicationAdministration, MedicationDispense, MedicationRequest, MedicationStatement, MolecularSequence, NutritionOrder, Observation, Patient, Person, Procedure, Provenance, QuestionnaireResponse, RelatedPerson, RequestGroup, ResearchSubject, RiskAssessment, Schedule, ServiceRequest, Specimen, Subscription, SubscriptionStatus, SubscriptionTopic, SupplyDelivery, SupplyRequest, Task, VisionPrescription
URL: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/<patient_id>/$everything
Resources returned/deleted: Patient, Account, AdverseEvent, AllergyIntolerance, Appointment, AppointmentResponse, Basic, BodyStructure, CarePlan, CareTeam, ChargeItem, Claim, ClaimResponse, ClinicalImpression, Communication, CommunicationRequest, Composition, Condition, Consent, Contract, Coverage, CoverageEligibilityRequest, CoverageEligibilityResponse, DetectedIssue, Device, DeviceRequest, DeviceUseStatement, DiagnosticReport, DocumentManifest, DocumentReference, Encounter, EnrollmentRequest, EpisodeOfCare, ExplanationOfBenefit, FamilyMemberHistory, Flag, Goal, Group, GuidanceResponse, ImagingStudy, Immunization, ImmunizationEvaluation, ImmunizationRecommendation, Invoice, List, MeasureReport, Media, MedicationAdministration, MedicationDispense, MedicationRequest, MedicationStatement, MolecularSequence, NutritionOrder, Observation, Patient, Person, Procedure, Provenance, QuestionnaireResponse, RelatedPerson, RequestGroup, ResearchSubject, RiskAssessment, Schedule, ServiceRequest, Specimen, Subscription, SubscriptionStatus, SubscriptionTopic, SupplyDelivery, SupplyRequest, Task, VisionPrescription
It can be used if data related to more than one resource provided needs to be fetched. If id
search query parameter is passed, then the path parameter is ignored.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/$everything?id=patient1,patient2
By default, the FHIR returns all the related resources in the top level bundle.
However if you pass the contained
search query parameter then the FHIR server will put the related resources in a contained
field under each resource.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient//$everything?contained=true
"entry": [
"id": "patient1",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "patient1",
// <rest of resource fields>
"contained": [
"id": "example",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Account",
"id": "example"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "2354-InAgeCohort",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Observation",
"id": "2354-InAgeCohort"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "person2",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Person",
"id": "person2"
// <rest of resource fields>
"id": "personTopLevel",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Person",
"id": "personTopLevel"
// <rest of resource fields>
// rest of resources
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "searchset",
"timestamp": "2023-12-20T03:31:07.077Z",
"total": 4,
"link": [
"relation": "self",
"url": "<base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/patient1/$everything?contained=true"
The _debug
parameter is used to get debugging information with the result.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient//$everything?_debug=true
The _explain
parameter is used to explain the query made by everything operation. When _explain
parameter is passed, all resources are not returned but one of each type of resource is returned.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Organization//$everything?_explain=true
This parameter can be used to narrow down the result of resources to the provided list of resources.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient//$everything?_type=Person,Account,Observation
When _type
parameter is used then the contained
parameter is ignored.
This parameter is used to find all linked non-clinical resources. It can only be used with Patient and Person resources and in GET request only. Default depth for which linked non-clinical resources can be fetched is 1 and it can be configured using _nonClinicalResourcesDepth
When used along with _type
, the result of only top level resources will be narrowed and it will not affect linked non-clinical resources.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/<patient_id>/$everything?_includeNonClinicalResources=true
This parameter is used to define depth for which linked non-clinical resources needs to be fetched. The parameter is optional with default value of 1. And its maximum value can be 3 as more depth will make request very slow.
For example: <base_url>/4_0_0/Patient/<patient_id>/$everything?_includeNonClinicalResources=true&_nonClinicalResourcesDepth=3