All Notable changes to laravel-backup
will be documented in this file
- Fix tests
- Added option to specify the timeout of the mysqldump command
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect backup filename would be displayed
- Changed github repo location
- Add option to enable mysqldump's extended insert
- Fixed a bug that caused a failure when backing up a large db
- Fixed a bug where the backups would not be stored in the right directory
- Add options to specifify a suffix and a prefix for the backup-zip-file
- Add support for laravel installation that have seperate hosts for reading a writing a db
- Fixes issues where not the whole db gets backed up when not using a socket
2.2.0 (Warning: this version contains a critical bug that could cause an incomplete backup of the database. This issue has been fixed in version 2.2.1)
- Add support for custom sockets
- Package is now compatible with php 5.4
- Fixed a bug where the specified path in the config file is not respected during clean up
- Added a command to clean up old backups
- Added an option to only backup the db
- Fixed a bug that caused dot files not being included in the backup
- Moved orchestra/testbench to dev-dependencies
- Fixed a security issue where, on shared hosting environments, the username and password show up in the processlist
- Fixed a bug that caused excluded files to still end up in the backup
- Added an exception when the database dump returns an empty string
- Added support to backup directories and individual files
- Configuration file changed
- Refactored all classes
- Added support to backup to multiple filesystems at once
- Added support for L5's filesystem service
- Initial release