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This document specifies the implementation of OIDC Native SSO.

Key points to note

  • A OfflineGrant used to has only one set of client-specific information, like client_id and refresh_token. Now, a OfflineGrant can have multiple refresh tokens.
  • Since there is only one OfflineGrant, the apps sharing user authentication with Native SSO does not share refresh token. But the underlying session is shared. Thus signing out in one app will sign out all apps. This is by design. See App2app if you want the apps have independent sessions.
  • Native SSO is done through the Token Endpoint, thus it requires no user interaction.
  • Existing OfflineGrant cannot perform Native SSO. It is because device_sso is not in the scope. Sign in again to obtain a Native SSO OfflineGrant to perform Native SSO.

Changes on Client

  • Add x_device_sso_enabled: boolean.
  • scope=device_sso is allowed if x_device_sso_enabled=true.

Do we need to add x_device_sso_key: string to designate which group of clients can perform Native SSO? Only clients with x_device_sso_enabled=true AND the same value of x_device_sso_key can perform Native SSO with each other. This seems very advanced to me.

Changes on OfflineGrant

  • The following fields become client-specific
    • ClientID
    • AuthorizationID
    • CreatedAt
    • Scopes
    • TokenHash
  • Add a new field RefreshTokens. It will store all of the above imformation per refresh token.
  • Add a new field DeviceSecretHash. It is the hex of SHA256 of device_secret.
  • All new offline grants will use the new RefreshTokens to store information about refresh tokens.

Changes on Authorization Endpoint

  • Allow scope=device_sso if the client has x_device_sso_enabled=true.

Changes on Token Endpoint


  • If authorization_code.scope=device_sso and device_secret is present and it is valid, a new refresh_token is added to Native SSO offline grant.
  • If authorization_code.scope=device_sso and device_secret is absent or it is invalid, a new Native SSO offline grant is created.


  • If refresh_token.scope=device_sso and device_secret is present and it is valid, nothing to do.
  • If refresh_token.scope=device_sso and device_secret is absent or it is invalid, a new device_secret is generated. DeviceSecretHash is updated.


  • Support a new parameter scope.
  • Allow scope=device_sso if the client has x_device_sso_enabled=true.
  • If scope=device_sso and device_secret is present and it is valid, a new refresh_token is added to Native SSO offline grant.
  • If scope=device_sso and device_secret is absent or it is invalid, a new Native SSO offline grant is created.


Native SSO has no direct impact on app2app.


  • Validate scope=device_sso. Return error=invalid_request otherwise. This is because this is the only Token Change flow we support.
  • Validate audience is the origin of the endpoint.
  • Validate subject_token is a valid ID token issued to the first app. An expired ID token is still valid. (4.3 Point 2)
  • Validate subject_token_type is urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token.
  • Validate actor_token is a valid device_secret. (4.3 Point 1)
  • Validate actor_token_type is urn:x-oath:params:oauth:token-type:device-secret.
  • Validate requested_token_type is absent.
  • Validate subject_token.ds_hash is the hex of SHA256 of actor_token. (4.3 Point 3)
  • Validate subject_token.sid is pointing to a valid session. (4.3 Point 4)
  • Validate client_id and subject_token.aud are allowed to perform Native SSO. (4.3 Point 5)
  • Validate scope is equal or a subset of the scope in all refresh tokens of the Native SSO offline grant. (4.3 Point 6)

When issuing ID tokens

  • If the offline grant has DeviceSecretHash, set ds_hash in the ID token.
  • Keep setting sid.

Changes on Admin API

  • Add clientIDs to Session.
  • Session.clientID is the first client ID of a Native SSO offline grant.

Changes on SDK

  • Rename isSSOEnabled to isBrowserSSOEnabled in ConfigureOptions.
  • Add isDeviceSSOEnabled to ConfigureOptions.
  • If isDeviceSSOEnabled is true, then device_sso is included in authorization requests.
  • Add deviceSecretStore. It is responsible for storing device_secret and id_token in Token Response.
  • If device_secret is found in deviceSecretStore and isDeviceSSOEnabled is true, then device_secret is included in Token Request.
  • If id_token is present in Token Response, it is persisted into deviceSecretStore.
  • If device_secret is present in Token Response, it is persisted into deviceSecretStore.
  • logout() clears deviceSecretStore.
  • Add checkDeviceSSOPossible(): Promise<void>. It throws error if either device_secret or id_token is not found in deviceSecretStore.
  • Add authenticateDeviceSSO(): Promise<UserInfo>.
  • Expose refreshToken on Authgear.

Future works

  • Add IOSAppGroupDeviceSecretStorage.
  • Add AndroidAccountManagerDeviceSecretStorage.

Recipe: Two applications written by the same vendor

Recipe requires Future works to be done first.

  1. Configure both apps to use IOSAppGroupDeviceSecretStorage and AndroidAccountManagerDeviceSecretStorage.
  2. Configure both apps to set isDeviceSSOEnabled to true.
  3. Sign in normally in App 1.
  4. In App 2, call checkDeviceSSOPossible(). It returns normally.
  5. In App 2, if checkDeviceSSOPossible() returns normally, call authenticateDeviceSSO().
  6. In App 2, the end-user is authenticated. No user interaction is involved.

Recipe: A application opening webapps with custom webview

  1. Configure the app to set isDeviceSSOEnabled to true.
  2. Sign in normally.
  3. To open a webapp, do the following
  4. Construct a new Container with tokenStorage set to TransientStorage, and isDeviceSSOEnabled to true. The purpose of this is to prevent this Container from messing with the original Container. The new Container is now unauthenticated (due to TransientStorage) but has device_secret (due to isDeviceSSOEnabled being true).
  5. Call authenticateDeviceSSO()
  6. Inject refreshToken of the new Container into the custom webview. This requires knowledge on the implementation details of the Web SDK.
  7. The Container of the Web SDK considered itself as authenticated due to the injected refresh token.


  • The iOS keychain will not be cleaned up even all apps in the app group were removed.
  • Developer is required to provide the accountType to initialize the store. Applications must belong to the given app group or the SDK might malfunction. Developer must also define a <account-authenticator> resource with the same accountType, and a <service> which uses the defined account authenticator in all apps that is sharing the authentication session. For details read this document.
  • The first installed app will be the "authenticator" app in the android, which in fact owns the accounts. Once the app was removed, the accounts will be removed together with the app.

Security Considerations

Binding Tokens To Device

device_secret should always be bound to a device.

OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession is implemented for such binding.

The DPoP Proof MAY be provided when making requests to the /token endpoint. If DPoP Proof is provided, device_secret returned in the response will be bound to the public key provided in the DPoP Proof. Which the keypair used to sign such DPoP Proof is expected to be stored in a secure device storage such as iOS Keychain or Android Keystore.