3. Send the request to access protected resources.
4. Handle token expiration by refreshing or obtaining a new token.",
+ "flows" : {
+ "clientCredentials" : {
+ "tokenUrl" : "/rest/v2/oauth/token"
+ },
+ "authorizationCode" : {
+ "authorizationUrl" : "/rest/v2/oauth/authorize",
+ "tokenUrl" : "/rest/v2/oauth/token",
+ "refreshUrl" : "/rest/v2/oauth/token"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "jsonSchemaDialect" : "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db74ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/definitions/r93/openapi.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5539 @@
+openapi: 3.1.0
+ title: BlueConic REST API v2
+ description: "Welcome to the [BlueConic](https://www.blueconic.com) REST API v2.\
+ \ Our recently updated APIs offer access to a wealth of resources to interact\
+ \ with BlueConic visitor profiles, segments, interactions, and audit events via\
+ \ OpenAPI and OAuth 2.0 authorization flows making the interconnection between\
+ \ various services more secure, intuitive, and reliable than ever before.\n\n\
+ This page describes how developers can use OAuth 2.0, the industry-standard protocol\
+ \ for authorization, to authorize apps in BlueConic and get started using the\
+ \ BlueConic REST API v2.\n\nLearn more about [how to use the BlueConic REST API\
+ \ v2](https://support.blueconic.com/hc/en-us/articles/200453891-Using-the-BlueConic-REST-API).\n\
+ \n# Authorizing an application to use the BlueConic REST API via OAuth 2.0\n\n\
+ If you have an external software application that needs to communicate with BlueConic,\
+ \ you need to allow access to the BlueConic REST API. The authorization process\
+ \ in BlueConic for this access is built to OAuth 2.0 specifications. You can use\
+ \ either of two authorization flows: the authorization code flow and the client\
+ \ credentials flow. The most secure flow is the authorization code flow, intended\
+ \ for use with a user who can log in to BlueConic and authenticate the application\
+ \ to use the BlueConic API. The client credentials flow is easier to implement\
+ \ but lacks security features present in the authorization code flow. The client\
+ \ credentials flow is intended for machine-to-machine applications. \n\n## Using\
+ \ the Authorization code flow\n\nTo use the BlueConic REST API with OAuth 2.0\
+ \ according to the authorization code flow you need to complete the following\
+ \ steps:\n\n1. Configure BlueConic so your external OAuth 2.0 application can\
+ \ authenticate and use the REST API. This means that you have to:\n - Have\
+ \ a BlueConic user with the \"Applications\" permission. This user can configure\
+ \ the details of the external application in BlueConic.\n - Have a BlueConic\
+ \ user with the \"Authorize Applications\" permission. This user can authorize\
+ \ the external application via the redirect page served by the authorization server.\n\
+ \ - Configure the external application on the BlueConic Access management >\
+ \ Applications tab, so BlueConic can store public client ID and the client secret.\
+ \ The external app uses these properties to perform the initial request for an\
+ \ authorization code.\n\n\n2. Develop an application that can execute OAuth 2.0\
+ \ REST API requests. Specifically, that means an application that is able to:\n\
+ \ - Generate a code verifier and code challenge.\n - Store the public client\
+ \ ID and client secret as configured in BlueConic (see step 1). \n - Request\
+ \ an authorization code from the BlueConic authorization server. Include the code\
+ \ challenge in the request. \n - Show the user the redirect page served by\
+ \ the BlueConic authorization server, so the user can authenticate with credentials\
+ \ and consent to giving the application BlueConic REST API access.\n - Receive\
+ \ the authorization code from the BlueConic authorization server.\n - Use the\
+ \ authorization code to request an access token (and refresh token) from the BlueConic\
+ \ authorization server. Include the code verifier in the request. You must also\
+ \ provide the client ID and client secret for client authentication. You can do\
+ \ so by sending the client credentials in the body of your POST request.\n \
+ \ - Use the access token to perform REST API requests. \n - Revoke access if\
+ \ the user of the app so chooses (meaning that after this revocation, a new authorization\
+ \ grant is required to use the BlueConic REST API).\n - Handle refresh token\
+ \ rotation. This means that whenever a new access token is requested using the\
+ \ refresh token, a new refresh token is also supplied along with the new access\
+ \ token.\n - Handle all possible responses from the BlueConic REST API appropriately.\n\
+ \n[Read more about the Authorization Code Flow](https://support.blueconic.com/hc/en-us/articles/14912561861403)\n\
+ \n## Using the Client credentials flow\n\nTo make use of the BlueConic REST API\
+ \ with OAuth 2.0 following the client credentials flow, you need to complete the\
+ \ following steps:\n\n1. Configure BlueConic so your external OAuth 2.0 application\
+ \ can use the REST API. This means that you have to:\n - Have a user with the\
+ \ \"Applications\" permission. This user can configure the details of the external\
+ \ application in BlueConic.\n - Have a user with the \"Authorize Applications\"\
+ \ permission, who also has all permissions needed to use the REST API endpoint\
+ \ that you intend to use.\n - Configure the external application on the Access\
+ \ management > Applications tab, so BlueConic can generate and store the public\
+ \ client ID and client secret for client authentication. Also select at least\
+ \ one scope so the app has access to that part of the REST API.\n \n2. Develop\
+ \ an application that can execute OAuth 2.0 REST API requests. Specifically that\
+ \ means an application that is able to:\n - Store the public client ID and\
+ \ client secret as configured in BlueConic (see above).\n - Use the client\
+ \ ID and client secret to request an access token from the BlueConic authorization\
+ \ server. You can do so by sending the client credentials in the body of your\
+ \ POST request.\n - Use the access token to perform REST API requests.\n \
+ \ - Handle all possible responses from the BlueConic REST API appropriately.\n\
+ \n[Read more about the Client Credentials Flow](https://support.blueconic.com/hc/en-us/articles/14912655111963)\n\
+ \n# Using the try-out feature\nThe “Try” feature allows you to directly make REST\
+ \ calls to the API server, where you can make requests and see the responses,\
+ \ allowing you to experiment with the BlueConic API and understand how it works.\n\
+ \nYou can enter your BlueConic URL in the “API Servers” section. After that, you\
+ \ can try out the calls that don’t require authentication, such as “Get interactions”\
+ . You can enter the request parameters and click “Try”.\n\n## OAuth 2.0 authentication\n\
+ \nMost calls require OAuth 2.0 authentication, such as “Get audit events”. This\
+ \ can be seen at the right top and under the Request heading of each API method.\
+ \ To use the “Try” feature, you need to authenticate via OAuth 2.0. First create\
+ \ an Application in your BlueConic tenant (see above). When using the Authorization\
+ \ code flow, make sure to set the redirect URL to this tool as specified under\
+ \ the OAuth 2.0 authentication section. After you create the Application, authenticate\
+ \ this tool in the “Authentication” section. Enter the client ID and client secret\
+ \ in the correct OAuth 2.0 flow for which you created the application and press\
+ \ “GET TOKEN”. If the tool got a token successfully, you will see the text “API\
+ \ key applied” just under the “Authentication” heading. In calls that require\
+ \ Authentication, it will say “OAuth (OAuth 2.0) in header”. Now you can use the\
+ \ “Try” feature for calls that require OAuth 2.0. If you hover over the authentication\
+ \ scheme at the top right of an API method, you will see the required scopes (e.g.\
+ \ “Get audit events” has the scope read:audit-events). Make sure you set these\
+ \ scopes for the Application in BlueConic.\n\n# General functionality for all\
+ \ endpoints\n\n1. By using `prettyPrint`, the JSON data is formatted in a way\
+ \ that makes it easier to read and work with. This can be especially useful when\
+ \ working with large or complex JSON datasets. Add the following to the query\
+ \ string of a request to pretty print JSON: `&prettyPrint=true`.\n2. Gzip encoding\
+ \ is a method of compressing data and is commonly used to reduce the size of files\
+ \ sent over the Internet. BlueConic supports this so a client can set the request\
+ \ header `Accept-Encoding: gzip`. BlueConic will then compress the data in its\
+ \ response and send it back to the client with the `Content-Encoding: gzip` header.\
+ \ \n\n"
+ termsOfService: https://www.blueconic.com/blueconic-terms-and-conditions
+ contact:
+ name: Contact us
+ url: https://support.blueconic.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
+ license:
+ name: BlueConic
+ url: https://github.com/blueconic/openapi/blob/main/LICENSE.MD
+ version: "93.0"
+- url: "https://{blueconicHostname}/rest/v2"
+ description: The BlueConic server
+ variables:
+ blueconicHostname:
+ description: "BlueConic server hostname, e.g. 'tenant.blueconic.net'"
+ default: tenantname
+- name: Audit Events
+ description: "The Audit Event API allows users to connect BlueConic to a SIEM system.\
+ \ We recommend using this API to periodically receive security-related activities\
+ \ based on a rolling window. The API has a 30-day retention period.\n\nThe API\
+ \ logs the following audit events:\n\n| Object | Events \
+ \ \
+ \ |\n|:---------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\
+ | BlueConic hostname | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| BlueConic Support Access\
+ \ | Update (for each change) \
+ \ |\n| Channel | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Clean up rule | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Connection \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete, Manual run, Scheduled run \
+ \ |\n| Dashboard | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Dialogue | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Domain Group \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Group | Read, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Group type | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Ip range \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Language | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Lifecycle | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Merge rule \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Notebook | Create, Update, Delete,\
+ \ Manual run, Scheduled run, Editor run |\n|\
+ \ OAuth application | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| OAuth token \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Objective | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Plugin | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Privacy setting \
+ \ | Update (for each change) \
+ \ |\n| Profile | Read, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Profile property | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Role \
+ \ | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| Segment | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Single Sign On Setting | Update (for each change) \
+ \ |\n| Supported Legislation Zone\
+ \ | Create, Delete, Update \
+ \ |\n| Timeline Event Rollup | Create, Update, Delete\
+ \ |\n\
+ | Tracker | Create, Update, Delete \
+ \ |\n| User \
+ \ | Login, Login failed, Logout, Create, Update, Delete, Password reset requested,\
+ \ Password change |\n\n\nOnly Profile and Group viewed, updated, or deleted by\
+ \ a user from the Profile and Groups tab are logged.\n\nThe following events are\
+ \ not considered as human actions, and therefore not covered in the Platform\n\
+ Audit Event API:\n\n- Connections that import or export profiles.\n- Profile and\
+ \ group creation (Profiles can only be created by a visitor or an import connection).\n\
+ \n**Event data**\n\nThe following event data is available:\n\n| Field \
+ \ | Description | Example values \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ |\n| :--- \
+ \ | :--- |:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\
+ |date|Datetime in UTC when the event occurred. The date is in the https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt\
+ \ format.| 2023-04-15T11:24:01.183Z \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ |\n|username|(BlueConic) Identifier (email address)\
+ \ of the user who did the action.
Value is empty for failed login attempts.|\
+ \ test@blueconic.com \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ |\n|objectType|Object of the action.| - BLUECONIC_HOSTNAME
+ \ |\n|objectId|- Email address in case of a user.
- In the case of\
+ \ LOGIN_FAILED and a user tried to login with an invalid format email address,\
+ \ it could be that the user filled the password in the email address field. In\
+ \ that case the objectId is empty
- Grouptype_GroupID in case\
+ \ of a group
+ \ is the name(s) of the changed setting. E.g. Status, Identity_Provider_Issuer_URL_Entity_ID.
- \
+ \ For BLUECONIC_SUPPORT_ACCESS_SETTING the objectID contains the new settings.
- \
+ \ `\"objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"No Access\", \"id\" : \"none\" } ]` or
- `\"\
+ objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"User name here\", \"id\" : \"user1@blueconic.com\"\
+ \ },{\"name\" : \"User name 2 here\", \"id\" : \"user2@blueconic.com\" }], (contains\
+ \ the new list)` or
- `\"objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"All BlueConic support\
+ \ employees\", \"id\" : \"all\" } ],`
- UUID or identifier in\
+ \ case of other object types.
| - 1b1e50a5-c46a-4309-a95c-d4e19985fbbb
- test@blueconic.com
- test_objective
- test_profile_property
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ \
+ \ |\n|objectName|Human readable name of\
+ \ the object.
For Profiles, the name is determined by the first value that\
+ \ is not empty:
- fullname
- email
- BlueConic ID (UUID)
+ \ Users, the name is determined by the first value that is not empty:
- fullname
- email
- In\
+ \ the case of LOGIN_FAILED and a user tried to login with an invalid format email\
+ \ address, it could be that the user filled the password in the email address\
+ \ field. In that case, the objectName is empty.
For groups, the name\
+ \ is the group id.
+ \ the objectName is the name(s) of the changed setting. E.g. Status, Identity_Provider_Issuer_URL_Entity_ID.
+ \ BLUECONIC_SUPPORT_ACCESS_SETTING the objectName contains the new settings.
+ objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"No Access\", \"id\" : \"none\" } ]` or
`\"objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"User name here\", \"id\" : \"user1@blueconic.com\"\
+ \ },{\"name\" : \"User name 2 here\", \"id\" : \"user2@blueconic.com\" }],` (contains\
+ \ the new list) or
`\"objects\" : [ {\"name\" : \"All BlueConic\
+ \ support employees\", \"id\" : \"all\" } ],`