Releases: bids-standard/legacy-validator
Releases · bids-standard/legacy-validator
- Improve UTF-8 support in browser environments.
- Upgrade to node-sass 4.13.1 to support node 13 environments better.
- Fix TSV checks returning arrays for evidence values.
- DOC: add TOC + docker info.
- Support large JSON output from CLI without truncation
- Initial BEP 018 support
- allow 'n/a' in channels status column
- Fixed docs and added Test Python package
- Added links to CI badges
- Tool to automatically add and order Zenodo creators
- Fix CI-only test failures
- Circle: Checkout full bids-examples history for tests
- DOC: Add Zenodo badge and initial .zenodo.json

- Force evidence for issue SLICETIMING_VALUES_GREATOR_THAN_REPETITION_TIME to be a string.
- Commits for releases 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 were related to trying to fix CI deployment.
- Sematic validation of HED files using the hed-validator.
- Allow '_ce-' and '_dir-' to appear in top level functional filenames.
- Update yarn.lock to match package.json versions
- Build/test with Node 12
- Validation of "status" column in channels.tsv
- Allow derived SI units
- Catch SI unit edge cases
- Get tests running on Windows
- Add default path for validator configuration
- Remove browser BOM
- Validate units for tsv files
- Strip UTF-8 BOM from TSV contents
- Add tag prefix to versioneer setup
- Attempt to fix CI for git tags
- Remove erroneous CJS module export from collectDirectorySize