diff --git a/log-collector-script/linux/README.md b/log-collector-script/linux/README.md
index ee08bfd72..f634e271c 100644
--- a/log-collector-script/linux/README.md
+++ b/log-collector-script/linux/README.md
@@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ Trying to archive gathered information...
#### *To invoke SSM agent to run EKS log collector script and push bundle to S3 from Worker Node(s):*
-1. Create the SSM document named "EKSLogCollector" using the following command:
+1. Create the SSM document named "EKSLogCollector" using the following commands:
-aws ssm create-document --name "EKSLogCollector" --document-type "Command" --content https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/master/log-collector-script/linux/eks-ssm-content.json
+curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/master/log-collector-script/linux/eks-ssm-content.json
+aws ssm create-document --name "EKSLogCollector" --document-type "Command" --content file://eks-ssm-content.json
2. To execute the bash script in the SSM document and to collect the logs from worker, run the following command: