The Companies module in the Kanvas Core SDK provides comprehensive functionality for managing company data, users, and settings within the Kanvas ecosystem.
- Company CRUD operations
- User management within companies
- Company settings management
- Branch management
- Pagination and filtering support
Access the Companies module through the companies
property on your KanvasCore instance:
const kanvas = new KanvasCore({...});
const companies = kanvas.companies;
Retrieves a list of companies with optional filtering, pagination, and sorting.
const companiesData = await companies.getCompanies({
first: 10,
page: 1,
where: { column: 'NAME', operator: 'LIKE', value: '%Tech%' },
orderBy: [{ column: 'CREATED_AT', order: 'DESC' }],
search: 'Software'
Returns a CreatedCompanies
object containing an array of company data and pagination info.
Creates a new company.
const newCompany = await companies.createCompany({
name: 'New Tech Inc',
website: '',
email: '[email protected]',
country_code: 'US'
Returns a CompanyInterface
object with the created company's details.
Updates an existing company's information.
const updatedCompany = await companies.updateCompany({
id: '123',
input: {
name: 'Updated Tech Inc',
phone: '+1234567890'
Returns the updated CompanyInterface
Deletes a company by its ID.
const isDeleted = await companies.deleteCompany('123');
console.log(isDeleted); // true if successful
Retrieves users associated with a company.
const companyUsers = await companies.getCompanyUsers({
first: 20,
page: 1,
where: { column: 'COMPANIES_ID', operator: 'EQ', value: '123' }
Returns a CreatedCompanyUsers
object with user data and pagination info.
Adds a user to a company, optionally assigning a role.
const added = await companies.addUserToCompany({
id: '123', // company ID
user_id: '456',
rol_id: '789' // optional
console.log(added); // true if successful
Removes a user from a company.
const removed = await companies.removeUserFromCompany('123', '456');
console.log(removed); // true if successful
Retrieves the settings for the current company.
const settings = await companies.getCompanySettings();
Returns a CompanySettings
object containing company-specific configurations.
- Use pagination when fetching large sets of companies or users to optimize performance.
- Implement proper error handling for all company operations.
- Validate input data before sending requests to create or update companies.
- Use meaningful search terms and filters to narrow down company queries.
- Regularly audit company user lists and remove unnecessary access.
- Implement role-based access control when adding users to companies.
- Company Creation Failures: Ensure all required fields are provided and valid.
- User Assignment Issues: Verify that the user and company IDs exist and are correct.
- Query Performance: Use appropriate filters and pagination to optimize large queries.
- Permission Errors: Ensure the authenticated user has the necessary permissions for company operations.
Implement try/catch blocks for all company operations:
try {
await companies.updateCompany({ id: '123', input: updatedData });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to update company:', error.message);
// Handle error (e.g., show user feedback, log error)
Common error scenarios:
- Company not found
- Duplicate company name
- Insufficient permissions
- Invalid input data
- Implement strict access controls for company management operations.
- Regularly audit company membership and remove unnecessary access.
- Use encrypted connections (HTTPS) for all company-related operations.
- Implement logging for sensitive company operations for audit trails.
- Validate and sanitize all input data to prevent injection attacks.
- Combine with the Users module for comprehensive user-company relationship management.
- Utilize the Roles module to manage role-based access within companies.
- Integrate with the Filesystem module for handling company logos and documents.
- Use webhooks to sync company data with external systems.
For efficient bulk operations:
async function batchUpdateCompanies(updates: InputCompanyParams[]) {
return Promise.all( => companies.updateCompany(update)));
Implement company data analysis using aggregated queries:
async function analyzeCompanyGrowth(companyId: string, timeRange: { start: Date, end: Date }) {
const usersOverTime = await companies.getCompanyUsers({
where: {
column: 'COMPANIES_ID',
operator: 'EQ',
value: companyId,
AND: [
{ column: 'CREATED_AT', operator: 'GTE', value: timeRange.start.toISOString() },
{ column: 'CREATED_AT', operator: 'LTE', value: timeRange.end.toISOString() }
orderBy: [{ column: 'CREATED_AT', order: 'ASC' }]
// Analyze user growth over time
return, user, index) => {
acc.push({ date: user.created_at, totalUsers: index + 1 });
return acc;
}, []);
Implement custom company hierarchy structures:
async function createCompanyHierarchy(parentCompanyId: string, subsidiaries: CompanyInput[]) {
const parentCompany = await companies.getCompanies({
where: { column: 'ID', operator: 'EQ', value: parentCompanyId }
const createdSubsidiaries = await Promise.all( =>
companies.createCompany({ ...sub, parent_company_id: parentCompanyId })
return { parent: parentCompany, subsidiaries: createdSubsidiaries };
By effectively utilizing the Companies module, you can build sophisticated company management systems within your Kanvas-powered applications, handling everything from basic CRUD operations to complex hierarchical structures and user management.