Welcome to my register-based virtual machine project!
This is a personal project aimed at deepening my understanding of virtual machines, programming language implementations, and Rust.
Happy coding! 🚀
Integration Tests
Write tests that take in and run an example file of instructions and asserts the state of the VM
Start REPL for better testing
Lexer and Parser
Error handling - Lexer and Parser should return Result<T,E>
Error reporting - Lexer and Parser should keep track of line and colum for better error reporting
Refactor out AssemblerToken - Creates too much complexity, has to be simpler way
Write short documentation about Lexer and Parser implementation
Parse should handle Directives and Labels
Lexer should handle Directives and Labels
Better define grammar and rules for assembly to make it easier to implement correct ruleset
Declare const strings in Read only data section
Add ability to store values on the heap
Correct and update grammer for consts and sections
Define grammar for Directives and Labels
Every Instruction is 4 bytes, where the first byte is the Opcode
, the next 3 bytes are for the operands.
For instructions that have a "result" the second byte is the register to store the result.
- RR = Result register
- IO = integer operand
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 2 bytes
LOAD RR Operand
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
ADD RR IO IO # Adds number in first IO to number in second IO and stores result in RR
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
DIV RR IO IO # Divides number in first IO with number in second IO and stores result in RR
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
MUL RR IO IO # Multiplies number in first IO with number in second IO and stores result in RR
# 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte
SUB RR IO IO # Subtracks number in first IO from number in second IO and stores result in RR
- Byte 0-4: Magic number
- Byte 5: Version number
- Byte 6-63: Header section
- Byte 64-71: Code Start section (This will point to at what byte the code section start)
- Byte 72-199: Data section
- The lexer goes over all the source code and turns it into Tokens, lexer needs better error handling.
- Parser groups Tokens into instructions. It also filter out LabelDeclarations to later be used to build up a symboltable
EBNF representation of the grammar for the assembler
Program ::= { LabelDeclaration | Instruction | Directive } .
LabelDeclaration ::= identifier ":" .
Instruction ::= opcode [LabelRef] | [operand] .
Directive ::= "." identifier [operand] .
LabelRef ::= "@" identifier ":" .
identifier ::= letter { letter | digit } .
letter ::= "a" | "b" | ... | "z" | "A" | "B" | ... | "Z" .
digit ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9" .
opcode ::= "LOAD" | "ADD" | "DIV" | "MUL" | "SUB" | "HLT"
| "JMP" | "JMPB" | "JMPF" | "EQ" | "NEQ" | "GT"
| "LT" | "GTQ" | "LTQ" | "JEQ" | "JNEQ" | "ALOC"
| "INC" | "DEC" | "IGL" .
operand ::= register | number | string .
register ::= "$" (identifier | number) .
number ::= "#" digit { digit } .
string ::= "\"" {character} "\"" .
character ::= letter | digit | special_character .
special_character ::= " " | "!" | "#" | ... | "~" .
test1: LOAD $0 #100 // LabelDeclaration, Opcode, register, number
DJMP @test1 // Opcode, LabelRef
my_string: .asciiz "Hello world" // LabelDeclaration, Directive, string
LOAD $1 #10 // Opcode, register, number