- git checkout staging
- git pull
- git merge testnet
- Update changelog and commit
- Change version in configure.ac and CMakeLists.txt to [version] and set CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE to 'true' and commit
- git push
- git checkout master
- git pull
- git merge --no-ff -S staging # Merge and sign. Copy changelog into commit message, but remove any brackets as that is a git comment
The changelog can be conveniently generated by the following:
Write release notes. git shortlog helps a lot, for example:
git shortlog --no-merges tag1..tag2
Generate list of authors:
git log --format='%aN' tag1..tag2 | sort -ui | sed -e 's/^/- /'
This helps for the changelog:
git log --pretty=" - %b %s" --merges tag1..tag2 | sed -e 's/Merge pull request (#[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]) from ([[:print:]][[:print:]])/[[:print:]]*/\1 (@\2)/' -e 's/[[:space:]]{2,}/ /'
git checkout master-test
git merge master
(Do test builds of master-test to do sanify checks of release. This can be used for actual release build of the Windows builds because it is at the same commit.)
git checkout master
git push
- git tag -s [version] # Paste previous commit message into this commit message
- git push --tags
- Go to https://github.com/gridcoin-community/Gridcoin-Research/releases/new
- Tag version: [version]
- Release title: [version],
- Copy/paste changelog into Description
- Publish
git checkout development
git merge master
Edit configure.ac, increment version for development. Commit it.
git push
git checkout testnet
git merge development
git push
- Reddit /r/Gridcoin, Discord, Slack, Hive, and Twitter
- Update title of #gridcoin on IRC