The Companies Branches module in the Kanvas Core SDK provides comprehensive functionality for managing company branches, including creation, updates, deletion, and user association within the Kanvas ecosystem.
- Branch CRUD operations
- User management within branches
- Pagination and filtering support for branch queries
- Branch-specific user queries
Access the Companies Branches module through the companiesBranches
property on your KanvasCore instance:
const kanvas = new KanvasCore({...});
const branches = kanvas.companiesBranches;
Retrieves a list of company branches with optional filtering, pagination, and sorting.
const branchesData = await branches.getCompanyBranches({
first: 10,
page: 1,
where: { column: 'NAME', operator: 'LIKE', value: '%Main%' },
orderBy: [{ column: 'CREATED_AT', order: 'DESC' }],
search: 'Headquarters'
Returns a CompanyBranchInterface
object containing an array of branch data and pagination info.
Creates a new company branch.
const newBranch = await branches.createCompanyBranch({
name: 'Downtown Office',
companies_id: '123',
address: '123 Main St, City',
is_default: false
Returns a CompanyBranchInterface
object with the created branch's details.
Updates an existing company branch's information.
const updatedBranch = await branches.updateCompanyBranch('456', {
name: 'Updated Downtown Office',
phone: '+1234567890'
Returns the updated CompanyBranchInterface
Deletes a company branch by its ID.
const isDeleted = await branches.deleteCompanyBranch('456');
console.log(isDeleted); // true if successful
Retrieves users associated with a company branch.
const branchUsers = await branches.getCompanyBranchUsers({
first: 20,
page: 1,
where: { column: 'BRANCHES_ID', operator: 'EQ', value: '456' }
Returns a UserInterface
object with user data and pagination info.
Adds a user to a company branch.
const added = await branches.addUserToBranch('456', '789');
console.log(added); // true if successful
Removes a user from a company branch.
const removed = await branches.removeUserFromBranch('456', '789');
console.log(removed); // true if successful
- Use pagination when fetching large sets of branches or users to optimize performance.
- Implement proper error handling for all branch operations.
- Validate input data before sending requests to create or update branches.
- Use meaningful search terms and filters to narrow down branch queries.
- Regularly audit branch user lists and remove unnecessary access.
- Ensure that at least one branch is set as default for each company.
- Branch Creation Failures: Ensure all required fields are provided and valid, especially the
. - User Assignment Issues: Verify that the user and branch IDs exist and are correct.
- Query Performance: Use appropriate filters and pagination to optimize large queries.
- Permission Errors: Ensure the authenticated user has the necessary permissions for branch operations.
Implement try/catch blocks for all branch operations:
try {
await branches.updateCompanyBranch('456', updatedData);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to update branch:', error.message);
// Handle error (e.g., show user feedback, log error)
Common error scenarios:
- Branch not found
- Duplicate branch name within a company
- Insufficient permissions
- Invalid input data
- Attempting to delete the last or default branch
- Implement strict access controls for branch management operations.
- Regularly audit branch membership and remove unnecessary access.
- Use encrypted connections (HTTPS) for all branch-related operations.
- Implement logging for sensitive branch operations for audit trails.
- Validate and sanitize all input data to prevent injection attacks.
- Combine with the Companies module for comprehensive company structure management.
- Utilize the Users module to manage user-branch relationships effectively.
- Integrate with the Filesystem module for handling branch-specific documents or images.
- Use webhooks to sync branch data with external systems (e.g., HR software, CRM).
For efficient bulk operations:
async function batchUpdateBranches(updates: Array<{id: string, input: CompanyBranchInput}>) {
return Promise.all( => branches.updateCompanyBranch(, update.input)));
Implement branch hierarchy structures:
async function createBranchHierarchy(companyId: string, mainBranch: CompanyBranchInput, subBranches: CompanyBranchInput[]) {
const main = await branches.createCompanyBranch({...mainBranch, companies_id: companyId, is_default: true});
const createdSubBranches = await Promise.all( =>
branches.createCompanyBranch({...sub, companies_id: companyId, parent_id:})
return { mainBranch: main, subBranches: createdSubBranches };
Implement branch performance analytics:
async function analyzeBranchPerformance(branchId: string, timeRange: { start: Date, end: Date }) {
const branchUsers = await branches.getCompanyBranchUsers({
where: {
column: 'BRANCHES_ID',
operator: 'EQ',
value: branchId,
AND: [
{ column: 'CREATED_AT', operator: 'GTE', value: timeRange.start.toISOString() },
{ column: 'CREATED_AT', operator: 'LTE', value: timeRange.end.toISOString() }
orderBy: [{ column: 'CREATED_AT', order: 'ASC' }]
// Analyze user growth, activity, or other metrics
// This is a simplified example - you'd typically integrate with other modules or external data
return {
activeUsers: => user.is_active).length,
// Add more metrics as needed
By effectively utilizing the Companies Branches module, you can build sophisticated branch management systems within your Kanvas-powered applications. This module allows for detailed control over company structure, user assignments, and branch-specific operations, enabling you to create tailored solutions for multi-location businesses or complex organizational structures.