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perf(parser): add node microbench script
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fkleuver committed Jun 6, 2018
1 parent f118bae commit 37dfcb8
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Showing 4 changed files with 11,359 additions and 0 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/launch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\bench\\bench.js"
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions bench/bench.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
const { Parser: ParserV2New } = require('../dist/commonjs/aurelia-binding');
const { Parser: ParserV2 } = require('./v2/aurelia-binding');
const { Parser: ParserV1 } = require('./v1/aurelia-binding');

const v2new = new ParserV2New();
const v2 = new ParserV2();
const v1 = new ParserV1();

const colors = {
Reset: '\x1b[0m',
Bright: '\x1b[1m',
Dim: '\x1b[2m',
Underscore: '\x1b[4m',
FgRed: '\x1b[31m',
FgGreen: '\x1b[32m'
const widths = {
executionTime: 12,
weight: 8,
diffPercent: 9,
expression: 35
const columns = {
0: { name: 'Weight', width: widths.weight },
1: { name: 'Expression', width: widths.expression },
2: { name: 'v1', width: widths.executionTime },
3: { name: 'v2', width: widths.executionTime },
4: { name: 'v1/v2', width: widths.diffPercent },
5: { name: 'New', width: widths.executionTime },
6: { name: 'v1/New', width: widths.diffPercent },
7: { name: 'v2/New', width: widths.diffPercent }
function diffText(elapsed, iA, iB) {
const col = iB === 1 ? 4 : iB === 2 ? iA === 0 ? 6 : 7 : 0; // eslint-disable-line no-nested-ternary
const a = elapsed[iA];
const b = elapsed[iB];
if (!(a && b)) return padLeft('', columns[col].width);
const percent = Math.round((Math.max(a, b) / Math.min(a, b) - 1) * 100);
const color = a < b ? colors.FgRed : colors.FgGreen;
return color + padLeft(`${percent} %`, columns[col].width) + colors.Reset;
function elapsedText(elapsedArr, idx, iterations) {
const col = idx === 0 ? 2 : idx === 1 ? 3 : 5; // eslint-disable-line no-nested-ternary
let elapsed = Math.round(elapsedArr[idx] / iterations);
let symbol = 'ns';
if (elapsed > 1000) { elapsed /= 1000; symbol = 'µs'; }
if (elapsed > 1000) { elapsed /= 1000; symbol = 'ms'; }
elapsed = (Math.round((elapsed + 0.00001) * 10) / 10).toString();
if (elapsed.indexOf('.') === -1) elapsed += '.0';
return padLeft(`${elapsed} ${symbol}`, columns[col].width);
function padLeft(str, desiredLength, ch) {
while ((str = str.toString()).length < desiredLength) str = (ch ? ch : ' ') + str;
return str;
function padRight(str, desiredLength, ch) {
while ((str = str.toString()).length < desiredLength) str += ch ? ch : ' ';
return str;
function log(str, colorBefore = colors.Reset, colorAfter = colors.Reset) {
console.log(colorBefore, str, colorAfter);

const tests = [
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: "'asdfasdfasdf'" },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'true' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'false' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'null' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'undefined' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '1234' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '1234.5678' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '3.345e10' },
{ weight: 10, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foo' },
{ weight: 10, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foobar' },
{ weight: 10, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '' },
{ weight: 10, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foobar1234' },
{ weight: 10, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foobar.foobar' },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '' },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'fooBarBazQux' },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'fooBarBazQux.fooBarBazQux' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'fooBar.fooBar.fooBar3' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '!!foo && !!bar ? baz : qux' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foo === null || foo === undefined' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'foo / 100 + (bar * -baz) % 2' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: "foobar & someThing:'test'" },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: ' | baz & qux:42' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: "foo | bar:a:'foo' & baz:a:b.c" },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '' },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'handleEvent($event)' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'handleEvent({e: $event})' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '$$[$index])' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '$[$index])' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'doStuff(foo, bar, baz)' },
{ weight: 5, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'arr[i]' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '[[[]],[[]],[[]]]' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'x?x:x?x:x?x:x?x:x' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: '{x:{x:{}},x:{x:{}}}' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'x||x&&x==x!=x<x>x<=x>=x+x-x*x%x/!x' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'x|x:x|x:x&x:x&x:x' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'x(x(x())(x(x())))(x(x()))' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [v1, v2, v2new], expr: 'a(b({a:b,c:d})[c({})[d({})]])' },
{ weight: 1, parsers: [null, null, v2new], expr: 'ØÙçĊĎďĢģĤŌŸŹźLjljNJNjnjǍDZDzʃʄʅʆʇᵴᵷᵹᵺᵻᵼᶦᶧ' }

const totalWidth = widths.weight + widths.expression + widths.executionTime * 3 + widths.diffPercent * 3;
const hr = padRight('', totalWidth, '-');
const header = hr + '\n '
+ padLeft('Execution time per parse', totalWidth) + '\n\n '
+ padRight(columns[0].name, widths.weight)
+ padRight(columns[1].name, widths.expression)
+ padLeft(columns[2].name, columns[2].width)
+ padLeft(columns[3].name, columns[3].width)
+ padLeft(columns[4].name, columns[4].width)
+ padLeft(columns[5].name, columns[5].width)
+ padLeft(columns[6].name, columns[6].width)
+ padLeft(columns[7].name, columns[7].width)
+ '\n ' + hr;

function run(iterations) {

let parses = 0;
const totalElapsed = new Uint32Array(3);
for (let i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
const { expr, parsers, weight } = tests[i];
msg = weight > 1 ? colors.Bright : '';
msg += padRight(weight, widths.weight);
msg += padRight(expr, widths.expression) + colors.Reset;

const elapsed = new Uint32Array(3);
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
const parser = parsers[j];
if (!parser) {
msg += padLeft('-', widths.executionTime);
if (j === 1) msg += padLeft('', widths.diffPercent);

const count = iterations * weight;
let k = count;
const start = process.hrtime();
while (k--) {
parser.cache[expr] = null;
const end = process.hrtime(start);
elapsed[j] = end[0] * 10e8 + end[1];
if (j === 2 && elapsed[0] && elapsed[1] && elapsed[2]) {
parses += count;
totalElapsed[0] += elapsed[0];
totalElapsed[1] += elapsed[1];
totalElapsed[2] += elapsed[2];
msg += elapsedText(elapsed, j, count);

if (j === 1) {
msg += diffText(elapsed, 0, 1);
} else if (j === 2) {
msg += diffText(elapsed, 0, 2);
msg += diffText(elapsed, 1, 2);


msg = colors.Bright + padRight(`Total execution time (${parses} parses)`, widths.weight + widths.expression);
msg += elapsedText(totalElapsed, 0, 1);
msg += elapsedText(totalElapsed, 1, 1);
msg += diffText(totalElapsed, 0, 1);
msg += colors.Bright + elapsedText(totalElapsed, 2, 1);
msg += diffText(totalElapsed, 0, 2);
msg += colors.Bright + diffText(totalElapsed, 1, 2);


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