- Author: Mystiz
- Categories: crypto
- Stars: ★★★☆☆
- Points: 275
- Solves: 1 (Secondary: 0/208, Tertiary: 0/124, Open: 1/107, Invited: 0/12)
Mystiz 同學有啲廢。佢想用 batch 嚟寫 AES,但係佢無諗過佢根本唔識寫 batch script。
總而言之,佢決定放棄,將已經有嘅檔案都 upload 咗上嚟。由於呢個系統係建基於 AES,佢嘅安全性應該同 AES 差唔多掛?
Mystiz can't code! He wanted to implement Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in batch but he couldn't do it correctly.
Anyway, he decided to give up and uploads what he has for now. Since this is implemented based on AES, it should be almost as secure as AES as well?
Attachment: mystiz-cant-code_414bdcf98c8814b43d575d7aaae2876a.zip