- hardcode a current node version option (#35) (Henry Zhu)
"presets": [
["env", {
"targets": {
"node": "current" // parseFloat(process.versions.node)
- add 'whitelist' option (#31) (Henry Zhu)
"presets": [
["env", {
"targets": {
"chrome": 52
"whitelist": ["transform-es2015-arrow-functions"]
- Add more aliases (Henry Zhu)
- Update plugin data: firefox 52 supports async/await! (#29) (Henry Zhu)
- Use compat-table equals option (#36) (Henry Zhu)
Compute and use compat-table
"safari6": "phantom",
"chrome44": "iojs",
"chrome50": "node64",
"chrome51": "node65",
"chrome54": "node7",
"chrome30": "android44",
"chrome37": "android50",
"chrome39": "android51",
"safari7": "ios7",
"safari71_8": "ios8",
"safari9": "ios9",
"safari10": "ios10",
"chrome50": "node6"
- Change default behavior to act the same as babel-preset-latest (#33) (Henry Zhu)
{ "presets": ["env"] } // should act the same as babel-preset-latest
- Add fixture helper for tests (#28) (Henry Zhu)