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Wire Compiler & Gradle Plugin

Wire has two key components: a compiler that generates Kotlin and Java code at build time, and a runtime library that supports the generated code when your program executes. The compiler is very configurable; this guide explains its features and their use.

Getting Started

The best way to configure and execute the Wire compiler is via our Gradle plugin. It requires Gradle 5.5 or newer.

A typical project has .proto files in the standard src/main/proto directory.


Because this project uses the default configuration, plugin setup is easy. Just a simple block in build.gradle,

Using plugin application:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.squareup.wire:wire-gradle-plugin:<version>'

apply plugin: 'com.squareup.wire'

wire {
  kotlin {}

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  id 'application'
  id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'
  id 'com.squareup.wire'

wire {
  kotlin {}

The plugin will read the .proto schema definitions, validate them, link them, and generate Kotlin code. It uses KotlinPoet internally to generate compact and legible source files.


Wire will generate files in build/generated/source/wire. It'll also register this directory as a source directory for the project so the generated sources are compiled by the Kotlin compiler.

Replace kotlin with java to generate Java sources instead.

Inputs and Outputs

Wire can pull source .proto schema definitions from a local directory, a local .jar file, or an external artifact specified with Maven coordinates.

wire {
  sourcePath {
    srcDir 'src/main/protos'

  sourcePath {
    srcJar 'lib/pizza-protos.jar'

  sourcePath {
    srcJar ''


If your resource or directory contains more .proto files than you need to compile you can constrain the inputs to specific files:

wire {
  sourcePath {
    srcDir 'src/main/protos'
    include 'com/example/pizza/pizza_delivery.proto'
    include 'com/example/pizza/pizza.proto'

Wildcards (with two stars) are also accepted:

wire {
  sourcePath {
    srcDir 'src/main/protos'
    include 'com/example/pizza/**'


Wire can emit both Java and Kotlin in the same build. Use includes to specify which types are emitted for a target language; subsequent languages will emit what's left over.

wire {

  kotlin {
    // Kotlin emits the matched types only.
    includes = ['*']
  java {
    // Java gets everything else!

Note that sources are specified as file system paths (slash delimiter) and targets are specified as Proto type names (dot delimiter).

Inputs and Outputs

You may also specify targets with excludes. If you have both includes and excludes, excludes take precedence.

wire {

  kotlin {
    // Kotlin emits everything but sales and geo packages.
    excludes = ['com.example.sales.*', 'com.example.geo.*']
  java {
    // Java gets those because they're left over.

Wire will print a warning if any name in includes or excludes is unused.

When configuring Wire you must use the package name from the .proto file's package declaration. The option java_package name is not used for Wire configuration.

Proto Path for Libraries

Large projects may span multiple modules. To support this Wire has a 'proto path'. The .proto schema files on this path are used for linking and validation, but they do not yield files in the generated output.

The proto path supports the same inputs as the proto path: directories, .jar files, and Maven coordinates. Similarly, the proto path may be filtered with include.

wire {
  protoPath {
    srcDir 'src/main/address-protos'

  protoPath {
    srcJar 'lib/price.jar'

  protoPath {
    srcJar 'com.example:countries:1.0.0'
    include 'com/example/geo/country.proto'


The source path and proto path are linked together but only types on the source path are generated.


Dependencies between Gradle Modules

Wire provides support to define dependencies between modules within the same project.

A module can include its .proto files into the output resources. Use this when your .jar file can be used as a library for other proto or Wire projects. Note that only the .proto files used in the library will be included.

wire {
  protoLibrary = true

Wire also creates two configurations, protoPath and protoSource you can use to define a dependency on another proto or Wire project.

dependencies {
  // The task `:common-protos:jar` will be added into the dependency
  // graph of this module for the Wire generating tasks.

wire {
  kotlin {

Note that protoPath and protoSource dependencies are not transitive by default. If needed, you can change it manually.

configurations.protoPath {
  transitive = true


For mobile projects it's easy to generate a lot of unnecessary code. For example, a .proto schema might support types for obsolete features.

General-purpose code-shrinking tools like R8 and ProGuard have difficulty shrinking Wire-generated sources because the encode() and decode() functions still use them. Instead, Wire offers its own code shrinker to eliminate unwanted declarations early.

Use prune to precisely eliminate an unwanted type or member. These will be eliminated along with all references to them.

wire {

  prune ''
  prune 'com.example.geo.Country'



Alternately you may prefer to specify what to keep, pruning everything not reachable from that set.

wire {

  root ''


Version Matching

Another way to prune obsolete fields is to assign them a version, then to generate your code against a version range or a unique version. The fields out of the version range will get pruned.

Members may be declared with wire.since and wire.until options; enum constant can use wire.constant_since and wire.constant_until. For example, these options declare a field age that was replaced with birth_date in version "5.0":

import "wire/extensions.proto";

message Singer {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional int32 age = 2 [(wire.until) = "5.0"];
  optional Date birth_date = 3 [(wire.since) = "5.0"];

Client code should typically target a single version. In this example, clients will have the name and birth_date fields only.

wire {
  onlyVersion "5.0"

Service code that supports many clients should support the union of versions of all supported clients. Such code will have name, as well as both the age and birth_date fields.

wire {
  sinceVersion "3.0"
  untilVersion "6.0"

Proto Libraries

By default, .proto input files are not included in the generated .jar artifact. Use the protoLibrary option to include them:

wire {
  protoLibrary = true

This is most useful when building .jar files for other wire tasks to use as dependencies. Note that only the true sources are included – proto messages that are pruned or not used are not included in the output artifact.

Customizing Output


Here's an exhaustive Java configuration. Booleans are shown with their non-default behavior.

wire {
  java {
    // Proto types to include generated sources for. Types listed here will be
    // generated for this/ target and not for subsequent targets in the task.
    // This list should contain package names (suffixed with `.*`) and type names
    // only. It should not contain member names.
    includes = ['*']

    // Proto types to excluded generated sources for. Types listed here will not
    // be generated for this target.
    // This list should contain package names (suffixed with `.*`) and type names
    // only. It should not contain member names.
    excludes = ['com.example.sales.*']

    // True if types emitted for this target should not also be emitted for other
    // targets. Use this to cause multiple outputs to be emitted for the same input
    // type.
    exclusive = false

    // Directory to emit to.
    out "${buildDir}/custom"

    // True for emitted types to implement android.os.Parcelable.
    android = true

    // True to enable the androidx.annotation.Nullable annotation where applicable.
    androidAnnotations = true

    // True to emit code that uses reflection for reading, writing, and toString
    // methods which are normally implemented with generated code.
    compact = true

    // True to emit types for options declared on messages, fields, etc.
    emitDeclaredOptions = false,

    // True to emit annotations for options applied on messages, fields, etc.
    emitAppliedOptions = true


Here's an exhaustive Kotlin configuration. Booleans and enums are shown with their non-default behavior.

wire {
  kotlin {
    // Proto types to include generated sources for. Types listed here will be
    // generated for this/ target and not for subsequent targets in the task.
    // This list should contain package names (suffixed with `.*`) and type names
    // only. It should not contain member names.
    includes = ['*']

    // Proto types to excluded generated sources for. Types listed here will not
    // be generated for this target.
    // This list should contain package names (suffixed with `.*`) and type names
    // only. It should not contain member names.
    excludes = ['com.example.sales.*']

    // True if types emitted for this target should not also be emitted for other
    // targets. Use this to cause multiple outputs to be emitted for the same input
    // type.
    exclusive = false

    // Directory to emit to.
    out "${buildDir}/custom"

    // True for emitted types to implement android.os.Parcelable.
    android = true

    // True for emitted types to implement APIs for easier migration from the Java
    // target.
    javaInterop = true

    // True to emit types for options declared on messages, fields, etc.
    emitDeclaredOptions = false,

    // True to emit annotations for options applied on messages, fields, etc.
    emitAppliedOptions = true,

    // `suspending` to generate coroutines APIs that require a Kotlin coroutines context.
    // `blocking` to generate blocking APIs callable by Java and Kotlin.
    rpcCallStyle = 'blocking'

    // `client` to generate interfaces best suited to sending outbound calls.
    // `server` to generate interfaces best suited to receiving inbound calls.
    rpcRole = 'server'

    // True for emitted services to implement one interface per RPC.
    singleMethodServices = true


Here's an exhaustive Proto configuration. You can use this target to generate a pruned proto schema, or to pretty-print one. Note that even with multiple outputs set, the proto target will always emit all types, all services, and all extensions of the schema.

wire {
  proto {
    // Directory to emit to.
    out "${buildDir}/custom"

Custom Handlers

Wire has an unstable API to generate code or other artifacts from a proto schema.

You'll need to implement the CustomHandlerBeta interface. See our MarkdownHandler for a sample implementation. Note that this interface is subject to change.

Build that into an jar artifact and add that as a buildscript dependency to your Gradle project.

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath ""

Next configure the Wire plugin to call your custom handler. Here's an exhaustive custom configuration. Booleans and enums are shown with their non-default behavior.

wire {
  custom {
   // The name of a Java class to generate code with. This class must:
   //  * be in the buildscript dependencies for this Gradle project
   //  * be a public class
   //  * have a public no-arguments constructor
   //  * implement the com.squareup.wire.schema.CustomHandlerBeta interface
   customHandlerClass = "com.example.MyCustomHandler"

   // These options work the same as the java and kotlin targets above.
   includes = ['*']
   excludes = ['com.example.sales.*']
   exclusive = false
   out "${buildDir}/custom"