# Error codes for Binance US (2023-03-08) Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary. Here is the error JSON payload: ```javascript { "code":-1121, "msg":"Invalid symbol." } ``` ## 10xx - General Server or Network issues #### -1000 UNKNOWN * An unknown error occurred while processing the request. #### -1001 DISCONNECTED * Internal error; unable to process your request. Please try again. #### -1002 UNAUTHORIZED * You are not authorized to execute this request. #### -1003 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS * Too many requests queued. * Too much request weight used; current limit is %s request weight per %s. Please use WebSocket Streams for live updates to avoid polling the API. * Way too much request weight used; IP banned until %s. Please use WebSocket Streams for live updates to avoid bans. #### -1006 UNEXPECTED_RESP * An unexpected response was received from the message bus. Execution status unknown. #### -1007 TIMEOUT * Timeout waiting for response from backend server. Send status unknown; execution status unknown. #### -1008 SERVER_BUSY * Server is currently overloaded with other requests. Please try again in a few minutes. #### -1014 UNKNOWN_ORDER_COMPOSITION * Unsupported order combination. #### -1015 TOO_MANY_ORDERS * Too many new orders. * Too many new orders; current limit is %s orders per %s. #### -1016 SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN * This service is no longer available. #### -1020 UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION * This operation is not supported. #### -1021 INVALID_TIMESTAMP * Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow. * Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time. #### -1022 INVALID_SIGNATURE * Signature for this request is not valid. ## 11xx - Request issues #### -1100 ILLEGAL_CHARS * Illegal characters found in a parameter. * Illegal characters found in parameter '%s'; legal range is '%s'. #### -1101 TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS * Too many parameters sent for this endpoint. * Too many parameters; expected '%s' and received '%s'. * Duplicate values for a parameter detected. #### -1102 MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED * A mandatory parameter was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed. * Mandatory parameter '%s' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed. * Param '%s' or '%s' must be sent, but both were empty/null! #### -1103 UNKNOWN_PARAM * An unknown parameter was sent. #### -1104 UNREAD_PARAMETERS * Not all sent parameters were read. * Not all sent parameters were read; read '%s' parameter(s) but was sent '%s'. #### -1105 PARAM_EMPTY * A parameter was empty. * Parameter '%s' was empty. #### -1106 PARAM_NOT_REQUIRED * A parameter was sent when not required. * Parameter '%s' sent when not required. #### -1108 PARAM_OVERFLOW * Parameter '%s' overflowed. #### -1111 BAD_PRECISION * Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset. #### -1112 NO_DEPTH * No orders on book for symbol. #### -1114 TIF_NOT_REQUIRED * TimeInForce parameter sent when not required. #### -1115 INVALID_TIF * Invalid timeInForce. #### -1116 INVALID_ORDER_TYPE * Invalid orderType. #### -1117 INVALID_SIDE * Invalid side. #### -1118 EMPTY_NEW_CL_ORD_ID * New client order ID was empty. #### -1119 EMPTY_ORG_CL_ORD_ID * Original client order ID was empty. #### -1120 BAD_INTERVAL * Invalid interval. #### -1121 BAD_SYMBOL * Invalid symbol. #### -1125 INVALID_LISTEN_KEY * This listenKey does not exist. #### -1127 MORE_THAN_XX_HOURS * Lookup interval is too big. * More than %s hours between startTime and endTime. #### -1128 OPTIONAL_PARAMS_BAD_COMBO * Combination of optional parameters invalid. #### -1130 INVALID_PARAMETER * Invalid data sent for a parameter. * Data sent for parameter '%s' is not valid. #### -1135 INVALID_JSON * Invalid JSON Request * JSON sent for parameter '%s' is not valid #### -1145 INVALID_CANCEL_RESTRICTIONS * `cancelRestrictions` has to be either `ONLY_NEW` or `ONLY_PARTIALLY_FILLED`. #### -2010 NEW_ORDER_REJECTED * NEW_ORDER_REJECTED #### -2011 CANCEL_REJECTED * CANCEL_REJECTED #### -2013 NO_SUCH_ORDER * Order does not exist. #### -2014 BAD_API_KEY_FMT * API-key format invalid. #### -2015 REJECTED_MBX_KEY * Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. #### -2016 NO_TRADING_WINDOW * No trading window could be found for the symbol. Try ticker/24hrs instead. #### -2026 ORDER_ARCHIVED * Order was canceled or expired with no executed qty over 90 days ago and has been archived. ## Messages for -1010 ERROR_MSG_RECEIVED, -2010 NEW_ORDER_REJECTED, and -2011 CANCEL_REJECTED This code is sent when an error has been returned by the matching engine. The following messages which will indicate the specific error: Error message | Description ------------ | ------------ "Unknown order sent." | The order (by either `orderId`, `clOrdId`, `origClOrdId`) could not be found "Duplicate order sent." | The `clOrdId` is already in use "Market is closed." | The symbol is not trading "Account has insufficient balance for requested action." | Not enough funds to complete the action "Market orders are not supported for this symbol." | `MARKET` is not enabled on the symbol "Iceberg orders are not supported for this symbol." | `icebergQty` is not enabled on the symbol "Stop loss orders are not supported for this symbol." | `STOP_LOSS` is not enabled on the symbol "Stop loss limit orders are not supported for this symbol." | `STOP_LOSS_LIMIT` is not enabled on the symbol "Take profit orders are not supported for this symbol." | `TAKE_PROFIT` is not enabled on the symbol "Take profit limit orders are not supported for this symbol." | `TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT` is not enabled on the symbol "Price * QTY is zero or less." | `price` * `quantity` is too low "IcebergQty exceeds QTY." | `icebergQty` must be less than the order quantity "This action is disabled on this account." | Contact customer support; some actions have been disabled on the account. "Unsupported order combination" | The `orderType`, `timeInForce`, `stopPrice`, and/or `icebergQty` combination isn't allowed. "Order would trigger immediately." | The order's stop price is not valid when compared to the last traded price. "Cancel order is invalid. Check origClOrdId and orderId." | No `origClOrdId` or `orderId` was sent in. "Order would immediately match and take." | `LIMIT_MAKER` order type would immediately match and trade, and not be a pure maker order. "The relationship of the prices for the orders is not correct." | The prices set in the `OCO` is breaking the Price rules. <br> The rules are: <br> `SELL Orders`: Limit Price > Last Price > Stop Price <br>`BUY Orders`: Limit Price < Last Price < Stop Price "OCO orders are not supported for this symbol" | `OCO` is not enabled on the symbol "Quote order qty market orders are not support for this symbol."| `MARKET` orders using the parameter `quoteOrderQty` are not enabled on the symbol. "Trailing stop orders are not supported for this symbol." | Orders using `trailingDelta` are not enabled on the symbol. "Order cancel-replace is not supported for this symbol." | `POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace` is not enabled for the symbol. "This symbol is not permitted for this account." | Account does not have permission to trade on this symbol. "This symbol is restricted for this account." | Account does not have permission to trade on this symbol. "Order was not canceled due to cancel restrictions." | Either `cancelRestrictions` was set to `ONLY_NEW` but the order status was not `NEW` <br/> or <br/> `cancelRestrictions` was set to `ONLY_PARTIALLY_FILLED` but the order status was not `PARTIALLY_FILLED`. ## Errors regarding POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace ### -2021 Order cancel-replace partially failed This code is sent when either the cancellation of the order failed or the new order placement failed but not both. ### -2022 Order cancel-replace failed. This code is sent when both the cancellation of the order failed and the new order placement failed. ## Filter failures Error message | Description ------------ | ------------ "Filter failure: PRICE_FILTER" | `price` is too high, too low, and/or not following the tick size rule for the symbol. "Filter failure: PERCENT_PRICE" | `price` is X% too high or X% too low from the average weighted price over the last Y minutes. "Filter failure: LOT_SIZE" | `quantity` is too high, too low, and/or not following the step size rule for the symbol. "Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL" | `price` * `quantity` is too low to be a valid order for the symbol. "Filter failure: ICEBERG_PARTS" | `ICEBERG` order would break into too many parts; icebergQty is too small. "Filter failure: MARKET_LOT_SIZE" | `MARKET` order's `quantity` is too high, too low, and/or not following the step size rule for the symbol. "Filter failure: MAX_NUM_ORDERS" | Account has too many open orders on the symbol. "Filter failure: MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS" | Account has too many open stop loss and/or take profit orders on the symbol. "Filter failure: MAX_NUM_ICEBERG_ORDERS" | Account has too many open iceberg orders on the symbol. "Filter failure: TRAILING_DELTA" | `trailingDelta` is not within the defined range of the filter for that order type. "Filter failure: EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ORDERS" | Account has too many open orders on the exchange. "Filter failure: EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS" | Account has too many open stop loss and/or take profit orders on the exchange.