Consider the class org.pg4200.ex08.ComputationExampleTraditional
, with
passing test cases in org.pg4200.ex08.ComputationExampleTraditionalTest
You need to implement the same functionality, but by using only streams
and lambdas
In particular, develop a class called ComputationExampleStream
implements the interface org.pg4200.ex08.ComputationExample
The implemented method should start with return
end with .collect(Collectors.toList());
You need to use the right methods in between, like for example
, map
, flatMap
and distinct
Write a test class ComputationExampleStreamTest
that extends
If your implementation is correct, all tests should pass.
Consider the interface org.pg4200.ex08.AnotherStream
, which defines a series of
new stream and terminal operators.
Implement a class called AnotherStreamList
that extends MyIterableLinkedList
that has the following method:
public AnotherStream<T> stream()
When implementing AnotherStreamList
, you can reuse code parts from MyStreamSupport
For example, the count()
terminal operation has some similarities with collectToList()
in which you will need to implement your own Consumer
to count the number of elements
that go through the stream.
Pay particular attention at sorted()
, as it would need to read the whole incoming stream
before being able to return a new stream object.
Write a test class AnotherStreamTest
to verify that your implementation of AnotherStream
is correct.
Consider the interface org.pg4200.ex08.ExtendedList
, which defines the same kind
of stream and terminal operations seen in class.
However, instead of using streams, the operations create new list instances.
Write a class ExtendedListImpl
that extends MyArrayList
and implements ExtendedList
Write a test class ExtendedListImplTest
extends org.pg4200.ex08.ExtendedListTestTemplate
If your implementation is correct, all tests should pass.
After doing this exercise, ponder on why we need streams.
For example, if we were using only ExtendedList
, what would be the performance drawbacks
of chaining calls?
Study the source code of MyStreamSupport
Once you think you fully understand it, write its implementation
on paper (e.g., using a pen), without looking at the source code.
Once done, compare what you wrote with the actual implementation.
Consider a collection of diploma projects belonging to students in the University. Each project has a title and a list of authors. Each author is a Student, that has a name, a diploma project they participate in, and a list of courses they have taken in their studies (with an associated numerical grade, between 0 and 5, where 0 is failed).
The task is, starting from a collection of diploma projects and using streams: Get a list (ArrayList) of diploma project titles, from those students that have taken a given course ] (identified by courseId, for example “pg4200”), and that have passed that course with at least a grade of 2 (see numerical grade mentioned above). Since several students may contribute to a given diploma project, make sure each title only appears once.
To make things slightly easier, the class PartETest
contains a couple of methods
to generate diploma projects, courses, and students, to allow you to test your code.
Solutions to this exercise can be found in the solutions
module, under the org.pg4200.sol08