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Serus VM

Welcome to my register-based virtual machine project!
This is a personal project aimed at deepening my understanding of virtual machines, programming language implementations, and Rust.

Happy coding! 🚀


  • Integration Tests

  • Write tests that take in and run an example file of instructions and asserts the state of the VM

  • Start REPL for better testing

  • Lexer and Parser

  • Error handling - Lexer and Parser should return Result<T,E>

  • Error reporting - Lexer and Parser should keep track of line and colum for better error reporting

  • Refactor out AssemblerToken - Creates too much complexity, has to be simpler way

  • Write short documentation about Lexer and Parser implementation

  • Parse should handle Directives and Labels

  • Lexer should handle Directives and Labels

  • Assembler

  • Better define grammar and rules for assembly to make it easier to implement correct ruleset

  • Declare const strings in Read only data section

  • Add ability to store values on the heap

  • Correct and update grammer for consts and sections

  • Define grammar for Directives and Labels



Every Instruction is 4 bytes, where the first byte is the Opcode, the next 3 bytes are for the operands. For instructions that have a "result" the second byte is the register to store the result.

  • RR = Result register
  • IO = integer operand
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 2 bytes
LOAD RR Operand

# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
ADD RR IO IO # Adds number in first IO to number in second IO and stores result in RR

# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
DIV RR IO IO # Divides number in first IO with number in second IO and stores result in RR

# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
MUL RR IO IO # Multiplies number in first IO with number in second IO and stores result in RR

# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
SUB RR IO IO # Subtracks number in first IO from number in second IO and stores result in RR

Bytecode Format

  • Byte 0-4: Magic number
  • Byte 5: Version number
  • Byte 6-63: Header section
  • Byte 64-71: Code Start section (This will point to at what byte the code section start)
  • Byte 72-199: Data section


Lexing and Parsing

  • The lexer goes over all the source code and turns it into Tokens, lexer needs better error handling.
  • Parser groups Tokens into instructions. It also filter out LabelDeclarations to later be used to build up a symboltable


EBNF representation of the grammar for the assembler

Program             ::= { LabelDeclaration | Instruction | Directive } .
LabelDeclaration    ::= identifier ":" .
Instruction         ::= opcode [LabelRef] | [operand] .
Directive           ::= "." identifier [operand] .

LabelRef            ::= "@" identifier ":" .
identifier          ::= letter { letter | digit } .
letter              ::= "a" | "b" | ... | "z" | "A" | "B" | ... | "Z" .
digit               ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9" .
opcode              ::= "LOAD" | "ADD" | "DIV" | "MUL" | "SUB" | "HLT"
                        | "JMP" | "JMPB" | "JMPF" | "EQ" | "NEQ" | "GT"
                        | "LT" | "GTQ" | "LTQ" | "JEQ" | "JNEQ" | "ALOC"
                        | "INC" | "DEC" | "IGL" .
operand             ::= register | number | string .

register            ::= "$" (identifier | number) .
number              ::= "#" digit { digit } .
string              ::= "\"" {character} "\"" .

character           ::= letter | digit | special_character .
special_character   ::= " " | "!" | "#" | ... | "~" .

test1: LOAD $0 #100 // LabelDeclaration, Opcode, register, number
DJMP @test1 // Opcode, LabelRef
my_string: .asciiz "Hello world" // LabelDeclaration, Directive, string
LOAD $1 #10 // Opcode, register, number


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