From 24a947c87c2339d1b2e61ec332689c988309aabe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jashan Sudan <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:48:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Clarify usage of min/max throughput and instances (#10130)

* Clarify usage of min/max throughput and instances

* fix lint

* fix snake casing
 mmv1/products/vpcaccess/Connector.yaml | 15 +++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mmv1/products/vpcaccess/Connector.yaml b/mmv1/products/vpcaccess/Connector.yaml
index c2034fc2bf3a..6237f8d680b5 100644
--- a/mmv1/products/vpcaccess/Connector.yaml
+++ b/mmv1/products/vpcaccess/Connector.yaml
@@ -106,19 +106,23 @@ properties:
   - !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
     name: minThroughput
     description: |
-      Minimum throughput of the connector in Mbps. Default and min is 200.
+      Minimum throughput of the connector in Mbps. Default and min is 200. Refers to the expected throughput when using an e2-micro machine type.
+      Value must be a multiple of 100 from 200 through 900. Must be lower than the value specified by max_throughput. If both min_throughput and
+      min_instances are provided, min_instances takes precedence over min_throughput. The use of min_throughput is discouraged in favor of min_instances.
     default_value: 200
     validation: !ruby/object:Provider::Terraform::Validation
       function: 'validation.IntBetween(200, 1000)'
   - !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
     name: minInstances
     description: |
-      Minimum value of instances in autoscaling group underlying the connector.
+      Minimum value of instances in autoscaling group underlying the connector. Value must be between 2 and 9, inclusive. Must be
+      lower than the value specified by max_instances.
     default_from_api: true
   - !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
     name: maxInstances
     description: |
-      Maximum value of instances in autoscaling group underlying the connector.
+      Maximum value of instances in autoscaling group underlying the connector. Value must be between 3 and 10, inclusive. Must be
+      higher than the value specified by min_instances.
     default_from_api: true
   - !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
     name: maxThroughput
@@ -126,7 +130,10 @@ properties:
     # throughput must be lower than the maximum. The console defaults to 1000, so I changed it to that.
     # API returns 300 if it is not sent
     description: |
-      Maximum throughput of the connector in Mbps, must be greater than `min_throughput`. Default is 300.
+      Maximum throughput of the connector in Mbps, must be greater than `min_throughput`. Default is 300. Refers to the expected throughput
+      when using an e2-micro machine type. Value must be a multiple of 100 from 300 through 1000. Must be higher than the value specified by
+      min_throughput. If both max_throughput and max_instances are provided, max_instances takes precedence over max_throughput. The use of
+      max_throughput is discouraged in favor of max_instances.
     default_value: 300
     validation: !ruby/object:Provider::Terraform::Validation
       function: 'validation.IntBetween(200, 1000)'