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Contributing guide

This guide teaches you to run Authgear locally for development purpose. It also covers some common development tasks.

Install dependencies

Install dependencies with asdf and homebrew

This project supports asdf, and there is a .tool-versions file at the project root.

  1. Install asdf

  2. Run the following to install all dependencies in .tool-versions

    asdf plugin add golang
    asdf plugin add nodejs
    asdf plugin add python
    asdf install
  3. Install pkg-config

    brew install pkg-config
  4. Install icu4c

    brew install icu4c

    icu4c installed by brew is not globally visible by default, so you have to ensure your shell has the following in effect

    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"

    To avoid doing the above every time you open a new shell, you may want to add it to your shell initialization script such as ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.

  5. Install libvips

    brew install vips

    libvips on macOS requires -Xpreprocessor to build. Run the following to tell Cgo.

    export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"
  6. Install libmagic

    brew install libmagic

    Run the following to tell Cgo where to find libmagic. Preferably you add it to your shell startup script.

    export CGO_CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/include"
    export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/lib"
  7. Run make vendor.

Install dependencies with Nix Flakes

This project supports Nix Flakes. If you are not a Nix user, please see the above section instead.

  1. Make a shell with dependencies installed.

You can either run

nix develop

Or if you are also a direnv and nix-direnv user, you can place a .envrc at the project with the following content

# shellcheck shell=bash
if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 3.0.6; then
  source_url "" "sha256-RYcUJaRMf8oF5LznDrlCXbkOQrywm0HDv1VjYGaJGdM="
use flake
  1. Run make build-frontend.

Set up environment

  1. Set up environment variables

    cp .env.example .env
  2. Generate config files

    $ go run ./cmd/authgear init -o ./var
    App ID (default 'my-app'): accounts
    HTTP origin of authgear (default 'http://localhost:3000'): http://localhost:3100
    HTTP origin of portal (default 'http://portal.localhost:8000'):
    Phone OTP Mode (sms, whatsapp, whatsapp_sms) (default 'sms'): sms
    Would you like to turn off email verification? (In case you don't have SMTP credentials in your initial setup) [Y/N] (default 'false'):
    Select a service for searching (elasticsearch, postgresql, none) (default 'elasticsearch'):
    Database URL (default 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable'): postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/app?sslmode=disable
    Database schema (default 'public'):
    Audit Database URL (default 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable'): postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/audit?sslmode=disable
    Audit Database schema (default 'public'):
    Elasticsearch URL (default 'http://localhost:9200'):
    Redis URL (default 'redis://localhost'):
    Redis URL for analytic (default 'redis://localhost/1'):
    config written to var/authgear.yaml
    config written to var/authgear.secrets.yaml

    You need to make changes according to the example shown above.

    authgear.yaml must contain the following contents for the portal to work.

    id: accounts # Make sure the ID matches AUTHGEAR_APP_ID environment variable.
       # Make sure this matches the host used to access main Authgear server.
       public_origin: "http://accounts.portal.localhost:3100"
       cookie_domain: portal.localhost
          # Create a client for the portal.
          # Since we assume the cookie is shared, there is no grant nor response.
          - name: Portal
            client_id: portal
            # Note that the trailing slash is very important here
            # URIs are compared byte by byte.
            refresh_token_lifetime_seconds: 86400
            refresh_token_idle_timeout_enabled: true
            refresh_token_idle_timeout_seconds: 1800
            issue_jwt_access_token: true
            access_token_lifetime_seconds: 900
               # See nginx.conf for the difference between 8000, 8001, 8010, and 8011
               - "http://portal.localhost:8000/oauth-redirect"
               - "http://portal.localhost:8001/oauth-redirect"
               - "http://portal.localhost:8010/oauth-redirect"
               - "http://portal.localhost:8011/oauth-redirect"
               # This redirect URI is used by the iOS and Android demo app.
               - "com.authgear.example://host/path"
               # This redirect URI is used by the React Native demo app.
               - "com.authgear.example.rn://host/path"
               # This redirect URI is used by the Flutter demo app.
               - com.authgear.exampleapp.flutter://host/path
               # This redirect URI is used by the Xamarin demo app.
               - com.authgear.exampleapp.xamarin://host/path
               # This redirect URI is used by the portal development server.
               - "http://portal.localhost:8000/"
               # This redirect URI is used by the portal production build.
               - "http://portal.localhost:8010/"
  3. Set up .localhost

    For cookie to work properly, you need to use

    • portal.localhost:8000 to access the portal.
    • accounts.portal.localhost:3100 to access the main server.

    You can either do this by editing /etc/hosts or using dnsmasq.

Set up the database

  1. Start the database

    docker compose build db
    docker compose up -d db pgbouncer
  2. Apply migrations

    go run ./cmd/authgear database migrate up
    go run ./cmd/authgear audit database migrate up
    go run ./cmd/authgear images database migrate up
    go run ./cmd/portal database migrate up
    # Run search database migration if you want to use postgresql search implementation
    go run ./cmd/authgear search database migrate up
  3. Add domain

    go run ./cmd/portal internal domain create-custom accounts --apex-domain="accounts.portal.localhost" --domain="accounts.portal.localhost"

Set up MinIO

docker compose up -d minio
docker compose exec -it minio bash

# Inside the container
mc alias set local http://localhost:9000 "$MINIO_ROOT_USER" "$MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD"
# Create a bucket named "images"
mc mb local/images
# Create a bucket named "userexport"
mc mb local/userexport


  1. In case you have made changes to authui, you run make authui to re-build the assets, or run make authui-dev to start the development server (Hot Reload/Hot Module Replacement supported).
  2. In case you have not started the dependencies, run docker compose up -d.
  3. Run make start to run the main server.
  4. Run make start-portal to run the portal server.
  5. cd portal; npm start to run the portal frontend.

Create an account for yourselves and grant you access to the portal

As the first project accounts is created by the script instead of by user, we need to add owner role to this project so as to gain access in the portal.

  1. Register an account in http://accounts.portal.localhost:3100

    You will get the email otp code in the terminal which is running authgear server in the following form:

    skip sending email in development mode        app=accounts body="Email Verification\n\nThis email is sent to verify <your email> on Authgear. Use this code in the verification page.\n\n<your code>\n\nIf you didn't sign in or sign up please ignore this email.\n" logger=mail-sender recipient=<your email> reply_to= [email protected] subject="[Authgear] Email Verification Instruction"

    You can search this message with the keyword Email Verification Instruction.

  2. Configure user permission for the project

    1. Connect to the database

    2. Go to the _auth_user table

    3. Copy the id value in the first row which is the account you registered

    4. Go to the _portal_app_collaborator table

    5. Create a new row of data

      1. For the id column, fill in with any string

      2. For the app_id column, fill in with accounts

      3. For the user_id column, fill in with the value you copied

      4. For the created_at column, fill in with NOW()

      5. For the role column, fill in with owner

      6. Save the data

    6. Now you can navigate to your project in the portal

Known issues

[email protected] has transitive dependency problem.

As of 2025-02-18, esbuild < 0.25.0 has a vulnerability. Since it is not v1 yet, and vite v6 depends on esbuild < 0.25.0, the vulnerability has to be worked around with overrides. When vite >= 6.2.0 is released, we MUST remove that override. See vitejs/vite#19412

When intl-tel-input is >= 21, it switched to use CSS variables. The problem is that it uses --custom-var: url("../some-path");, which is rejected by Parcel

When intl-tel-input is >= 20, the behavior of initialCountry. It no longer supports selecting the first country in its own sorted list of countries when we pass initialCountry="".

When intl-tel-input is >= 19, isPossibleNumber is removed. isValidNumber becomes isPossibleNumber. isValidNumberPrecise is the old isValidNumber.

So the highest version of intl-tel-input is 18.

Known issues on portal

As useBlocker is removed since react-router-domv6.0.0-beta.7 and have no promise which version will come back, we introduce the custom useBlocker hook by referencing the last commit which this hook still exist. See [email protected] removed the block function from NavigationContext. We have to remain on [email protected] until we find an alternative. As of [email protected], unstable_useBlocker and unstable_usePrompt are still marked as unstable.

NPM has an outstanding issue related to optional native dependencies. npm/cli#4828 The issue will happen if the following conditions hold:

  • The package.json, package-lock.json and node_modules are in correct state. node_modules only contain macOS arm dependencies.
  • We update the version of parcel and run npm install to update package-lock.json
  • package-lock.json becomes invalid.
  • npm ci becomes broken on non macOS arm machines So whenever we want to update dependencies, we first delete node_modules and package-lock.json. Then npm install will generate a correct package-lock.json.

Docker Desktop on Mac has an issue that would lead to an unresponsive reverse proxy. One of the comment says enabling "Use the new Virtualization framework" would help. After >5000 requests to the portal, "upstream timed out" errors will begin to pop up. If enabling "Use the new Virtualization framework" did not help, you can restart Docker Desktop on Mac as a workaround.

[Radix Icons] can only be imported in code, and no fonts is available. Currently, vite will select a most suitable chunk to bundle the icons.

Comment tags

  • FIXME: Should be fixed as soon as possible
  • TODO: Should be done when someone really needs it.
  • OPTIMIZE: Should be done when it really becomes a performance issue.
  • SECURITY: Known potential security issue.

Common tasks

How to create a new database migration?

go run ./cmd/authgear database migrate new my_new_migration

Set up HTTPS to develop some specific features

Usually you can use localhost to bypass the requirement of HTTPS. In case you are developing a feature that does not allow you to do so, You can use mkcert.

# Install mkcert
brew install mkcert
# Install the root CA into Keychain Access.
mkcert -install
# Generate the TLS certificate
make mkcert
# Uncomment the TLS config in nginx.confg to enable TLS, restart nginx to apply the change.

Update public_origin in var/authgear.yaml to your local https domain.

Create release tag for a deployment

# Create release tag when deploying to staging or production
# For staging, prefix the tag with `staging-`. e.g. staging-2021-05-06.0
# For production, no prefix is needed. e.g 2021-05-06.0
# If there are more than 1 release in the same day, increment the last number by 1
git tag -a YYYY-MM-DD.0

# Show the logs summary
make logs-summary A=<previous tag> B=<current tag>

Keep dependencies up-to-date

Various files in this project have versioned dependencies.

Generate translation

Scripts are located at scripts/python/

  1. Add translation to your base_language translation.json file. base_language is defaulted as en
# resources/authgear/templates/en/translation.json
     "v2-error-phone-number-format": "Incorrect phone number format.",
+++  "v2-error-new-error": "Translate me"
  1. Obtain your Anthropic api key. The translation is performed via claude-3-sonnet-20240229 model

    If you are located in regions blocked by Anthropic, please make use of a VPN to access the holy Anthropic API.

  2. Generate translations

make -C scripts/python generate-translations ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=<REPLACE_ME>
  1. You should see
python -m venv venv
2024-07-12 16:34:45,060 - INFO - ja | Translation result: {
  "v2-error-new-error": "私を翻訳する",
2024-07-12 16:34:45,060 - INFO - ja | Finished translation of chunk 1/1
2024-07-12 16:34:45,068 - INFO - ja | Updated ../../resources/authgear/templates/ja/translation.json with latest keys.
2024-07-12 16:34:45,068 - INFO - ja | Updating ../../resources/authgear/templates/ja/messages/translation.json with latest keys.
2024-07-12 16:34:45,069 - INFO - ja | Found 0 missing keys in ../../resources/authgear/templates/ja/messages/translation.json.
2024-07-12 16:34:45,071 - INFO - ja | Updated ../../resources/authgear/templates/ja/messages/translation.json with latest keys.
2024-07-12 16:34:45,071 - INFO - ja | Finished translation for ja (Japanese)

Set up LDAP for local development

An openldap server and phpldapadmin has been set up in docker-compose.yaml for you already.

In case you need to do some LDAP related development, you need

Create a LDAP user

  • Go to http://localhost:18080. This is phpldapadmin
  • You should see the login page. You need to sign in with the admin account.
    • The username is the environment variable LDAP_ADMIN_DN.
    • The password is the environment variable LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD.
  • And then you need to create a group.
    • You create a group under the tree, indicated by LDAP_ROOT.
  • And then you need to create a user.
    • You create a user under the tree, indicated by LDAP_ROOT. Assign the user to belong to the group you just created.

Configure Authgear

In authgear.yaml, you add

  # Add this.
  - ldap
  # Add this.
    - name: myldap
      url: ldap://localhost:1389
      base_dn: "dc=example,dc=org"
      user_id_attribute_name: "uid"
      search_filter_template: "(uid={{ $.Username }})"

In authgear.secrets.yaml, you add

- data:
    - name: myldap
      dn: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
      password: "adminpassword"
  key: ldap

Start with the profile ldap

The ldap related services in docker-compose.yaml belong to the profile ldap. To start them, you need to add --profile ldap to docker compose up -d, like

docker compose --profile ldap up -d

Switching between sessionType=refresh_token and sessionType=cookie

The default configuration

  • Accessing the portal at port 8000 or 8010

assumes sessionType=refresh_token.

In case you need to switch to sessionType=cookie, you

  • Use AUTHGEAR_WEB_SDK_SESSION_TYPE=cookie in your .env
  • Access the portal at port 8001 or 8011