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Environment Setup

Table of Contents

  1. Required Packages
  2. CPU Installation
    1. venv Installation
    2. Anaconda Installation
  3. GPU Installation
    1. Local GPU Installation
    2. HPC Cluster GPU Installation
      1. Anaconda Installation

Note If you want to set up on the clusters, first refer to the CLUSTER GUIDE available HERE

1. Required Packages

The repository was last tested with the following versions of the packages:

cudatoolkit=10.2    ----> GPU ONLY!

Note In order to be able to use pyFluidSynth, you need to install fluidsynth software on your machine. pyFluidSynth needs fluidsynth to be installed on your machine in order to work. You can install fluidsynth using the following command: On Mac, you can do this by running

brew install fluidsynth

Alternatively, on Mac and Linux, you can install fluidsynth using the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge fluidsynth

In this repo, the fluidsynth package is used to generate audio from a number of different symbolic representations such as MIDI, Note_Sequence, and HVO_Sequence.

Warning If you decide to install fluidsynth using the conda-forge channel, we recommend that you prepare your conda environment first using the guides in section 2.2 or 3.1

2. CPU Installation

2.1 venv Installation

First create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv GrooveTransformerVenv

Then activate the virtual environment and install the required packages:

source GrooveTransformerVenv/bin/activate

To install torch, navigate to the pytorch website and select the appropriate installation command for your system. See figure below for an example:

Then while the virtual environment is activated, run the following command to install the required packages:

pip install bokeh==2.4.3
pip install colorcet==3.0.0
pip install fluidsynth==0.2
pip install holoviews==1.15.1
pip install librosa==0.9.2
pip install matplotlib==3.6.0
pip install note_seq==0.0.5
pip install numpy==1.23.3
pip install pandas==1.5.0
pip install pretty_midi==0.2.9
pip install pyFluidSynth==1.3.1
pip install PyYAML==6.0
pip install scikit_learn==1.1.3
pip install scipy==1.9.1
pip install soundfile==0.11.0
pip install tqdm==4.64.1
pip install wandb==0.13.3
pip install umap-learn

2.2 Anaconda Installation

To install the packages using conda, run the following command:

conda create --name GrooveTransformer python=3.9
source activate GrooveTransformer

conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1  -c pytorch
pip install bokeh==2.4.3
pip install colorcet==3.0.0
pip install fluidsynth==0.2
pip install holoviews==1.15.1
pip install librosa==0.9.2
pip install matplotlib==3.6.0
pip install note_seq==0.0.5
pip install numpy==1.23.3
pip install pandas==1.5.0
pip install pretty_midi==0.2.9
pip install pyFluidSynth==1.3.1
pip install PyYAML==6.0
pip install scikit_learn==1.1.3
pip install scipy==1.9.1
pip install soundfile==0.11.0
pip install tqdm==4.64.1
pip install wandb==0.13.3
conda install -c conda-forge umap-learn

3. GPU Installation

3.1 GPU Installation on Local Machines

The gpu installation is similar to the cpu installation, except that you need to install the cudatoolkit package.

If you are using conda, you can install the cudatoolkit package using the following command:

conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

If you are using pip, you can install the cudatoolkit package using the pytorch suggested command found here.

3.2 Installation on HPC Clusters

The installations here are specific to the UPF DTIC HPC clusters. If you haven't used the clusters before, you can find a guide on how to use them here.

3.2.1 [Miniconda](with local conda installation)
Local Installation of Miniconda3 on the Cluster

Note To install Miniconda3, first login to the cluster. After logging into the login nodes (no need to connect to computational nodes yet), run the following commands

 mkdir ~/miniconda_envs
 cd ~/miniconda_envs
 bash -b -p ~/miniconda_envs/anaconda3

Note Everytime you want to use the conda environment, you need to activate it first locate the path to the conda executable and activate the environment. For example

  export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

This will allow your terminal to be able to find the conda executable.

Creating a Miniconda Environment

Assuming that you have already installed Miniconda3, and located the path to the conda executable using the export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" command, you can create a conda environment using the following command:

cd ~/miniconda_envs
conda create -y -n GrooveTransformer python=3.9 anaconda 

Once finished, check that the environment has been created by running the following command:

conda info --envs

Warning Open your .bashrc file and add make sure no conda commands are being executed when you open a new terminal. If you have any conda commands in your .bashrc file (should be at the very bottom), remove them. You can use vim .bashrc, then press i to enter insert mode, then use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the file. Once done, press esc to exit insert mode, then type :wq to save and quit.

Activating the Miniconda Environment

In order to activate the environment, you need to locate the path to the conda environment as well as the path to the conda executable.

export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/envs/GrooveTransformer:$PATH"
source activate GrooveTransformer
Installing the Required Packages

Once the environment is activated, you can install the required packages using the following command:

pip install torch==1.12.0+cu102 --extra-index-url
pip3 install ffmpeg==1.4
pip3 install holoviews==1.15.1
pip3 install note-seq==0.0.5
pip3 install wandb==0.13.3

# conda install -c conda-forge fluidsynth                     # Only if you want to synthesize hvo_sequences                     
# pip3 install pyFluidSynth                                    # Only if you want to synthesize hvo_sequences
Batch Script for Miniconda Installation, Environment Creation, and Package Installation

The following batch scripts can be used to install Miniconda3, create a conda environment, and install the required packages.

The installation can take a long time, so it is recommended to run the installation in 3 separate sessions, that is to say, run the first script in one session, then once it is finished, run the second script in another session, and finally run the third script in a third session.

Alternatively, you can run the entire installation in one session using the full batch script.

Note A batch script is a file that contains a series of commands that are executed one after the other. In order to run a batch script, you need to create an empty [file_name].sh file, and then copy the contents of the batch script into the file. Finally, you can sumbit the batch script to the cluster using the sbatch command.

To summarize,


 # in vim: 
    # 1.   press i to enter insert mode
    # 2.   copy the contents of the batch script into the file
    # 3.   press esc to exit insert mode
    # 4.   type :wq to save and quit

  • Step1: Miniconda3 Installation
#SBATCH -J env_setup
#SBATCH -p high
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH -o %N.%J.env_setup.out

# Step 1. Intalling Miniconda
# ----------------------------------------------------
mkdir ~/miniconda_envs
cd ~/miniconda_envs
bash -b -p ~/miniconda_envs/anaconda3
  • Step2: Environment Creation
#SBATCH -J env_setup
#SBATCH -p high
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH -o %N.%J.env_setup.out

# Step 2. Create a new Conda Env
# ----------------------------------------------------
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
cd ~/miniconda_envs
conda create -y -n GrooveTransformer python=3.9
  • Step3: Package Installation
#SBATCH -J env_setup
#SBATCH -p high
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH -o %N.%J.env_setup.out

# Step 3.  Install Required Packages
# ----------------------------------------------------
# 1. Activate Environment
# ---------------------
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/envs/GrooveTransformer:$PATH"
source activate GrooveTransformer

# 2. Essential Packages
#    ------------------
pip install torch==1.12.0+cu102 --extra-index-url
pip3 install ffmpeg==1.4
pip3 install holoviews==1.15.1
pip3 install wandb==0.13.3
pip3 install scipy==1.9.1

# 3. MIDI/AUDIO Features (If needed)
#    -------------------------------
pip3 install note-seq==0.0.5
conda install -c conda-forge fluidsynth
pip3 install pyFluidSynth
  • Full Batch Script

#SBATCH -J env_setup
#SBATCH -p high
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH -o %N.%J.env_setup.out

# Step 1. Intalling Miniconda
# ----------------------------------------------------
mkdir ~/miniconda_envs
cd ~/miniconda_envs
bash -b -p ~/miniconda_envs/anaconda3

# Step 2. Create a new Conda Env
# ----------------------------------------------------
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
cd ~/miniconda_envs
conda create -y -n GrooveTransformer python=3.9

# Step 3.  Install Required Packages
# ----------------------------------------------------
# 1. Activate Environment
# ---------------------
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda_envs/anaconda3/envs/GrooveTransformer:$PATH"
source activate GrooveTransformer

# 2. Essential Packages
#    ------------------
pip install torch==1.12.0+cu102 --extra-index-url
pip3 install ffmpeg==1.4
pip3 install holoviews==1.15.1
pip3 install wandb==0.13.3

# 3. MIDI/AUDIO Features (If needed)
#    -------------------------------
pip3 install note-seq==0.0.5
conda install -c conda-forge fluidsynth
pip3 install pyFluidSynth