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Releases: bem/bem-xjst


20 May 10:45
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Now bem-xjst trim and escape cls. Example:

// Template:
block('b1').elem('e1').content()(function() {
    return JSON.stringify(this.mods);
    { block: 'b1', cls: '">' },
    { block: 'b2', cls: '   hello    ' }

Result before fix (v6.5.0):

<div class="b ">"></div>
<div class="   hello    "></div>

Result after fix (v6.5.1):

<div class="b &quot;>"></div>
<div class="hello"></div>


20 May 10:32
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bemhtml.compile() and bemtree.compile() should work with arrow functions and function with name and params.

var bemhtml = require('bem-xjst').bemhtml;

var myFunction = function() {

// myFunction can be in v6.5.0:
//   function name() { … }
//   function (a, b) { … }
//   function name(a, b) { … }
//   () => { … }
//   (a, b) => { … }
//   _ => { … }

var templates = bemhtml.compile(myFunction);


20 May 10:23
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bem-xjst should not render attrs if it’s not hash. Strings, arrays, and etc.

{ block: 'b', attrs: [ 1, 2 ] }

Result before fix (v6.4.2):

<div class="b" 0="1" 1="2"></div>

Result after fix (v6.4.3):

<div class="b"></div>


20 May 10:15
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bem-xjst should not inherit mods from namesake parent block. Example:

    block: 'b1',
    mods: { a: 1 },
    content: { block: 'b1' }

Result before fix (v6.4.1):

<div class="b1 b1_a_1"><div class="b1_a_1"></div></div>

Result after fix (v6.4.2):

<div class="b1 b1_a_1"><div class="b1"></div></div>

bem-xjst should not match on removed mods. Example:

// Template:
block('b1').mod('a', 'b').replace()(function() {
    return {
        block: 'b1',
        content: 'content'
    block: 'b1',
    mods: { a: 1 }

Result before fix (v6.4.1): endless loop :(

Result after fix (v6.4.2):

<div class="b1">content</div>
  • [3451467c5d] - bemxjst: should not inherit mods from namesake parent block (Dmitry Starostin)
  • [c2f697f71a] - We don’t need it anymore (Vasiliy Loginevskiy)
  • [ed7624ac91] - Simple example (miripiruni)


11 May 10:26
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixed: in case of same block mods disappearing. Now bem-xjst keeps it. Example:

// Template:
block('b1').elem('e1').content()(function() {
    return JSON.stringify(this.mods);
    block: 'b1',
    mods: { a: 1 },
    content: { block: 'b1', elem: 'e1' }

Result before fix (v6.4.0):

<div class="b1 b1_a_1"><div class="b1__e1">{}</div></div>

Result after fix (v6.4.1):

<div class="b1 b1_a_1"><div class="b1__e1">{"a":1}</div></div>

Now you can pass to bemxjst.compile named function.

  • [61f21249cf] - bemjxst: should keep mods in case of same block (miripiruni)
  • [ae5521104c] - Remove elemMatch fix for #260 (miripiruni)
  • [af9a35c906] - Change files in package.js (Vasiliy)
  • [274f438116] - bemxjst.compile: error when passed function with name (Fix #250) (miripiruni)


20 Apr 12:28
Choose a tag to compare

New option for content escaping: escapeContent.

In v6.4.0 escapeContent is set to false by default but will be inverted in one of the next major versions.


You can set escapeContent option to true to escape string values of content field with xmlEscape.

var bemxjst = require('bem-xjst');
var templates = bemxjst.bemhtml.compile(function() {
    // In this example we will add no templates.
    // Default behaviour is used for HTML rendering.
    }, {
        // Turn on content escaping
        escapeContent: true

var bemjson = {
    block: 'danger',
    // Danger UGC content
    content: '&nbsp;<script src="alert()"></script>'

var html = templates.apply(bemjson);


<div class="danger">&amp;nbsp;&lt;script src="alert()"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</div>

If you want avoid escaping in content use special value: { html: '…' }.

If you already use this.xmlEscape() on content values please don’t forget to remove it.

  • [9bdb20479a] - Merge pull request #217 from bem/escaping2 (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [9cb7249d03] - Package name fixed (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [54d505922b] - BEMXJST runSimple small refactoring (miripiruni)


18 Apr 12:57
Choose a tag to compare

Improved error message about no block subpredicate.


$cat noblock.js
var bemxjst = require('bem-xjst');
var bemhtml = bemxjst.bemhtml;
var templates = bemhtml.compile(function() {

$ node noblock.js
      throw new BEMXJSTError(e.message);
BEMXJSTError: block(…) subpredicate is not found.
    See template with subpredicates:
     * tag()
    And template body:
    at _compile (.../lib/compiler.js:60:13)
    at Compiler.compile (...//lib/compiler.js:79:3)
    at Object.<anonymous> (.../noblock.js:3:25)


13 Apr 14:57
Choose a tag to compare

New option elemJsInstances for support JS instances for elems (bem-core v4+).

In v6.3.0 elemJsInstances is set to false by default but will be inverted in one of the next major versions.

var bemxjst = require('bem-xjst');
var templates = bemxjst.bemhtml.compile(function() {
    // In this example we will add no templates.
    // Default behaviour is used for HTML rendering.
    }, {
        // Turn on support for JS instances for elems
        elemJsInstances: true

var bemjson = {
    block: 'b',
    elem: 'e',
    js: true

var html = templates.apply(bemjson);

Result with v6.2.x:

<div class="b__e" data-bem='{"b__e":{}}'></div>

Result with v6.3.0:

<div class="b__e i-bem" data-bem='{"b__e":{}}'></div>

Notice that i-bem was added.


08 Apr 12:30
Choose a tag to compare
  1. Fixed arrow function support for replace, wrap, once.
  2. Minor updates: readme, package meta info, authors file, etc.
  • [669db0d7db] - BEMHTML, BEMTREE added to keywords (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [abab495e2e] - description changed (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [ac43d023aa] - Russian comments in (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [eb56169ddc] - Pass context to wrap-based matchers and once (Alexey Yaroshevich)
  • [369b8543b2] - Twitter added (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [a2e4a0716a] - Twitter added (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [e51c1fae85] - Increment year (Slava Oliyanchuk)
  • [da3bfecbc8] - AUTHORS added (miripiruni)
  • [7d16b39958] - package.json: engines field added (miripiruni)
  • [7d823dc92d] - Travis: node 5 added (miripiruni)
  • [61f56a6e48] - keywords, homepage, directories and contributors added (miripiruni)


24 Mar 13:18
Choose a tag to compare

2016-03-24, v6.2.0, @miripiruni

New xhtml option. Default value is true. But in next major version we invert it.

xhtml option allow you to ommit closing slash in void HTML elements (only have a start tag).

Example for v6.2.0:

 var bemxjst = require('bem-xjst');
 var templates = bemxjst.bemhtml.compile(function() {
     // In this example we didn’t add templates
     // bem-xjst will render by default
     }, {
         // Turn off XHTML
         xhtml: false

 var bemjson = { tag: 'br' };
 var html = templates.apply(bemjson);

v6.2.0 result:


v6.1.1 result:
