All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.3.2-alpha.0 (2020-04-07)
- docz-core: use user-provided 404 page when it exists (05417d3)
2.3.1 (2020-04-05)
Note: Version bump only for package docz
2.3.1-alpha.0 (2020-04-05)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix theme components customization bug (a9384b0)
2.3.0 (2020-04-02)
Note: Version bump only for package docz
2.3.0-alpha.14 (2020-03-31)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: add case for export default… (#1417) (31ebd08)
- docz-core: always use custom prop filter if it's provided… (#1415) (53063ff)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add pre-wrap to error (#1406) (ca6b02d)
- gatsby-theme-docz: content overflowing issue (#1437) (56f4cb8)
- docz: bump babel-preset-react-app to 9.1.2 (#1435) (8f071eb)
- gatsby-theme-docz: include MDX transclusion support (#1436) (435001a)
2.3.0-alpha.13 (2020-02-13)
- docz: pass useScoping to theme Playground (6ec7315), closes #1390
- gatsby-theme-docz: flex component aligmItems -> alignItems (#1391) (b80524f)
2.3.0-alpha.12 (2020-02-12)
- docz-core: pass down host when running serve (#1384) (80a0e1e)
- gatsby-theme-docz: use sx instead of style prop in Playgro… (#1389) (98f3311)
2.3.0-alpha.11 (2020-02-07)
- docz-core: be explicit about cli args (6f5b4ee)
- docz-core: pass down cli args to Gatsby + fix open flag (385b006)
- gatsby-theme-docz: create MainContainer component (#1381) (e8d1c04)
2.3.0-alpha.10 (2020-02-06)
- docz-core: parse port when running serve (29d0edd)
2.3.0-alpha.9 (2020-02-06)
- docz: fix capitalization of ts interfaces (9e950eb)
2.3.0-alpha.8 (2020-02-06)
Note: Version bump only for package docz
2.3.0-alpha.7 (2020-02-04)
- gatsby-theme-docz: removed unused gatsby-plugin-manifest (#1368) (44edc68)
- warning in Alert component (#1353) (8ee156d)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix playground react-resize-detector usage (#1350) (f0baf67)
- add hook to find docgen props (#1371) (8fffa26)
- add the ability to hide a document from the menu (#1354) (95b0d7f)
2.3.0-alpha.6 (2020-01-02)
- docz-core: prevent falsy error code on cli (#1332) (1437b59)
- docz-core: revert ts auto-detect (f0ce584)
2.3.0-alpha.5 (2019-12-17)
- gatsby-theme-docz: src -> gatsbyRoot for file system source (71dd572)
- docz-core: introduce gatsbyRoot to use for fs sourcing (8e89d64)
2.3.0-alpha.4 (2019-12-16)
- gatsby-theme-docz: make Props isToggle work again (#1326) (4921ef5)
- update dev-env dependencies (e1b185f)
2.3.0-alpha.3 (2019-12-16)
2.3.0-alpha.2 (2019-12-14)
- docz-core: allow custom pattern for globbing components with docgenConfig.searchPatterns (#1316) (29e0165)
- docz-core: support kebab & pascal case component file name pattern (#1314) (9d5b129)
- docz-utils: add exports parser to add to Playground scope (9c564d0), closes #1247
- rehype-docz: add mdx exports to Playground scope (d902e2a), closes #1247
2.3.0-alpha.1 (2019-12-13)
- docz-core: properly support node_modules for multiple file patterns (#1315) (4d9f9b3)
- docz-core: use docz-utils for get and mergeWith (f222083)
2.3.0-alpha.0 (2019-12-12)
- docz-core: detect typescript without config (bbaecb2)
2.2.1-alpha.1 (2019-12-12)
- docz-core: add native styled-components support (b072f78)
2.2.1-alpha.0 (2019-12-11)
2.2.0 (2019-12-11)
Note: Version bump only for package docz
2.2.0-alpha.8 (2019-12-06)
2.2.0-alpha.7 (2019-12-03)
2.2.0-alpha.6 (2019-12-03)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix horizontal code overflow (a0b7823)
2.2.0-alpha.5 (2019-12-01)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix tsx parsing in code blocks (b321ff8)
2.2.0-alpha.4 (2019-11-30)
2.2.0-alpha.3 (2019-11-29)
- docz-core: re-sync .docz on build (dfd4262)
2.2.0-alpha.2 (2019-11-29)
- docz-core: log errors that happen in gatsby-config (fe1e2da)
- docz-core: copy .env (51f7027)
2.2.0-alpha.1 (2019-11-28)
- gatsby-theme-docz: remove typo from the theme styles (a25da88)
2.2.0-alpha.0 (2019-11-28)
- gatsby-theme-docz: set gatsby root from doczrc src (e6b1521)
2.1.1 (2019-11-27)
- docz-core: prepend dot to default mdx extensions (18f78d6)
2.1.0 (2019-11-27)
- docz: remove lowercasing of enum ts prop type (8f7b949)
- gatsby-theme-docz: allow empty ts prop defaultValue (2512aa1)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix min-height (34fc31f)
- docz: spread remaining props to Props component (#1276) (531244f)
- docz-core: add mdxExtensions to config (77b84e8)
- gatsby-theme-docz: use mdxExtensions from config (7d405c5)
- docz-core: add docz init command (43cdeca)
- docz-core: remove installation step in .docz 🎉 (4d01ead)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
- add normalize for trailing slashes (4b0a710)
- adds theme path overrrite option (bb62c6b)
- rewrite dest path for themeDir override (7418e55)
2.0.0-rc.33 (2019-09-04)
- docz-core: remove installation step in .docz 🎉 (6790179)
2.0.0-rc.32 (2019-09-04)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (1246b19)
- docz-core: make onCreateWebpackConfig extendable (8968a6c)
- docz-core: run init on build if docz is not initialized (26aa7f6)
- docz-core: set yarn production to false to download all deps (2b4cc6b)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: expose gatsby actions to plugin (66546a4)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (9cb5237)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-core: add docz init command (43cdeca)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
2.0.0-rc.31 (2019-09-03)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (1246b19)
- docz-core: make onCreateWebpackConfig extendable (8968a6c)
- docz-core: run init on build if docz is not initialized (fe984fd)
- docz-core: set yarn production to false to download all deps (1258553)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (9cb5237)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-core: add docz init command (2cd87ee)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
2.0.0-rc.30 (2019-09-03)
- docz-core: set yarn production to false to download all deps (c9db7f1)
2.0.0-rc.29 (2019-09-03)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (1246b19)
- docz-core: make onCreateWebpackConfig extendable (d2aff82)
- docz-core: run init on build if docz is not initialized (23bc575)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (9cb5237)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-core: add docz init command (6aaa3e4)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
2.0.0-rc.28 (2019-09-03)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (1246b19)
- docz-core: make onCreateWebpackConfig extendable (d2aff82)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (9cb5237)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (1246b19)
- docz-core: make onCreateWebpackConfig extendable (d2aff82)
- docz-core: run init on build if docz is not initialized (23bc575)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (9cb5237)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-core: add docz init command (6aaa3e4)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
2.0.0-rc.27 (2019-09-02)
- docz: add @emotion/core dependency (52126df)
- docz: better default playground component (80b1c66)
- docz: bump docz-core version (c56e0c6)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (a808795)
- docz: use playground from docz-components (52874c4)
- docz-components: better prop types for playground (f35f3ca)
- docz-components: fix development example (faf2134)
- docz-components: fix syntax highlighting in Playground (c72c575)
- docz-components: typo boder -> border (d101f9c)
- docz-core: use react from parent directory (#1053) (b55b786)
- gatsby-theme-docz: fix style differences between dev and build (45b7767)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace iframe in playground with div #984 #1035 (4214180)
- docz-component: initialize (73fafd1)
- docz-components: working playground (344ffbb)
- docz-gatsby-monorepo: add example showing docz usage in a monorepo (241c757)
2.0.0-rc.9 (2019-08-30)
2.0.0-rc.7 (2019-08-29)
- docz: initialize components context with defaultComponents (ceaafea)
2.0.0-rc.6 (2019-08-29)
2.0.0-rc.2 (2019-08-28)
- docz: make scheduler dependency explicit (84918d8)
- docz: remove window check from useCurrentDoc fixes #985 (#1023) (b90ea82)
- docz-core: extend base config instead of overwriting user config (#1028) (7b46c2b)
- docz-core: wait for app to be ready before opening the browser (c5cd14d)
- docz-example-basic: add explicit dependency to scheduler (a4c5f9c)
- docz-example-flow: add scheduler dep (5063fc2)
- docz-example-styled-components: add scheduler and remove caaf (1d66cad)
- docz-example-typescript: add extension of tsx file in mdx (f43f454)
- docz-example-typescript: add externally usable tsconfig (1806abb)
- docz-example-typescript: add scheduler dep and docs #1020 (fbc8e89)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add missing source sans pro font (#991) (51240df)
- gatsby-theme-docz: replace fragment tag to the short syntax (#992) (044f351)
- docz-core: setup jest and add first test (bf02ac1)
2.0.0-rc.1 (2019-07-18)
- bump version (a346b59)
- resizable props import (2926896)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: disable enumerable for __filemeta (38d10fc)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: fix root relative path (eccbac4)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: transform to Unix slash (#825) (#829) (f823cc6)
- docz: component Props false positives when looking in state (baa9bb3)
- docz: parse description of props (0672c3e)
- docz: props markdown compiler (99ba83c)
- docz-core: create deps algorithm (a4b8eb9)
- docz-core: some adjustments (86f95b5)
- docz-core: vendor react-docgen-external-proptypes-handler (#866) (efb89ee), closes #727
- gatsby-theme-docz: entry not in context (e582221)
- gatsby-theme-docz: resizable import (3916265)
- on create webpack plugin hook (56e974a)
- packages rollup config (534d7bf)
- remove react & react-dom from dependencies #924 (faf4288)
- remark-docz: fix alias in the src of a mdx's image #897 (058732d)
- some typescript adjustments (4ba6eaf)
- gatsby-theme-docz: prisms theme by themeConfig (c0b5c34)
- eslint configs (280981f)
- no-undef eslint rule (125c5cf)
- docz-core: ensure files before running machine (1876540)
- docz-core: watch custom theme files (5ee7abe)
- docz-core: watch gatsby config files (1539378)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add blockquote styles (b9f11a1)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add custom logo support (dec4b2b)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add iframe and re-resizable on playground (6922717)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add new Pre component (a6be6a1)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add new Props component (8eb780d)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add showLiveError on Playground (e593897)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add some improvements (03d9fec)
- gatsby-theme-docz: improve documentation (80b35f8)
- a lot of improvements (64f75da)
- adapt core plugins to gatsby hooks (4caa47a)
- add main package improvements (8c8005d)
- add markdown parsing on props description (1087539)
- add new Playground component (7bf03b2)
- add new theme sidebar (a01d100)
- add typescript support (need fix) (13947f9)
- docz running using gatsby under the hood (10ffd48)
- dynamic src and root path (c071556)
- open browser integration (132c472)
- some playground improvements (afa00df)
- docz-core: add build and serve command with gatsby (e85c82b)
- docz-core: add doczrc config watcher on dev (5aa0455)
- docz-core: add initial gatsby bundler algorithm (9249e34)
- gatsby-theme-docz: improve code highlight (d265444)
1.2.0 (2019-05-08)
- docz-theme-default: allow use of link component in ssr (#854) (90c27e0), closes #832
- docz-theme-default: useMemo with conditional (3b653e5)
- docz-core: add config docgen ts resolver (#848) (256b600)
- docz-core: add serve command (#855) (73311bd)
- resolve markdown images (#851) (0fb41c8)
- docz-core: add config not use specifiers (#849) (d8595a9)
1.1.0 (2019-05-01)
- correct props loading (#836) (ed85f14)
- docz: non latin menu headings (#840) (80b186c)
- docz-core: prevent watch in production (d673262)
- docz-core: extended path configuration for docgen (#846) (aa96739)
- docz-core: use react-dev-utils create compiler (4d062de)
- docz-theme-default: add options to the props component (#823) (9edaac8)
1.0.4 (2019-04-18)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: avoid adding __filemeta to non-extensible objects (#798) (794ebc4)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: re-export causes meta error (#805) (9401676)
- docz-rollup: fixed rollup configs to be Windows tolerant (#812) (10f6bfd)
- docz-theme-default: logo link point to dynamic base (#815) (f7cc750)
1.0.3 (2019-04-15)
- docz: props parser for build (31612e7)
1.0.2 (2019-04-15)
- docz-theme-default: overlay just for mobile resolutions (a927389)
- pin typescript version (8ae97d3)
- window check (cfbda29)
1.0.1 (2019-04-14)
1.0.0 (2019-04-11)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: remove cache folders from parse (2978a26)
- docz: crash using suspense (315f7ad)
- docz-core: typescript doesn't work with several exports (#771) (c96878d)
- docz-theme-default: styled error margin (53104e8)
- docz-theme-default: table media query style (#782) (205ce75)
1.0.0-rc.4 (2019-03-29)
- docz-core: add src as prefix on ignore (2bae93b)
- docz-core: remove DataServer from production build (b8770ec)
- add missing dependency on examples (af8ec2d)
- get component filename relative (fix #706) (84b23ea)
- remove data server from build (8715129)
- remove modularized lodash packages (d81c568)
- docz: incompatible props on Link (281cb13)
- docz-core: base prop for router (9ca39d7)
- docz-core: entries not initialized on build (#725) (3e99db0)
- docz-core: resolve symlinks right for the react-docgen (#699) (783a836)
- docz-theme-default: allows hamburger menu to be opened on mobile (#698) (fd06381)
- docz-theme-default: apply ignore in props parsing (#723) (6dd068c)
- docz-theme-default: mobile menu following anchor clicks (#713) (e3bbf1a)
- docz-theme-default: stop nested ul from rendering flat (#714) (2711e6d)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2019-03-21)
- gatsby-theme-docz: menu field on entry source node (05457f2)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2019-03-19)
Note: Version bump only for package docz
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-03-19)
- bump internal versions (1658aaf)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-03-19)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: update snapshot test (6ca7b87)
- docz: add window check to useWindowSize hook (#669) (e4d7cb4)
- docz: merge menus on useMenus (af4afe2)
- docz: merge new config for useConfig hook (c63bbc8)
- docz: optional opts for useMenus() (571ffcd)
- docz: remove config conditional from hooks (6b6f134)
- docz: remove null return on routes (5bbbbb3)
- docz-core: config passed on argv (12f6385)
- docz-core: hot loader and mdx plugins (0531d65)
- docz-core: initialize config state on data server start (#678) (8c740b8)
- docz-core: remove dev things from prod build (3f5b5d7)
- docz-core: remove order from Entry class (e12c37d)
- docz-core: write first imports (b856168)
- docz-theme-default: active menu link (5e04e0d)
- docz-theme-default: add active class manually for gatsby (c3faed3)
- docz-theme-default: react live error size (7f2e0ff)
- docz-theme-default: support absolute page elements (#683) (a4ced2b)
- docz-theme-default: toggle active links on location change (#666) (1274b97)
- docz-utils: add docz imports on react live scope (01004ed)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add null fields for entries (b0409a8)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add ssr support for styled-components (b490010)
- gatsby-theme-docz: check entries before find on it (8565128)
- gatsby-theme-docz: create pages hook (2f5765e)
- gatsby-theme-docz: readme typo (9e3314a)
- gatsby-theme-docz: throws false for json stringify (289ca75)
- gatsby theme fixes (dcc5f19)
- gatsby-theme-docz: check data before access (8f8ed12)
- gatsby-theme-docz: use options from gatsby-config (#665) (c694bdf)
- rehype-docz: update tests (548f940)
- immutable merge with lodash (2fe94d4)
- remark-docz: visit correct nodes (d5e243d)
- some general adjustments (0c61f64)
- load-cfg: merge default config on load (d3b4bc6)
- use lodash merge instead of deepmerge (18ac37b)
- docz-theme-default: styles adjustments (aca1bee)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add specific nodes for entries (26f7f90)
- define right internal dependencies version (30a91b4)
- prop types parser (a3cc319)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: just define pro non-primitive types (ed78a13)
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: prettier fix script (3a34b72)
- docz: remove deduplicated search results (thanks @ivan-dalmet) (1b456f7)
- docz: sort menu and submenus alphabetically (fbbd51c)
- docz: use @loadable/component instead of react-imported-component (18f02f2)
- docz-core: add spaces when write db.json (3a84af3)
- docz-core: add typescript as dependency (9f314cd)
- docz-core: apply mdast plugins to entries parse too (c2554b8)
- docz-core: docgen if file has not component definition (b0fb846)
- docz-core: exclude node modules from source map loader (1c7c9f7)
- docz-core: mdx loader options (9114f9b)
- docz-core: props state parser (87767e8)
- docz-core: react docgen typescript performance (2967e7c)
- docz-core: return http server on bundler.start() (cdba3bf)
- docz-core: run right hook name (f500971)
- docz-theme-default: fix padding in Playground elements (4af7376), closes /
- docz-theme-default: force codemirror to refresh (#637) (#638) (e745c7d)
- docz-theme-default: show cursor on playground editor focus (9f99c30)
- docz-theme-default: show heading anchor on hover (3e453f5)
- docz-utils: extract headings from ast (9f8565b)
- docz-utils: parser config for prettier (54ad0fa)
- gatsby-theme-docz: hot reload (bf4e440)
- gatsby-theme-docz: use createPages instead of createPagesStatefully (37b73c6)
- load-cfg: use babel register in order to require using es6 (7ad3b64)
- a lot of bug fixes (c10a8bd)
- scroll to anchor if url has hash (389577f)
- trim whitespaces before and after class (a184913)
- use custom rollup config to build instead of libundler (ee42a5a)
- wrapper property is ignored in (3cda0de)
- docz: add filter option for useMenus (aeeb311)
- docz: use getInitialProps instead of getInitialData (d4406e0)
- new Props component (80451b1)
- docz: hooks migrations (f57f987)
- docz-core: remove ordering deprecated field (39660bb)
- docz-core: support for configuring the separator during slugifying (10bb134)
- docz-theme-default: automatically render links with relative path (624bbf0)
- docz-theme-default: use styled-components instead of emotion (19047fd)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add custom theme support (fdfddcb)
- gatsby-theme-docz: add wrapper support (a99d62f)
- add initial gatsby integration (#630) (70d40cc), closes #609
- add playground component (cde6511)
- docgen refactoring (#545) (85499a8)
- split router logic from theme (a9c26e6)
- use @reach/router instead of react-router (81a4a82)
- does not wrap the component anymore before passing it to the renderer. Instead it passes the wrapper explicitly to the renderer, making it the renderer's duty to apply the wrapper.
0.13.6 (2018-12-26)
0.13.5 (2018-12-19)
- docz-core: add react docgen loader inside happypack (4433561)
- docz-core: close data server when need (6a2b96a)
- docz-core: escape template string in playground (#529) (5ab2349)
- docz-core: public folder in dev mode (abb3626)
- docz-core: webpack dev server log level (1d72539)
- docz-theme-default: add default value for rgba of polished (dcb74af)
- docz-utils: add missing dependency for codesandbox (3a51066)
- docz-utils: escape code for playground (3fc4187)
0.13.4 (2018-12-17)
- docz-theme-default: remove overflow from playground wrapper (e007762)
0.13.3 (2018-12-17)
- docz-core: react hot loader config for hooks (444cac2)
- docz-core: add sourcemap config argument (3baad4a)
0.13.2 (2018-12-17)
- docz-core: ensure dir for promise logger (6240f21)
0.13.1 (2018-12-17)
- docz-core: typescript loader config (01f568e)
0.13.0 (2018-12-17)
- docz: ts warning (19ccc09)
- docz-core: add setMaxListener for chokidar watchers (6053c16)
- docz-core: log level based on debug argument (507e149)
- docz-core: node path resolve modules merge (27102fd)
- docz-core: turn off htmlMinifier when loading from templates (#518) (9cb0e1d)
- docz-core: use webpack-dev-server instead of webpack-serve (4157e05)
- docz-core: add onCreateWebpackChain hook (70bb242)
- docz-core: add promise logger using progress-estimator (2797608)
- docz-core: use NODE_PATH to resolve modules (#516) (cc86f93)
- docz-theme-default: set max lines before scroll editor (#519) (698261b)
0.12.17 (2018-12-14)
- docz: cycled dependency (5132195)
- docz-theme-default: link color (21d58fb)
- docz-theme-default: some fixes on styles (a17e914)
- docz-theme-default: use theme getter instead of literal obj access (89e1d03)
0.12.16 (2018-12-13)
- docz-core: correct koa mounting path on windows systems (#491) (6addd32)
- docz-theme-default: refresh editor after it's mounted (#406) (#506) (c67fa41)
- edit page button is overlayed by github link (341e03a)
- docz-theme-default: ts warning (452904b)
0.12.15 (2018-12-04)
- babel class plugin update (236331a)
- docz-core: add setMaxListener in the top of script (2eef307)
- docz-core: update react-hot-loader to support hooks (4394a5b)
- add native support for react-native (f998874)
0.12.14 (2018-12-04)
- some typings warnings (4afb87b)
- docz-core: set max listener (898010b)
- docz-core: watcher close (caa8151)
- docz-theme-default: editor border-radius (7a7d1f8)
- docz-theme-default: overlay logic (8b3fdc9)
- docz-theme-default: playground relative position (a097b5f)
- docz: add preload async route (f800c70)
0.12.13 (2018-11-23)
- docz: resolve react warnings in ErrorReporter (#465) (1b0e09d)
- docz-theme-default: fixes flexbox text overflow issue (#471) (b37f25e)
- docz-theme-default: fullscreen mode (ac02c17)
- rehype-docz: scope for playground (677a785)
0.12.12 (2018-11-16)
- docz-theme-default: add theme provider around all theme (5596446)
- docz-utils: add .scss to codesandbox assemble files (59e8fa8)
0.12.11 (2018-11-15)
- docz-core: add happypack again 😢 (f0e219e)
- docz-core: create app files before start server (43bc3fd)
- docz-theme-default: adjust z-index of menu (ea9a864)
- docz-theme-default: font size of heading (5cf6144)
0.12.10 (2018-11-15)
- docz-core: add cache just for non-debug (cede436)
- docz-core: add default favicon (a0ed2ab)
- docz-core: add ignore md files by args (d8c8045)
- docz-core: kill server on signals (be0855f)
- docz-core: use assets from public folder (210c3a1)
- docz-theme-default: add styles or classname on playground (01110d4)
- docz-utils: resolve codesandbox code (33dc6e5)
- docz-core: add detect-one-changed in development (#433) (0585b97)
- docz-core: add two new plugin hooks (#431) (f4a122f)
- docz-theme-default: show and hide playground (b665f81)
0.12.9 (2018-11-01)
- docz-theme-default: table margin bottom (36e322f)
- docz-theme-default: use class inside playground (cecbea1)
- docz-theme-default: add style for hr component (5b24400)
- docz-theme-default: hide playground editor by default (0ccda92)
0.12.8 (2018-10-31)
- docz: update to new react imported component api (759160e)
- docz-core: add support to react hooks (f26a990)
0.12.7 (2018-10-30)
- docz-core: webpack chain minimizer config (ab13208)
0.12.6 (2018-10-30)
- docz: conditionally description column on PropsTable (#385) (829a3aa), closes #427 #421
- docz-theme-default: fill adjustments (119e4a7)
- docz-theme-default: rename playground container to avoid conflicts (#429) (86845bf)
- docz-theme-default: text alignment in table thead (#403) (475eb52)
- docz-theme-default: tooltip component (9234b5e)
- add support to disable codesandbox (be94b0e)
- docz: render [Empty String] on PropsTable (#427) (10a3eda)
- docz: render [Empty String] on PropsTable (#427) (2a9db98)
- docz-theme-default: add code editor toggle on playground (#387) (f833eaa)
- docz-theme-default: add support to show/hide playground editor (cacc6fb)
0.12.5 (2018-09-30)
- docz-core: close dataserver connection on build (0f6bd7b)
- docz-theme-default: adjust theme colors (eed7212)
0.12.4 (2018-09-28)
- docz: merge menus and submenus (f8249da)
0.12.3 (2018-09-28)
- docz: remove Children.only (656d8f1)
0.11.2 (2018-09-11)
- docz: prevent crash when use imported props (ef6de9d)
- docz-core: add watcher outside of update method scope (18c744d)
- docz-core: prevent entries block when parse mdx crash (07ae769)
- docz-core: remove https option and fix message (#321) (ea88841)
- docz-theme-default: scrolling and overflows performance (a28ab79)
- heading hash link with hash router config (7d7f557)
- add native config for doczrc (2580712)
0.11.1 (2018-09-07)
- docz: add react router inside the docz bundle (a293aa4)
- docz-core: basename configuration (5fad743)
- update no documents found text (#289) (cb782f9)
- docz-core: chokidar performance improvements (0c344d8)
- docz-core: literal value of headings for menus (85e4083)
- docz-core: open js and ts loader scope of files (03c01b7)
- docz-theme-default: prevent sidebar toggle on desktop (7a3b97d)
- docz-core: add config as parameter for onPrebuild and onPostBuild (98692bb)
0.11.0 (2018-09-02)
- docz-core: dispose hmr on imports (ba51086)
- docz-core: join head tags (#255) (065e8b3)
- docz-core: update react-docgen-typescript-loader to fix props table (34b2fdf)
- docz-plugin-css: fix empty loaderOpts (193367b)
- docz-plugin-css: fix empty loaderOpts (bb9b946)
- docz-theme-default: add prop to keep codemirror last line (5c1e813)
- docz-theme-default: add prop to keep codemirror last line (bf19ad5)
- docz-theme-default: codemirror line end bug (9b07d27)
- docz-theme-default: fix mobile menu peaking (#262) (77b627f)
- docz-theme-default: remove react-breakpoints (c8288b0)
- docz-theme-default: update the empty message (9db9231)
- load-cfg: use fs-extra to read json sync instead of JSON.parse (04d1e1a)
- base url and hash router making weird url (f483638)
- add link of repository from website (#245) (85cc9e7)
- babel-preset-docz: add new babel preset (5efb568)
- docz: move docz/docz-core to dev dependency on examples (e7153a4)
- integration with react native (#271) (ac359ce)
- docz-example-styled-components: add new example (0cef75e)
- docz-theme-default: add auto close tags on playground editor (a6e5cf7)
- docz-theme-default: add blockquote component (86ada87)
- docz-theme-default: add refresh btn on playground (#254) (ebefd91), closes #251
- docz-theme-default: add scrollbar on playground (#279) (0f6ea2a)
0.10.3 (2018-08-16)
- docz-core: correct data server websocket port (47fe714)
- docz-core: try catch on get repo info (2016736)
- docz-example-typescript: fix dependencies (#222) (67e68aa)
- docz-theme-default: add playground min-height just on fullscreen (a82903a)
- docz-theme-default: use padding on link instead of margin (b15457c)
- docz-core: add editBranch option to mount repo link (c619d9c)
0.10.2 (2018-08-13)
- prevent codemirror bug on build (3d0894e)
- docz-core: remove data server cache 😕 (9683280)
- docz-core: try catch on get repo info (bdfbf0b)
0.10.1 (2018-08-13)
- docz-core: prevent crash when not have cache (cd3609a)
- docz-example-flow: scale and outline props (#211) (c8a4195)
0.10.0 (2018-08-13)
- bug template typo (#197) (497fcfb)
- bug template typo (#197) (fce98c4)
- docz: add initial loading as true (3f05536)
- docz-core: prevent crash on delete entry (28e1728)
- docz-core: prevent delete entire app folder on build (e345896)
- docz-theme-default: playground overflow on mobile (db1eb5b)
- rehype-docz: add props on playground scope (ee4b6c0)
- rehype-docz: allow ticks and backticks inside playground (#203) (fa4ff40)
- docz: fetch data on documents (04ff0d6)
- docz-core: add cache system for entries (b90e598)
- docz-core: add htmlContext and mini-html-webpack-plugin (4b6ec0f)
- docz-core: resolve markdown files by default (#210) (e0a95b3)
- add github repository link (78a19f6)
- allow edit code inside playground (#205) (4f948f7)
0.9.6 (2018-08-06)
- docz-core: remove @babel/runtime alias (0dbd8f0)
- docz-theme-default: using lodash.get to prevent classname crash (befc643)
0.9.5 (2018-08-04)
0.9.4 (2018-08-04)
0.9.3 (2018-08-03)
0.9.2 (2018-08-02)
- docz-core: add isProd to remove hot client overlay on build (83f2e36)
0.9.1 (2018-08-02)
- docz: finish process after build (58bebb6)
0.9.0 (2018-08-02)
- docz: transform and merge theme config (999ab73)
- docz: using context for imports to prevent disposed hmr (b37284c)
- docz-plugin-babel6: change babel syntax dynamic import when needed (8cb278a)
- docz-plugin-css: pass default parameter (389979a)
- docz-theme-default: support chinese input method (#182) (94544a6)
- docz-theme-default: table layout adjustment (e8e8ec8)
- docz-theme-default: use docz link when href is internal (00deef5)
0.9.0-beta.1 (2018-08-01)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.9.0-beta.0 (2018-08-01)
- docz: add playground wrapper just around children (66abfe8)
- docz-core: remove babel plugin/presets when needed (011baad)
- docz-theme-default: hot reload on fullscreen mode (1c68e2d)
- docz-theme-default: not found typo (#173) (8c9f74e)
- docz-theme-default: resolve emotion theming conflict (659cd79)
- docz-core: add webpack-serve-overlay as error overlay (263badf)
- docz-core: support env files to set configuration (#171) (259b72d), closes #140
- docz-plugin-svgr: add initial version of plugin (1ac1ea8)
- docz-theme-default: add edit button for document (#180) (e125a4f)
0.8.0 (2018-07-28)
- change link on readme (#168) (30a9390)
- docz: humanize array type of flow (fix #167) (18798bc)
- docz-theme-default: get fullscreen from localstorage (0f8aa56)
- docz-theme-default: add html output on playground (be7a749)
0.7.1 (2018-07-24)
- docz: add wrapper prop on Playground (566aaf8)
- docz: sort algorithm off docs and menus (dad83ce)
- docz-plugin-css: allow css from node_modules (c21929a)
0.7.0 (2018-07-23)
- docz: humanize prop types on PropTable (c1f4c6f)
- docz-plugin-css: css modules applied logic (c5fa378)
- docz-theme-default: not found page (fb1ac49)
- docz-theme-default: resize bar style (df0ae82)
- docz: add rawCode for Playground (70d4735)
- docz-theme-default: add close on esc on playground fullscreen (4ebf202)
- docz-theme-default: add copy to clipboard on pre (78149ad)
- docz-theme-default: add fullpage support for docs (af88d0e)
- docz-theme-default: add line numbers on Playground (204f1bb)
- docz-theme-default: add resize bar for fullscreen playground (392009f)
- docz-theme-default: add responsive mode for playground (e04452e)
0.6.2 (2018-07-20)
- docz-core: set env vars for commands (29f0098)
0.6.1 (2018-07-19)
- docz: default DocPreview components (ff7cf32)
- docz-theme-default: add background and color on NotFound (f0bd532)
0.6.0 (2018-07-19)
- docz: prevent default components object with no render (4535aef)
- docz-core: add error when dest is working directory (b1c87b5)
- docz-core: process.env vars for scripts (f6b6260)
- docz-core: serve static files from public (c866856)
- docz-theme-default: open menu if has some link active (8399aad)
- docz-core: add onCreateApp plugin method (13c07e7)
0.5.9 (2018-07-16)
0.5.8 (2018-07-11)
- docz-theme-default: config transform function (fdb3118)
0.5.7 (2018-07-11)
- docz-plugin-babel6: props parsing when typescript is enable (0564bdf)
0.5.6 (2018-07-11)
- docz: add theme config transform before merge (dc3448a)
- docz-theme-default: sidebar search (8fd77ec)
- docz: add classname and style props for Playground (1b64ed3)
- docz-core: add webpack-serve-waitpage (83c493b)
0.5.5 (2018-07-07)
- docz-core: add ordering to initial config data object (2926ade)
- docz-theme-default: padding on sidebar footer (df25fa1)
0.5.4 (2018-07-07)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.5.3 (2018-07-05)
- docz-theme-default: link isActive logic (205ea8d)
0.5.2 (2018-07-05)
0.5.1 (2018-07-03)
- broken links to examples (#101) (26458f2)
- docz-core: add a fallback name on Entry (ec38139)
- docz-core: app running port message (4aec595)
- (8be3724)
- docz-core: check name on package json (6cdbebc)
- docz-theme-default: add overflow auto to nav (4cdbcfd)
- docz-core: add ordering property for config (efd215e)
- docz-core: read name from package.json to populate initial title (1eeb049)
- docz-theme-default: add automatic table of content (#106) (6ce9e84)
- docz-theme-default: add sidebar search (7886e75)
0.5.0 (2018-07-03)
- docz-core: app running port message (1b94114)
- docz-core: add ordering property for config (a6c307d)
- docz-core: read name from package.json to populate initial title (4f10a6d)
- docz-theme-default: add automatic table of content (#106) (6ce9e84)
- docz-theme-default: add sidebar search (8218dc1)
0.4.0 (2018-06-30)
- broken links to examples (#101) (26458f2)
- docz-core: add a fallback name on Entry (ec38139)
- docz-theme-default: add overflow auto to nav (4cdbcfd)
0.3.4 (2018-06-26)
0.3.0 (2018-06-25)
- docz-theme-default: prettier format (cb5643d)
0.3.0-beta.0 (2018-06-25)
- docz-theme-default: change background based on toggle (2241f8b)
- docz-theme-default: change chevronDown to burguer icon with animation (8649938)
- docz-theme-default: include breakpoints as const (43490bb)
- docz-theme-default: lint code (7c97a41)
- docz-theme-default: made container responsive (ddf078d)
- docz-theme-default: responsive position for wrapper (bb56449)
- docz-theme-default: sidebar toggle for links and sub-links (9cd6321)
- docz-theme-default: add dark mode 🌚 (#81) (964cf4d)
- docz-theme-default: include breakpoints reactive on sidebar (d3911b4)
- docz-theme-default: include media queries facepaint (5f78734)
- docz-theme-default: include toggle to sidebar (a94e517)
- docz-theme-default: include ToggleBackground (cac7ecd)
- docz-theme-default: table responsive (0580a77)
0.3.3 (2018-06-26)
0.3.2 (2018-06-25)
- docz: mdxtag import (4ed20bf)
0.3.1 (2018-06-25)
0.3.0 (2018-06-25)
- docz-theme-default: prettier format (cb5643d)
0.3.0-beta.0 (2018-06-25)
- docz-theme-default: change background based on toggle (2241f8b)
- docz-theme-default: change chevronDown to burguer icon with animation (8649938)
- docz-theme-default: include breakpoints as const (43490bb)
- docz-theme-default: lint code (7c97a41)
- docz-theme-default: made container responsive (ddf078d)
- docz-theme-default: responsive position for wrapper (bb56449)
- docz-theme-default: sidebar toggle for links and sub-links (9cd6321)
- docz-theme-default: add dark mode 🌚 (#81) (964cf4d)
- docz-theme-default: include breakpoints reactive on sidebar (d3911b4)
- docz-theme-default: include media queries facepaint (5f78734)
- docz-theme-default: include toggle to sidebar (a94e517)
- docz-theme-default: include ToggleBackground (cac7ecd)
- docz-theme-default: table responsive (0580a77)
0.2.11 (2018-06-22)
- docz-core: node env for production (615aa1f)
- docz-plugin-css: production build (1a66d8a)
- docz-theme-default: use webfontloader instead of css import (5973969)
- some changes on css examples (058660f)
0.2.10 (2018-06-21)
0.2.9 (2018-06-21)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.2.8 (2018-06-21)
- docz-core: typescript resolve extensions (689b057)
0.2.7 (2018-06-20)
- docz: typo (#63) (6af5db2)
- docz-plugin-babel6: documentation for babel plugin (#60) (8a14e2a)
- docz-plugin-babel6: readme typo (b77e986)
- docz-plugin-babel6: typo (d2f92b7)
- docz-theme-default: improve spacing on jsx attributes (#54) (49fe0b8)
0.2.6 (2018-06-17)
0.2.5 (2018-06-15)
- docz: add extractTypeDescribedValue to PropsTable (#38) (cca862c)
- docz: PropsTable component (48638cc)
0.2.4 (2018-06-13)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.2.3 (2018-06-13)
0.2.2 (2018-06-12)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.2.1 (2018-06-12)
- corrections on readme #2 (bd1b7a6)
- playground component destructuring bug (#4) (f9026cf)
- readme typos (16662eb)
0.2.0 (2018-06-11)
0.2.0-beta.2 (2018-06-10)
- docz-core: autolink headings (0b8369d)
0.2.0-beta.1 (2018-06-10)
- docz-core: add headings property for entries and autolink on headings (7711c3c)
0.2.0-beta.0 (2018-06-10)
- docz-core: add indexHtml property on project configuration (6bb5167)
0.1.2-beta.6 (2018-06-09)
- docz: typing definition (1a3648e)
0.1.2-beta.5 (2018-06-09)
0.1.2-beta.4 (2018-06-09)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.1.2-beta.3 (2018-06-09)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.1.2-beta.2 (2018-06-09)
- docz: add support for custom not found route (455dcca)
- docz-theme-default: add custom not found component (1773fe1)
0.1.2-beta.1 (2018-06-09)
- docz-theme-default: emotion typings (270e38c)
- docz: add loading component setting for loadable (4352ce3)
- docz-core: add base config argument (20f29c2)
- docz-core: add dest config property (d6c5506)
- docz-core: add modifyBundlerConfig configuration property (ec04bee)
- docz-core: use html template as component (b7a2dc0)
- docz-theme-default: add Loading component for DocPreview (97859e2)
0.1.2-beta.0 (2018-06-02)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.1.1-beta.6 (2018-06-01)
- docz: add docz-theme-default as dependecy (0dff6c0)
0.1.1-beta.5 (2018-06-01)
- load-cfg: add esm module loader (12a7610)
0.1.1-beta.4 (2018-05-29)
- docz: add isActive to Link components (9cecc08)
- docz-core: module rule test for typescript (bdeffc1)
0.1.1-beta.3 (2018-05-29)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.1.1-beta.2 (2018-05-29)
- docz: set docz-core as dependency (6c257e8)
0.1.1-beta.1 (2018-05-29)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
0.1.1-beta.0 (2018-05-29)
- docz: add bin folder for npm publish (f463a98)
- docz: Docs render props orders and types (d7e9ee2)
- docz: docs categories for themes (687720c)
- docz: flow props parser integration (5a83610)
- docz: validate route passed for docs.route() (48a0484)
- docz-core: async plugin (ddfbcf1)
- docz-core: check if found name exist when parse entry (f75881e)
- docz-core: config watch for directory operations (43fa7ab)
- docz-core: create plugin to fix paragraph parse on mdx (42b4f05)
- docz-core: data server class (12c0558)
- docz-core: don't exit when catch prettier (5423d96)
- docz-core: entries filepath (e45fea0)
- webpack errors message (90f6064)
- docz-core: entries rewrite (986ba65)
- docz-core: entries updates (7147ac1)
- docz-core: packages splitting (d2e74ee)
- docz-core: templates files (a5cda97)
- docz-core: throw error when parse ast (05138bf)
- docz-example-basic: package name (dec5713)
- docz-core: add title and description on settings (ad9ee58)
- add basic monorepo structure (5a977ed)
- docz: add a mvp version of project (05ac064)
- docz: add components parser (a4127d9)
- docz: add custom routes for docs (8458d91)
- docz: add doc page wrapper as component (1150373)
- docz: add groups feature (9652b30)
- docz: add module declarations for typescript (ae597af)
- docz: add routes from parsed entries (fc37f73)
- docz: add some improvements for default package (51188d4)
- docz: make server bundler api concise (ae5f0c0)
- docz: some refactors (7f6660c)
- docz: use webpack 4 instead of parcel (1e5742c)
- docz-bundler-webpack: add bundler as package (d7be8a9)
- docz-bundler-webpack: improve webpack config (964832a)
- docz-core: add basic plugin logic (add17ad)
- docz-core: add build command (ef7abd2)
- docz-core: add chokidar to watch new entries (2f073d5)
- docz-core: add entry settings field (2ec5d66)
- docz-core: add hot reload (9ebe65d)
- docz-core: add playground code parse section (6bbf158)
- docz-core: add setConfig method for Plugin (9ba6507)
- docz-core: add some improvements to work with server config (8bf33bc)
- docz-core: add support for custom head or scripts (69f4d56)
- docz-core: add support for load custom themes (ade98ce)
- docz-core: add support for parse sections via ast (6db0cd8)
- docz-core: add template using art-template (7484267)
- docz-core: add typescript support (17dae8b)
- docz-core: improve plugin and add support to modify babel (cf3ec4e)
- docz-core: pass theme config via websockets for dev (5222de7)
- docz-core: set babel on the fly (672be49)
- docz-core: split bundler logic (a7db904)
- docz-core: use websockets instead of generate json to process entries (e0773a0)
- docz-core: webpack middlewares (68cbcba)
- docz-example-flow: add example folder (27002d8)
- refac to use mdx (04b59e5)
- docz-example-typescript: add new example (9052d0f)
- docz-theme-default: add default theme as a package (108dc4c)
- docz-theme-default: add highlight code on theme (1126e67)
- docz-theme-default: add logo option (435da9b)
- docz-theme-default: add sidebar footer (ffc4b18)
- docz-theme-default: add tooltip on props (dc3c4cd)
- docz-theme-default: improve theme styles (2ca5e21)
- docz-theme-default: start logic to create theme feature (900cf2b)
- docz-theme-default: use typescript instead of javascript (4de326a)
- use custom render method on section (8ccf99c)
- load-cfg: add script as package (11e409c)
- load-cfg: set cache to require file (c49fc64)
- add component props parse feature (987627d)
- add support for highlight code sections (19bf7ea)
- improve docz theme to use theme config (9207ed2)
- parse doc class to object (e7f9cf0)