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OpenAPI Spring Boot application

This example demonstrates how to use Orchestra to create an OpenAPI document for a REST API and generate the scaffolding for a Spring Boot web application.

  1. First, a JSON Schema is generated from the Orchestra specification.
  2. Next, a base OpenAPI document is created, referencing the schemas generated in the first step.
  3. Finally, the scaffolding for a Spring Boot application is generated from the combined OpenAPI document.

This example includes an implementation of the generated API scaffolding in

Note: This is a dummy implementation that always provides the same response.


This example requires configuration of JSON schema generation in the build.gradle file (as seen in a previous example), the addition of a custom Gradle task, and the set up of an OpenAPI documentation generator.

Orchestra plugin

orchestra {
  specification {
    // Specification is derived from fix-latest
    markdown {
      reference orchestraHub(name: 'fix-latest', version: 'ep293')

    // Specify the corresponding JSON datatype for each datatype in the Orchestra specification.
    encoding {
        double: [
          JSON: 'number',
        string: [
          JSON: 'string',
        Pattern: [
          JSON: 'string',

  // Generate a JSON Schema for inclusion in the OpenAPI specification
  jsonSchema {
    namespace = 'org.example.orchestra'

Gradle task

A custom Gradle task is added to place the two files together, allowing the provided openapi.yaml file to easily reference schemas from the JSON schema file generated and later renamed by the plugin.

def colocateFiles = tasks.register('colocateOpenApiFiles', Copy) {
  from(orchestraGenerateJsonSchema) {
    rename { 'schemas.json' }
  from 'openapi.yaml'

  into layout.buildDirectory.dir('tmp/openapi')

OpenAPI document generator

Finally, a Gradle task openApiGenerate is configured to generate the Spring Boot application scaffolding.

// Configure the OpenAPI Generator
def openApiGenerate = tasks.named('openApiGenerate', GenerateTask) {
  inputs.dir( { it.destinationDir })
  inputSpec = {"${it.destinationDir}/openapi.yaml" as String }

  generatorName = 'spring'

  // Configure the generated code package names
  def basePackage = 'org.example.orchestra.springboot'
  invokerPackage = basePackage
  modelPackage = "${basePackage}.model"
  apiPackage = "${basePackage}.api"
  configOptions.putAll(configPackage: "${basePackage}.config")

    delegatePattern: 'true',
    useSpringBoot3: 'true',

  // Skip generating some extraneous files
  generateApiDocumentation  = false
  openapiGeneratorIgnoreList = ['pom.xml', 'src/test/']
    documentationProvider: 'none',
    openApiNullable: 'false',

  outputDir = generatedSourceDir.get().toString()


Use the Gradle wrapper to start the Spring Boot server.

$ ./gradlew :app-examples:03-openapi-springboot:bootRun


You can then query the server over HTTP:

$ curl localhost:8080/instrument/IBM

The server returns the following response.



You can search and explore the specification in Orchimate.