# Replication WG meeting minutes

**Date**: 2019/04/03


* Steven Z@VMware (coordinator),
* Wenkai yin@VMware,
* Fanjian kong@Qihoo360,
* Lei Yuan@Huawei,
* De Chen@Caicloud,
* Mingming Pei@Netease,

**Minutes by**: Wenkai Yin

**FC Date: 20th Apr.**
**Finish the adapters and clean up TODO lits: 12th Apr.**

## Updates

Dev progress updates:

* _Frank Kung_:
  * Implementing the adapter for docker registry: 90%
  * Cleaning up the TODO list: 0%
  * Code review: 0%
  * Target of next sync
    * Bug fix and clean up the TODO list
    * Implement the adapter for docker registry
* _De Chen_:
  * Implementing the adapter for docker hub: 50%
  * Cleaning up the TODO list: 0%
  * Code review: 10%
  * Ping registry API
  * Target of next sync
    * Bug fix and clean up the TODO list
    * Implement the adapter for docker hub
* _Wenkai Yin_:
  * Testing the replication basic framework and cleaning up the issues
  * Implementing the adapter for Harbor: 80%
  * Code review: 30%
  * Target of next sync
    * Bug fix and clean up the TODO list
    * Implement the adapter for Harbor
* _Mingming Pei_:
  * Code review: 20%
  * Target of next sync
    * Bug fix and clean up the TODO list
* _Lei Yuan_:
  * Cleaning the TODO list: 0%
  * Code review: 0%
  * Target of next sync
    * Bug fix and clean up the TODO list
    * Implement the adapter for huawei registry