These are instructions to build weshnet.
- Required: asdf
- Required on macOS: Command Line Developer Tools
Following are the steps to install each prerequisite (if it's needed for your build target).
To install the Command Line Developer Tools, in a terminal enter:
xcode-select --install
After the Developer Tools are installed, we need to make sure it is updated. In System Preferences, click Software Update and update it if needed.
To install asdf using brew, follow instructions at . In short, first install brew following the instructions at . Then, in a terminal enter:
brew install asdf
If your terminal is zsh, enter:
echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc
If your terminal is bash, enter:
echo -e "\n. \"$(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
Start a new terminal to get the changes to .zshrc .
To install asdf, follow instructions at . In short, in a terminal enter:
sudo apt install curl git build-essential
git clone ~/.asdf
echo '. "$HOME/.asdf/"' >> ~/.bashrc
Start a new terminal to get the changes to .bashrc .
In a terminal, enter:
git clone
cd weshnet
First time only (or after updating .tool-versions), enter:
make asdf.install_tools
To run the tests, enter:
make test
Or you can make other targets. See:
make help