A list of all the scripts that come with Charmander and can be found in the ./bin
The scripts should get started from the root of the Charmander project, example ./bin/start_cadvisor
Build Scripts
The build-scripts get used to build the docker images on the corresponding lab and/or analytics nodes
build_analytics : builds the docker images for the Analytics-Stack (heapster, influxdb, redis, containerresolver)
build_cadvisor : builds the docker images for cAdvisor and correpsonding data-collector
build_vector : builds the docker images for Vector and correpsonding data-collector
deploy_scheduler : clones the scheduler code on to the master1 node, builds it, and start is as a service
Task Admin
get_tasklist : get a detailed list of all running and scheduled tasks
kill_task : kills all the tasks whose id start with the provided string
Reset Cluster
reset_cluster : restarts Charmander lab environment, doesn't restart VMs.
reshuffle : restarts all the simulators ("reshuffleable": true)
Start Tasks
The following commands can be used to start individual tasks and task groups
start_analytics : starts the Analytics-Stack (heapster, influxdb, redis, containerresolver)
start_cadvisor : starts cAdvisor on all nodes. and data-collector on the analytics node
start_vector : starts Vector on all nodes. and data-collector on the analytics node