Releases: bifurcationkit/BifurcationKit.jl
Releases · bifurcationkit/BifurcationKit.jl
BifurcationKit v0.1.9
Closed issues:
- example in docs using @reaction_network (#27)
- Computing bifurcation diagrams or branch points with only the first derivative (#46)
- bifurcationdiagram() function fails to track new branches in pitchfork bifurcation (#47)
- Method extractPeriodShooting is not defined in Floquet.jl (#48)
- Weird bifurcation diagram produced (#50)
BifurcationKit v0.1.7
BifurcationKit v0.1.6
Closed issues:
- Docs missing description of what verbosity levels does (?) (#32)
is an undefined name in the Neural mass equation example (#34)- detectBifucation(state::ContState) always returns false after update v0.1.3 => v0.1.4 (#36)
- AssertionError message in ContinuationPar might be incorrect (#39)
- Support for NonLinearProblem (#40)
BifurcationKit v0.1.5
Closed issues:
- Continuation function misses negative branch of saddle-node bifurcation? (#35)
BifurcationKit v0.1.4
BifurcationKit v0.1.3
Closed issues:
BifurcationKit v0.1.2
Closed issues:
- extend methods to TrackedArray (#3)
- plotBranch() shows incorrect fold locations for negative u (#5)
- user wants recordfunction kwarg (#6)
- vscode linter complains about missing DefaultLS,DefaultEig (#7)
- Error with DifferentialEquations and multiple callbacks (#9)
- Trouble with negative parameters (#10)
- request to make ContinuationPar and NewtonPar mutable (#11)
- Issue with branch switching (#13)
- Trouble with branch switching and matrix-free (#16)
- How to use iterator to make a bifurcation diagram? (#18)
- [DOC] what is the expected output type for the Jacobian? (#21)
- Why is JLD2 a dependency? (#22)
- Illegal inttoptr? (#23)
- Exchange Plots dependency with Requires...? (#26)
- Hopf continuation failed in a stiff ODE system (#28)
- dz = norm(z[n+1]-z[n]) along branch from branch.ds? (#29)
- Questions regarding, and oddities with, the bifurcationdiagram function (#30)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix documentation. (#1) (@fredrikekre)
- Fix installation istruction (#2) (@tkf)
- Avoid mixing matrix and jobs (#8) (@oxinabox)
- Add an error message for EigAparck when v0 is not set in the matrix-free case (#14) (@antoine-levitt)
- fix typo in NormalForms (#15) (@antoine-levitt)
Automatic bifurcation diagram computation for simple branch points
0.0.1 correct bug in line search