- Setup fluent bit as sidecar to application container for log aggregation and forwarding.
- Configure fluent bit to send json logs to splunk.
- Change application build process to write log files inside logs folder and change application.properties to produce json logs.
- Change application code to produce valid log output.
The application container and fluent bit share logs through volume mounts. To achieve this, the deployment-config yaml of the application needs to have below sections added.
- image: artifacts.developer.gov.bc.ca/docker-remote/fluent/fluent-bit:1.5.7 name: "${APP_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}-fluent-bit-sidecar" imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: - name: artifactory-creds volumeMounts: - name: log-storage mountPath: /mnt/log - name: flb-sc-config-volume mountPath: /fluent-bit/etc/ readinessProbe: tcpSocket: port: 2020 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 5 successThreshold: 1 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: 2020 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 5 successThreshold: 1 ports: - containerPort: 2020 protocol: TCP name: metrics resources: requests: cpu: "5m" memory: "25Mi" limits: cpu: "10m" memory: "50Mi" #inside application container volumeMounts: - name: tls-certs mountPath: "/etc/tls-certs" readOnly: true - name: log-storage mountPath: /logs volumes: - name: log-storage emptyDir: {} - name: flb-sc-config-volume configMap: name: "${APP_NAME}-flb-sc-config-map"
[Working dc yaml sample]
The fluent bit config map is volume mounted, only the splunk token and app name gets substituted as a secret while adding the config-map to OS. For more fluent-bit related docs please visit the below link.
below is a working sample
SPLUNK_URL="gww.splunk.educ.gov.bc.ca" FLB_CONFIG="[SERVICE] Flush 1 Daemon Off Log_Level debug HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen Parsers_File parsers.conf [INPUT] Name tail Path /mnt/log/* Exclude_Path *.gz,*.zip Parser docker Mem_Buf_Limit 20MB [FILTER] Name record_modifier Match * Record hostname \${HOSTNAME} [OUTPUT] Name stdout Match * [OUTPUT] Name splunk Match * Host $SPLUNK_URL Port 443 TLS On TLS.Verify Off Message_Key $APP_NAME Splunk_Token $SPLUNK_TOKEN " PARSER_CONFIG=" [PARSER] Name docker Format json " below is for sample namespace and other variables needs to be properly substituted. echo Creating config map "$APP_NAME"-flb-sc-config-map oc create -n "$PEN_NAMESPACE"-"$envValue" configmap "$APP_NAME"-flb-sc-config-map --from-literal=fluent-bit.conf="$FLB_CONFIG" --from-literal=parsers.conf="$PARSER_CONFIG" --dry-run -o yaml | oc apply -f -
full sample config-map setup link
Change application build process to write log files inside logs folder and change application.properties to produce json logs
Change Docker build process to create logs folder for your application container
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash spring RUN mkdir -p /logs RUN chown -R spring:spring /logs RUN chmod 755 /logs USER spring
working full sample
In Log pattern, Application code should only use line# and method name for debugging purposes, this is the reason these are not added, please see below explanation.
M / method Outputs the method name where the logging request was issued. Generating the method name is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue. L / line Outputs the line number from where the logging request was issued. Generating the line number information is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue.
Please follow this link of logback to know more details.
Add the below snippet to your application.properties file.
logging.file.name=/logs/app.log logging.logback.rollingpolicy.max-file-size=5MB logging.logback.rollingpolicy.clean-history-on-start=true logging.logback.rollingpolicy.max-history=1 logging.pattern.file={"time_stamp":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}","level":"%3p" ,"thread":"%t" ,"class":"%logger{36}","msg":"%replace(%msg){'[\n\r\"]',''}", "exception":"%replace(%rEx{10}){'[\n\r\"]',''}","http_event":%X{httpEvent:-""},"message_event":%X{messageEvent:-""}}%nopex%n logging.pattern.console=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} | [%5p] | [%t] | [%logger{36}] | [%replace(%msg){'[\n\r\"]',''} %X{httpEvent} %X{messageEvent}] | %replace(%rEx{10}){'[\n\r\"]',''}%nopex%n
Application code needs to be added/modified so that it produces a valid json o/p in log, For example
1. logging incoming http request and the outbound response 2. logging incoming message event 3. outbound http request and response
For http request and response logging with payload(POST or PUT), make sure the structs or dto or entities have proper toString() implementation for this to work. if the application is using lombok, and the struct extends to base class, please make sure lombok is generating toString for superclass fields as well(if needed) by adding
. Then please add the following codeCustomRequestBodyAdviceAdapter
LogHelper # logServerHttpReqResponseDetails method.
PenRegAPIMVCConfig, Please rename according to project.
For logging incoming message event just add below items.
1. In the MessageSubscriber if it is NATS or Subscriber if it is JetStream LogHelper.logMessagingEventDetails(eventString); Sample https://github.com/bcgov/EDUC-PEN-REG-BATCH-API/blob/master/api/src/main/java/ca/bc/gov/educ/penreg/api/messaging/MessageSubscriber.java https://github.com/bcgov/EDUC-STUDENT-API/blob/master/api/src/main/java/ca/bc/gov/educ/api/student/messaging/jetstream/Subscriber.java 2. Add this logMessagingEventDetails method to LogHelper public static void logMessagingEventDetails(final String event) { try { MDC.putCloseable("messageEvent", event); log.info(""); MDC.clear(); } catch (final Exception exception) { log.error("Exception ", exception); } }
LogHelper#logMessagingEventDetails method.
For logging outbound http request and response code just add below items to the application.
1. Add below code to RestWebClient component .filter(this.log()) private ExchangeFilterFunction log() { return (clientRequest, next) -> next.exchange(clientRequest) .doOnNext((clientResponse -> LogHelper.logClientHttpReqResponseDetails(clientRequest.method(), clientRequest.url().toString(), clientResponse.rawStatusCode(), clientRequest.headers().get(ApplicationProperties.CORRELATION_ID)))); } 2. Add this logClientHttpReqResponseDetails method to LogHelper public static void logClientHttpReqResponseDetails(@NonNull final HttpMethod method, final String url, final int responseCode, final List<String> correlationID) { try { final Map<String, Object> httpMap = new HashMap<>(); httpMap.put("client_http_response_code", responseCode); httpMap.put("client_http_request_method", method.toString()); httpMap.put("client_http_request_url", url); if (correlationID != null) { httpMap.put("correlation_id", String.join(",", correlationID)); } MDC.putCloseable("httpEvent", mapper.writeValueAsString(httpMap)); log.info(""); MDC.clear(); } catch (final Exception exception) { log.error("Exception ", exception); } }
LogHelper#logClientHttpReqResponseDetails method.