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File metadata and controls

174 lines (117 loc) · 5.5 KB

GSP-87: Feature Gates


Behavior consistency is the most important thing for go-storage. However, we do have different capabilities and limitations in storage services. So the problem comes into how to handle them.

Our goals are:

  • Behavior consistent by default (invalid operations should be return error)
  • Give user abilities to loose the restriction
  • Allow user to enable the features they want

In GSP-16, we introduced loose mode which is a global flag that controls the behavior when services meet the unsupported pairs.

  • If loose is on: This error will be ignored.
  • If loose is off: Storager returns a compatibility-related error.

However, we removed loose in GSP-20 because we can't figure out error could be returned too early while in loose mode. And loose is so general that it affects nearly all behavior of Storager.

In types: Implement pair policy, we try to figure out this problem by introducing PairPolicy.

PairPolicy controls the behavior of pairs:

type PairPolicy struct {
   All bool

   // pairs for interface Storager
   Create           bool
   Delete           bool
   List             bool
   ListListMode     bool
   Metadata         bool
   Read             bool
   ReadSize         bool
   ReadOffset       bool
   ReadIoCallback   bool
   Stat             bool
   Write            bool
   WriteContentType bool
   WriteContentMd5  bool
   WriteIoCallback  bool

If PairPolicy.Write is on, Storager will return services.PairUnsupportedError while meeting not supported pairs.

But it doesn't solve the problem:

  • PairPolicy is generated in go-storage and can't reflect the capabilities in service.
  • PairPolicy only used for pair capabilities check, and can't fix the problem introduced in GSP-86


So I propose to treat loose behavior consistency as a feature and introduce feature gates in go-storage.


Feature means userland optional abilities provided by go-storage.

Copier is not a Feature.

It's decided by service providers, the user can't enable Copier for a service.

LooseOperation is a Feature.

It's decided by the user, and service providers can't affect its behavior.

Every Feature SHOULD be introduced via go-storage RFC process.

go-storage will generate feature gates struct for service:

type StorageFeatures struct {
   LooseOpeartionAll bool
   LooseOperationWrite bool
   VirtualOperationAll bool
   VirtualOperationCreateDir bool

func WithStorageFeatures(v StorageFeatures) Pair {
   return Pair{
      Key:   pairStorageFeatures,
      Value: v,

User can use WithStorageFeatures or WithStorageFeatures to enable features they want while NewServicer or NewStorager. Those features CANNOT be changed during runtime.

New Feature: Loose Operation

We will format PairPolicy as a new feature called: Loose Operation.

By default, go-storage will return errors for not supported pairs. If loose operation feature has been enabled, go-storage will ignore those errors.

To enable loose operation, users need to add pairs like:

   LooseOpeartionAll: true,
   LooseOperationWrite: true,

New function is special, and we will always enable loose for it.

New Feature: Virtual Operation and Virtual Pair

We will introduce a new idea Virtual to represents the following state: A service doesn't support some feature, but we can simulate it by some methods.

For example:

  • We can have Virtual Operation
    • S3 doesn't have native support for CreateDir, but we can put an Object end with / to simulate it.
    • S3 doesn't have native support for Link, but we can store the link target in object metadata to simulate it.
  • We can have Virtual Pair
    • fs doesn't support content_md5 for write, but we can store it in the file's xattr to simulate it.

Those features will affect users data in some way:

  • User couldn't read those data without go-storage
  • Those data could be changed by other API and go-storage can't detect them.

So the end-user has to decide whether enable those virtual features or not.

  • If they are enabled, our services will run in the virtual mode, likes your virtual machine. And they have to afford the side effects.
  • If they don't, our services will behave like they don't implement this feature.

The virtual feature will give us more power so that we can implement Link / Rename even when our service doesn't have native support.

To enable virtual operation, users need to add pairs like:

   VirtualOperationAll: true,




This proposal will deprecate PairPolicy.


To implement virtual operation and virtual pair support, we will add new fields into service.toml.

simulated = true
optional = ["content_type", "io_callback", "storage_class"]
virtual = ["content_md5"]
  • simulated: Mark this operation as a virtual operation.
  • virtual: The list of virtual pairs.