- change depth parameter to mindepth and maxdepth.
- add depth parameter in searching deeply annotations.
- change type of Annotation.targets from set to list.
- fix a bug in adding the parameter
in the call to the super method _bind_target of the Interceptor. - add the b3j0f.annotation.call.Memoize annontation which is given in order to save function result related to parameters.
- remove dependency to future.
- add support of cpython.
- add support for python3.5.
- add dependency to six and future.
- add reference to module members in the main package.
- add the folder docs in order to be hosted by readthedocs.
- use shields.io badges in the README.
- fix errors in wheel packaging distribution.
- add wheel package.
- Fix bug when trying to annotate a class constructor in python3+.
- Fix bug when trying to annotate a class constructor.
- Add selection function in Annotation selection functions.
- Move code from the package annotation to the module core.