2024-11-19 v0.4.1:
- Dramatically improved documentation.
- Fixed CMAQ date issue when just one time is available.
2024-11-10 v0.4.0:
- Use xarray.Dataset.sizes instead of dims to avoid warning.
- Remove pygeos dependency since geopandas is moving to shapely 2.0
- Add CMAQ SDATE as date for time independent files.
- TropOMI extending warning and date ranges (issue #9)
2024-01-25 v0.3.0:
- Added methane_mixing_ratio_bias_corrected to the default key for S5P_L2__CH4___
- Changed all cmr_links commands to use concept_id instead of short_name.
- Altered grouped_weighted_avg to output weight_mean and weight_sum instead of weighted weight.
- Updated open_griddesc to read GRIDDESC with commas, double precision (D or d), and comments
- Updated documentation
2023-10-12 v0.2.5:
- Minor updates to cmaq.py for date robustness
- Updated OMI readers to correctly handle CloudFraction with scaling metadata in local he5 files
- OpenDAP and NetCDF files correctly scale cloud fractions to (0, 1)
- he5 has ScaleFactor and Offset metadata, but is not being scaled correctly.
- cloudleq has been updated to check
2023-02-07 v0.2.4:
- Only updates to open_griddesc and ioapi functionality
- Updated 1US1, 4US2, 1US2 to use correct cell sizes in open_griddesc
- Added robustness for IOAPI dates. SDATE -365 is converted to 1970001
- Added a to_ioapi cleanup for output.
2022-11-21 v0.2.3:
- Updated TropOMI reader for compatibility with newer versions of xarray.
- Updated TropOMI CO, NO2, HCHO, and CH4 to automatically use _HiR products for dates on or after 2019-08-06. Before, you had to manually set the short_name. This is an ease of use update that I am treating as a bug, so the version incremented to 0.2.2.
- Updated TropOMI CO to use meter-based averaging kernel.
- Updated to_level3 and wrappers to add cmaqsatproc_version to outputs
- Updated version to 0.2.1
- Updated qa minimum values for GOES and TropOMI
- Added GOES AOD, OMPS, and IASI
- VIIRS Dark Target and Deep Blue functionality added.
- OpenDAP is currently not working for VIIRS. Links exist for .nc.html, but provides error
OSError: [Errno -70] NetCDF: DAP server error: b'https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/opendap/allData/5110/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP/2019/262/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP.A2019262.0948.001.2019263132953.nc'