diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e2aa3e9..ac179c0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
VioletBug is a cross-platform desktop application providing a graphical interface to the Roku Debugger as an alternative to Telnet. It is similar to PurpleBug, https://belltown-roku.tk/PurpleBug, which is still supported; however, PurpleBug only runs on Windows PCs, and is closed-source. VioletBug, in contrast, is open-source running under [Electron](http://electron.atom.io/) and [Node.js](https://nodejs.org), written entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The source code can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/belltown/violetbug).
-Note that VioletBug is not intended as a general-purpose Telnet client. Its features are geared towards debugging on a Roku. Currently, Rokus can only be addressed by IP address, not by host name; and only well-known ports used by the Roku are supported.
## Features
* Runs under Windows (7+), macOS (10.9+), and linux
* Automatic discovery of Rokus on the local network
-* A drop-down menu of well-known Roku ports
+* Manual input of IP address or host name for undiscovered devices
+* A drop-down menu of well-known Roku ports (other ports can be added in the Settings menu)
* Separate tabs for each Roku/port connection
* Floating tabs (right-click the tab header)
* Session logging for each tab
diff --git a/doc/README.md.html b/doc/README.md.html
index 3eb29e3..93ccc81 100644
--- a/doc/README.md.html
+++ b/doc/README.md.html
@@ -489,12 +489,12 @@
Windows — macOS — linux
VioletBug is a cross-platform desktop application providing a graphical interface to the Roku Debugger as an alternative to Telnet. It is similar to PurpleBug, https://belltown-roku.tk/PurpleBug, which is still supported; however, PurpleBug only runs on Windows PCs, and is closed-source. VioletBug, in contrast, is open-source running under Electron and Node.js, written entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The source code can be found on GitHub.
Note that VioletBug is not intended as a general-purpose Telnet client. Its features are geared towards debugging on a Roku. Currently, Rokus can only be addressed by IP address, not by host name; and only well-known ports used by the Roku are supported.
Runs under Windows (7+), macOS (10.9+), and linux
Automatic discovery of Rokus on the local network
A drop-down menu of well-known Roku ports
Manual input of IP address or host name for undiscovered devices
A drop-down menu of well-known Roku ports (other ports can be added in the Settings menu)
diff --git a/source/ports.js b/source/ports.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d55cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ports.js
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+'use strict';
+{ // <= Enclosing block to keep function names out of global namespace
+ //
+ // Main menu ports settings dialog
+ // Invoked from VBMenu.js
+ //
+ // Electron modules
+ const {remote, ipcRenderer} = require('electron')
+ // Local modules
+ const VBConfig = require('./lib/VBConfig')
+ // Read config data (to get current ports)
+ // The ports module only READS the config data, never writing directly
+ // When a port is changed, an IPC message is sent to
+ // the Main Process using ipcRenderer.send()
+ // The Main Process will in turn send IPCs to the Renderer Processes
+ // so they can update their ports for any displayed connection tabs or
+ // floating tabs
+ const vbConfig = new VBConfig()
+ const config = vbConfig.init()
+ // Declare DOM shortcuts; assign in onLoad(), called when the DOM is loaded
+ let portError
+ let portList
+ let addButton
+ let okButton
+ let cancelButton
+ // No need to release any resources - closing the window takes care of that
+ function closeWindow() {
+ remote.getCurrentWindow().close()
+ }
+ // Send the changed ports to the Main Process when the
+ // OK button is pressed so that any newly-created connection
+ // tabs will get the up-to-date ports when they read
+ // the config file during their initialization
+ function sendChangedPorts() {
+ config.portList = {}
+ for (let i = 0; i < portList.children.length; i++) {
+ const item = portList.children[i]
+ if (item.tagName === 'LI') {
+ const portInput = item.querySelector('.portNumber')
+ const descriptionInput = item.querySelector('.portDescription')
+ const port = (portInput && portInput.value) || ''
+ const description = (descriptionInput && descriptionInput.value) || ''
+ if (port) {
+ config.portList[port] = description
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ipcRenderer.send('portListChanged', JSON.stringify(config.portList))
+ }
+ // Event-handler for the OK button
+ function onOKClick(e) {
+ if (validatePorts()) {
+ sendChangedPorts()
+ closeWindow()
+ }
+ }
+ // Event-handler for Cancel button
+ function onCancelClick(e) {
+ closeWindow()
+ }
+ // Event-handler for the Add button
+ function onAddClick(e) {
+ // Create a new, blank port entry for user input of a new port
+ const portEntry = makePortEntry('', '')
+ // Insert the new entry to the end of the port list
+ portList.appendChild(portEntry, portList.firstChild)
+ // Focus on the Port input field in the entry that was just added
+ portEntry.firstChild.focus()
+ }
+ // Check that the supplied DOM element is a valid port
+ function validPortInput(portInput) {
+ let errorMessage = ''
+ const portValue = portInput.value.trim()
+ // Get the port's description
+ let descriptionValue = ''
+ const li = portInput.closest('LI')
+ if (li) {
+ const descriptionInput = li.querySelector('.portDescription')
+ descriptionValue = (descriptionInput && descriptionInput.value) || ''
+ }
+ // A port is considered valid if both the port and description are blank
+ if (portValue !== '' || descriptionValue !== '') {
+ if (!portValue.match(/^\d+$/)) {
+ errorMessage = 'Port may only contain digits'
+ }
+ else {
+ const portNumber = parseInt(portValue, 10)
+ if (Number.isNaN(portNumber) || portNumber < 1 || portNumber > 65535) {
+ errorMessage = 'Port must be between 1 and 65535'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return errorMessage
+ }
+ // Validate all entered ports, either when a port value has been modified,
+ // or the OK button is pressed to commit any changes
+ function validatePorts() {
+ let valid = true
+ let portErrorDisplayed = ''
+ // Validate each port entry
+ const queryList = portList.querySelectorAll('.portNumber')
+ for (let i = 0; i < queryList.length; i++) {
+ const portInput = queryList[i]
+ const errorMessage = validPortInput(portInput)
+ if (errorMessage !== '') {
+ valid = false
+ // Highlight the erroneous port
+ portInput.classList.add('invalidPort')
+ // Only display the first error message
+ if (portErrorDisplayed === '') {
+ portErrorDisplayed = errorMessage
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ portInput.classList.remove('invalidPort')
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove any existing error message
+ while (portError.firstChild) {
+ portError.removeChild(portError.firstChild)
+ }
+ // If we have an error, display it
+ if (portErrorDisplayed !== '') {
+ portError.appendChild(document.createTextNode(portErrorDisplayed))
+ }
+ return valid
+ }
+ // When a value in one port has been changed, validate all entered ports
+ // This allows us to check for blank ports, whch are invalid if they
+ // have a description associated with them
+ function onInput(e) {
+ validatePorts()
+ }
+ // Delete button click event handler
+ function onDeleteClick(e) {
+ const deleteButton = e.target
+ if (deleteButton) {
+ const li = deleteButton.closest('LI')
+ if (li) {
+ portList.removeChild(li)
+ }
+ }
+ // Need to revalidate ports to remove any error message that may
+ // apply to the deleted port
+ validatePorts()
+ }
+ // Create a port entry consisting of port (inout text field),
+ // description (input text field) and a delete button for that entry
+ function makePortEntry(portValue, descriptionValue) {
+ const li = document.createElement('LI')
+ const portInput = document.createElement('INPUT')
+ portInput.className = 'portNumber'
+ portInput.value = portValue
+ portInput.addEventListener('input', onInput)
+ li.appendChild(portInput)
+ const descriptionInput = document.createElement('INPUT')
+ descriptionInput.className = 'portDescription'
+ descriptionInput.value = descriptionValue
+ descriptionInput.addEventListener('input', onInput)
+ li.appendChild(descriptionInput)
+ const deleteIcon = document.createElement('DIV')
+ deleteIcon.className = 'deleteIcon'
+ deleteIcon.title = 'Delete port'
+ deleteIcon.addEventListener('click', onDeleteClick)
+ li.appendChild(deleteIcon)
+ return li
+ }
+ // Initialize the port list display from the config object
+ // The ports are stored in an associative array in config,
+ // which is not guaranteed to be sorted, so sort them here
+ function setPortList() {
+ // Fill in the port entries from the config object
+ for (let port of Object.keys(config.portList).sort()) {
+ portList.appendChild(makePortEntry(port, config.portList[port]))
+ }
+ // Add a blank port entry in the last row
+ const blankPortEntry = makePortEntry('', '')
+ portList.appendChild(blankPortEntry)
+ // Focus on the port input field in the blank entry
+ blankPortEntry.firstChild.focus()
+ }
+ // Document load event-handler
+ function onLoad() {
+ // Assign DOM element shortcuts
+ portError = document.getElementById('portError')
+ portList = document.getElementById('portList')
+ addButton = document.getElementById('addButton')
+ okButton = document.getElementById('okButton')
+ cancelButton = document.getElementById('cancelButton')
+ // Register event-handlers
+ addButton .addEventListener('click', onAddClick)
+ okButton .addEventListener('click', onOKClick)
+ cancelButton.addEventListener('click', onCancelClick)
+ // Set ports from the initial config object
+ setPortList()
+ // Just in case there's an invalid port number already in the config file
+ validatePorts()
+ }
+ // Register the document load event-handler, fired when DOM is fully loaded
+ addEventListener('load', onLoad)
diff --git a/source/shortcuts.js b/source/shortcuts.js
index 5448045..6772d96 100644
--- a/source/shortcuts.js
+++ b/source/shortcuts.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ // <= Enclosing block to keep function names out of global namespace
- // Main menu font selection settings dialog
+ // Main menu shortcuts settings dialog
// Invoked from VBMenu.js
diff --git a/source/vb-config.json b/source/vb-config.json
index a783ac4..d4d50d5 100644
--- a/source/vb-config.json
+++ b/source/vb-config.json
@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@
"windowState": "Normal",
"zoomLevel": 0,
"seenHelp": false,
- "maxOutputLines": 10000,
"logfilePath": "",
"lastConnectedIp": "",
"lastConnectedPort": "8085",
"autoScroll": true,
"autoWrap": true,
"insertTabsAtEnd": true,
- "maxOutputNodes": 10000,
+ "maxOutputNodes": 15000,
"foregroundColor": "#00DD00",
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"shortcutList" :
@@ -37,5 +36,11 @@
"fontSize": "11pt",
"snTable": "[]",
"floaties": "[]",
- "floatiesInTaskbar": true
+ "floatiesInTaskbar": true,
+ "portList": {
+ "8085": "Main Debug",
+ "8080": "Genkey",
+ "8087": "Screensaver"
+ },
+ "maxHostsToScan": 256