This is simple template (boilerplate) for your first Electron.js app. Made with electron-forge.
- git clone my-app
- cd my-app
- npm install
- npm start
Open teminal and do (it will make app for same platform like your current machine). For more check instruction
npx electron-forge package
npx electron-forge make
npx electron-forge publish
After this check /out dir
If you going to do some HTTP request from useEffect (actually thats incorrect way, but ok...), you probably will get some CORS issue.
For fix, you can use this workaround
Put next string
devContentSecurityPolicy: "connect-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'",
in forge.config.js
name: "@electron-forge/plugin-webpack",
config: {
mainConfig: "./webpack.main.config.js",
"connect-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'",
renderer: {
config: "./webpack.renderer.config.js",
entryPoints: [
html: "./src/index.html",
js: "./src/renderer.js",
name: "main_window",
preload: {
js: "./src/preload.js",