This project uses prettier for formatting code and eslint for other linting.
yarn lint
To fix formatting and other auto-fixable eslint errors,
yarn fix
Lint and Test staged files
yarn lint-staged
To run all tests,
yarn test
To run tests for a specific package,
yarn test packages/babel-preset-minify
We use jest for testing and follow this directory structure -
- babel-plugin-minify-mangle-names/
- __tests__/
- fixtures/
- fixture-name/
- actual.js # source
- expected.js # minify transforms applied (except whitespace & comments)
- a-skipped-test/
- actual.js # source
- skip # an empty file to indicate test.skip
- test-plugin-with-opts/
- actual.js # source
- options.json # options passed to plugin during transform
- expected.js
- index.js # to run fixture tests
- mangle-names-test.js # to run tests which don't fit into fixtures
Fixtures are auto updatable like jest's snapshots. It is possible to either update all fixtures of a particular plugin or of all plugins using the --update-fixtures
option. Updating a fixture means updating the expected.js
file of a fixture.
To update fixtures of a particular plugin,
$(yarn bin)/jest packages/plugin-name -- --update-fixtures
Since jest throws when unknown CLI arguments are passed, an extra --
is required to be passed to the test-runner.
And to update all fixtures of all packages
$(yarn bin)/jest ./ -- --update-fixtures
git submodule init
git submodule update
node smoke/run.js [options] [inputTests...]
Usage: run [options] [inputTests...]
-h, --help output usage information
-i --skip-install Skip Install Step
-b --skip-build Skip Build step
-c --skip-cleanup Skip cleanup step
-q --quiet Quiet mode
To build and test lodash
node smoke/run.js lodash
To run smoke test without re-building and re-installing again
node smoke/run.js -ib lodash