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CDD Docker Java

What is CDD?

Cloud Device Driver (CDD) is a framework that makes developers more efficient when writing Lambda code for Greengrass Cores. See the CDDBaseline README for more information.

What is this function?

This is a function that allows you to send commands to the Docker daemon running on a Greengrass host. It allows you to start and stop containers, list the current running containers, and pull containers from ECR using the role associated with your Greengrass Core.

Is there a quick way to see if it is working?

Yes. There are several convenience scripts you can use to see if the function is working for you.

  • - Lists available images and currently running containers
  • - Pulls a container from ECR or a public registry
  • - Runs a container by name (repo tag)
  • - Stops a container by name (repo tag) or ID

These scripts interact with the Greengrass core via MQTT. To receive the responses an MQTT client will need to be connected and subscribed to the ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME}/cdd/docker/response topic. All requests are sent on the ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME}/cdd/docker/request topic. usage example


The response on the response topic will contain JSON objects with the details of all locally available images and running containers usage examples

Pull the latest version of a public Docker image (e.g. arm32v7/hello-world) with no authentication

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} arm32v7/hello-world

Pull a specific version of a public Docker image (e.g. arm32v7/hello-world:linux) with no authentication

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} arm32v7/hello-world:linux

Pull a Docker image from ECR (e.g. repository/image) with the Greengrass core's role

Replace ACCOUNT_ID, REGION, repository and image with the appropriate values

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} usage examples

Run a specific version of a public Docker image (e.g. arm32v7/hello-world:latest)

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} arm32v7/hello-world:latest

Run an ECR image

Replace ACCOUNT_ID, REGION, repository and image with the appropriate values

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} usage examples

Stop a container by its full ID (only exact matches are supported)

./ ${AWS_IOT_THING_NAME} 6b670c2e8cafcfb0546b4bcab6527cbaa2a8756ff94b7b449e846f0f1525f886

Stop a container by tag name (only one container will be stopped if there are multiple containers running from the same tag):

Replace ACCOUNT_ID, REGION, repository and image with the appropriate values