To be able to type styled components you must import from styles/styled-components
instead of styled-components
directly. Exports are explicitly typed.
CSS modules with typescript require slightly more work than regular CSS. Details are here: TL;DR version, if you want to use CSS modules, in internals/webpack/webpack.base.babel.js:L47 replace
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],
use: [
loader: 'typings-for-css-modules-loader',
options: {
modules: true,
namedExport: true
To tell webpack to ignore the generated css.d.ts files, add the following to the plugins section on line 132
new webpack.WatchIgnorePlugin([/css\.d\.ts$/]),
is removed and state is held with normal js objects. Typescript provides compile-time immutability with readonly
interfaces. Type-safety with immer
is unnecessarily complicated in this case.
with a parallel type checker is used to maximize the typescript transpiling speed and then babel-loader is applied to transpile to es5.
This is NOT a super strictly typed code. Type-safety logic can easily be generalized to make everything super type-safe.