diff --git a/About.md b/About.md
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+layout: page
+title: About
+permalink: /about/
+main_nav: true
+Hi, I'm Mao Tianchan. I'm currently a Postdoc Research Fellow at Fudan University. Before that, I received my PhD degree in communication studies in Fudan University(2023) and B. A Journalism in Zhejiang University(2018). I'm also a visiting Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication and New Media at the National University of Singapore (2022-2023) and was recognized as the China Association for Science and Technology Young Scholar in 2022.
+My recent research primarily focuses on platform studies, global communication, and media industry, especially how the rise of platform society reshapes the structure of digital economy and global information circulation. While I have a preference for qualitative research methods, I acknowledge that the academic journey should be multi-approached. Consequently, I'm also keen to use quantitative and computational methods to investigate research questions. I have already published over 10 papers in SSCI, CSSCI, and ICA conferences until now, and successfully led a provincial research project in China, earning academic awards for provincial-level and national-level research contributions.
+In my leisure time, I am a literature, art, and cooking enthusiast. I'm also deeply passionate about table tennis, hiking, and yoga. I believe that the essence of academic research lies in a profound dialogue between oneself and nature. Literature, art, history, music, and sports all contribute to enriching our imagination and understanding of the contemporary world.
+[Chinese Version]你好,我是毛天婵^_^。我目前是复旦大学新闻学院传播学的博士后。在复旦大学取得博士学位(2023)之前,我本科毕业于浙江大学新闻系(2018)。同时我也受CSC资助,赴新加坡国立大学传播与新媒体系联合培养一年(2022-2023),并入选了中国科协青年智库人才(2022)。
+[centrarium]: https://github.com/bencentra/centrarium
+[bencentra]: http://bencentra.com
+[jekyll]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll
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+layout: page
+title: Publications
+permalink: /Publications/
+main_nav: true
Tianchan Mao&Zhengyu Zuo(2024).Localizing the Platformization How Chinese Tech Platform Giants Fit into Traditional Audiovisual Industry.Australia,Gold Coast:ICA
Tianchan MAO(2023). Platforms reshaped Embeddedness? : Flexible Production Network and the Platformization of Audiovisual Industry in Yangtze River Delta Region of China. Toronto:ICA
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# Site settings
-title: Centrarium
-subtitle: "A simple yet classy theme for your Jekyll website or blog"
-email: blcentra@gmail.com
-name: Ben Centra
+title: Mao Tianchan
+subtitle: "Postdoc Fellow, Communication Studies,Fudan University,China"
+email: maotianchan@gmail.com
+name: maotianchan
description: >
A simple yet classy theme for your Jekyll website or blog.
# Base URL of site (i.e. /blog). It should always start with a slash,
# and never end with a slash. Set it to a blank value if hosting at the
# root of your server.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
-url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
+url: "https://tianchanmao.com/" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
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# url: https://twitter.com/TheBenCentra # URL of your profile (leave blank to not display in footer)
# desc: Follow me on Twitter # Description to display as link title, etc
# share: true # Include in the "Share" section of posts
- - name: Twitter
- icon: twitter
- username: TheBenCentra
- url: https://twitter.com/TheBenCentra
- desc: Follow me on Twitter
- share: true
- name: Facebook
icon: facebook
username: thebencentra
url: ""
desc: Friend me on Facebook
- share: true
- - name: GitHub
- icon: github
- username: bencentra
- url: https://github.com/bencentra
- desc: Fork me on GitHub
share: false
- - name: LinkedIn
- icon: linkedin
- username: Ben Centra
- url: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ben-centra/47/769/60a
- desc: Connect with me on LinkedIn
- share: true
- - name: Google+
+ - name: Google Scholar
icon: google-plus
username: ""
url: ""
- desc: Add me to your Circles
- share: true
+ desc: Add me to your Google Scholar
+ share: false
- name: YouTube
icon: youtube
@@ -130,7 +110,7 @@ social:
username: ""
url: ""
desc: Follow me on Pinterest
- share: true
+ share: false
- name: SoundCloud
icon: soundcloud
@@ -179,7 +159,7 @@ social:
username: ""
url: ""
desc: Share to Reddit
- share: true
+ share: false
- name: "Hacker News"
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-layout: page
-title: About
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-main_nav: true
-Centrarium is a custom theme for Jekyll, made by [Ben Centra][bencentra] for his own blog. He'd be humbled if you liked it enough to use it as well! Installation and configuration instructions can be found in the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/bencentra/centrarium).
-This page is a good place to write about yourself, your project, your product, or whatever it is your site is for. You can replace the image above, or you can get rid of it entirely.
-You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [jekyllrb.com](http://jekyllrb.com/). And you can find the source code for Jekyll at [github.com/jekyll/jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll)
-[centrarium]: https://github.com/bencentra/centrarium
-[bencentra]: http://bencentra.com
-[jekyll]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll
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layout: page
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+My Ph.D. dissertation focuses on the platformization of the film and television industry in the Yangtze River Delta region of China. Employing the theoretical framework of innovation networks, I investigate how the emergence of streaming platforms such as iQiyi, Youku, and Tencent Video reshape the professional knowledge networks, producer networks, and governance networks that were originally based on physical clusters in film and television production. Through this work, I aim to shed light on the platformization of the traditional media industry within the Chinese context. In the future, I will continue to explore topics related to how platforms reshape digital cultural production.
Platformization of Media Industry
+My long-term commitment is positioning the study of Digital China within the context of the global platform economy. My published works primarily delve into “the paradox of Tencent's openness and monopoly”, “how Tencent reshapes the industrial chain of digital cultural production in China”, and “the geo-economy bottlenecks resulting from its internal infrastructuralization pattern”. The topics that interest me extend beyond how platformization reshapes traditional industries and individual lives; I am also interested in how platformization unfolds and evolves in different global contexts and where its boundary lies.
Platform Governance
+The social value of platform study requires returning to platform governance. The issues I want to include are how platforms are governed and how they govern their internal user and producer systems. I believe that as multi-side markets, platforms ultimately aim to achieve openness and connectivity, contributing to the well-developed of society through Information communication technologies.
The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with Bitters and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.
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h2. Heading
h3. Heading
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h6. Heading
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