# triage-trend Our awesome BärnHäckt project for the Clienia Schlössli challenge ## Install and run backend ``` poetry install poetry run python scripts/train.py poetry run uvicorn triage_trend.main:app --reload ``` The service can then be queried like this: ```bash curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "date": "2024-08-24" }' ``` ## Install and run the frontend ```bash cd ./triage-trend-ui npm install npm run dev # or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab npm run dev -- --open ``` ## Format python code ```bash ruff check . --fix ruff format ``` ## Setup NixOS ```bash echo "use nix" > .envrc direnv allow ``` ## Data sources - [Weather data](https://data.stadt-zuerich.ch/dataset/ugz_meteodaten_tagesmittelwerte) ## Feature engineering ideas - Week after holidays - First week of holidays - Mean week weather data ``` ```