Here you will find guidelines for implementing oservability of LoRaWAN devices and gateways when using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN:
- To learn how to retrieve LoRaWAN gateway statistics, please click here
- To learn how to retrieve LoRaWAN device statistics, please click here
You can use GetWirelessGatewayStatistics API to retrieve the information about timestamp of last uplink and the connectivity status of the gateway. The following steps provide an example for an invocation of this API using AWS CLI. Please ensure that jq tool is installed before running these steps.
Step 1: List wireless gateways
Please run this command to list wireless gateways registred in your AWS account:
# Set default region
# Call GetWirelessGatewayStatistics API
aws iotwireless list-wireless-gateways | jq -r '.WirelessGatewayList[] | "\(.Name),\(.Id)"'
As an output of this command you will see a list of wireless gateways registred in your AWS account/region, for example:
My Gateway 1,a904247a-772b-4aa5-86bc-86bc86bc86bc
My Gateway 2,e1c68458-0ca1-4c62-9b9a-9b9a9b9a9b9a
Please select one of the gateway id's (e.g. a904247a-772b-4aa5-86bc-86bc86bc86bc
Step 2: Retrieve wireless gateway statistics
Please run the following command to retrieve statistics for the wireless gateway using the previously noted id:
aws iotwireless get-wireless-gateway-statistics --wireless-gateway-id a904247a-772b-4aa5-86bc-86bc86bc86bc
You will see a timestamp of last uplink and the connectivity status of the gateway as an output:
"WirelessGatewayId": "a904247a-772b-4aa5-86bc-86bc86bc86bc",
"LastUplinkReceivedAt": "2021-07-09T06:54:13.597698337Z",
"ConnectionStatus": "Connected"
You can use GetWirelessDeviceStatistics API to retrieve the information about timestamp of last uplink and the connectivity status of the gateway. The following steps provide an example for an invocation of this API using AWS CLI. Please ensure that jq tool is installed before running these steps.
Step 1: List wireless gateways
Please run this command to list wireless gateways registred in your AWS account:
# Set default region
# Call GetWirelessGatewayStatistics API
aws iotwireless list-wireless-devices | jq -r '.WirelessDeviceList[] | "\(.Name),\(.Id)"'
As an output of this command you will see a list of wireless devices registred in your AWS account/region, for example:
Device 1,b81ad383-6d80-43dc-ae0f-e3e4baa9b3bc
Device 2,75495835-5a61-49fd-ab9f-eeb2e7ef77f5
Please select one of the wireless device id's (e.g. 75495835-5a61-49fd-ab9f-eeb2e7ef77f5
Step 2: Retrieve wireless device statistics
Please run the following command to retrieve statistics for the wireless device using the previously noted id:
aws iotwireless get-wireless-device-statistics --wireless-device-id 75495835-5a61-49fd-ab9f-eeb2e7ef77f5
You will see a timestamp of last uplink and metadata of last LoRaWAN message as an output:
"WirelessDeviceId": "75495835-5a61-49fd-ab9f-eeb2e7ef77f5",
"LastUplinkReceivedAt": "2021-07-09T07:05:09.533280525Z",
"LoRaWAN": {
"DevEui": "a84041d55182720b",
"FPort": 2,
"DataRate": 5,
"Frequency": 867700000,
"Timestamp": "2021-07-09T07:05:09.533280525Z",
"Gateways": [
"GatewayEui": "c0ee40ffff29df10",
"Snr": 10.25,
"Rssi": -31.0