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Tabnetviz configuration options

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tabnetviz yaml configuration file documentation

  • networktype: directed|undirected
    Type of network; optional.
  • title: title
    A title for the network; optional. For svg output, the title will be shown when the cursor hovers over the background. Default: "network". If you want to display a title for the graph, use the label attribute under the graphattrs keyword.
  • edgetable:
    Edge table specification; mandatory unless the edge table file name is specified on the command line (-e option). If you only provide a file name and don't use any of the other parameters below, you can use edgetable: filename.
    • file: filename
      File name; mandatory. Can be overridden on the command line using the -e option.
    • filetype: csv|tsv|xlsx|xls
      File type; optional; otherwise inferred from the file name.
    • sheet: sheetname
      Worksheet name; optional; for xlsx/xls files only; otherwise the first sheet is taken.
    • noheader: true|false
      Flag to indicate if the table has no header line; optional; must be set to true if the file has no column headers; in this case, columns will be named col1, col2,...
    • sourcecolumn: columnname
      Name of column containing the source nodes of edges; optional. If not provided or there is no header then the first column will be used.
    • targetcolumn: columnname
      Name of column containing the target nodes of edges; optional. If not provided or there is no header then the second column will be used.
    • fromcytoscape: no | yes
      Indicates whether the edge table has been exported from Cytoscape. Edge tables exported from Cytoscape do not contain separate source and target columns; the program will identify and separate them. The new columns will be named source and target.
  • nodetable:
    Node table specification; optional; if not provided then nodes will be inferred from the edge table. If you only provide a filename and don't use any of the other parameters below, you can use nodetable: filename.
    • file: filename
      File name; mandatory. Can be overridden on the command line using the -n option.
    • filetype: csv|tsv|xlsx|xls
      File type; optional; otherwise inferred from the file name.
    • sheet: sheetname
      Worksheet name; optional; for xlsx/xls files only; otherwise the first sheet is taken.
    • noheader: true|false
      Flag to indicate if the table has no header line; optional; must be set to true if the file has no column headers; in this case, columns will be named col1, col2,...
    • idcolumn: columnname
      Name of column containing the node identifiers; optional. If not provided or there is no header then the first column will be used.
    • skipisolated: true|false
      Skip nodes with no edges (i.e. zero-degree nodes). If true, these nodes will not be loaded at all. Useful if you have a large node table but only a small network. Optional.
  • outputfiles:
    Optional; names of output files. A drawing will always be saved; optionally a dot file, the modified node and edge tables, and an svg file containing colorbars can be saved. If you only specify a drawing file, you can use the short form: outputfiles: filename.
    • drawing: filename
      Name of output drawing file; optional; if not provided then out.svg will be used. Extension will determine file type. SVG is the generally recommended format, but many image formats are also available. See the Graphviz documentation for a list of available formats. Can be overridden on the command line using the -o option.
    • dot: filename
      Name of dot output file; optional (not saved by default). The output dot file will contain node coordinates after layout; this can be loaded in a later run to produce another drawing with the same layout.
    • nodetableout: filename
      Save the modified node table, i.e. after new columns from network analysis, rankings, Boolean columns defining node groups, and calculated non-Graphviz attributes have been added. The format can be csv, tsv, xlsx, or xls; the program will use the filename extension to decide the format. Optional; by default no file will be saved. Cannot be the same as the original node table file name. Can be overridden on the command line using the --nodetableout option.
    • edgetableout: filename
      Save the modified edge table, i.e. after new columns from network analysis, rankings, Boolean columns defining edge groups, and calculated non-Graphviz attributes have been added. The format can be csv, tsv, xlsx, or xls; the program will use the filename extension to decide the format. Optional; by default no file will be saved. Cannot be the same as the original edge table file name. Can be overridden on the command line using the --edgetableout option.
    • colorbars: filename
      Save an SVG file named filename containing color bars for the colormaps used in the node style and edge style mappings. These can then be used to create a legend for your visualization. Optional; if not specified then no such file will be created.
  • layout: neato|dot|twopi|circo|fdp|sfdp|patchwork|osage| dotfilename
    Specify a layout algorithm or a dot file to take a pre-generated layout from. If a dot file is specified, it must contain the same network as the current network, and must contain position coordinates for all nodes and edges.
  • graphattrs:
    Optional additional Graphviz graph attributes. By default, outputorder: edgesfirst, and overlap: false, will be set for nicer visual appearance of the graph.
    • graphattrname: graphattrvalue
      Graph attribute name and value, see Graphviz documentation.
    • graphattrname: graphattrvalue
      An arbitrary number of further graph attributes can be specified.
  • remove:
    Remove some nodes and edges before laying out the network (optional). This will be done before the network analysis, if any.
    • nodes: columnexpression
      A Boolean expression defining the set of nodes to remove. The expression can use node table column names and simple numerical or string operations on them. Examples: Age < 10, Country == 'Germany'.
    • edges: columnexpression
      A Boolean expression defining the set of edges to remove. The expression should use edge table column names.
    • keepisolatednodes: false | true
      Indicates whether nodes becoming isolated (degree=0) after the removal of edges should be kept. The default is false, i.e. they will be deleted. Note that nodes that were already isolated before the edge removal will not be removed.
  • networkanalysis: false | all | quantity | [quantity1, quantity2, ...]
    Indicate whether a network analysis should be performed (false by default). Graph theoretical quantity names can be provided, either a single quantity, a list of quantities, or the keyword all to calculate all quantities. The calculated quantities will be added as new columns to the node table and the edge table, and can then be used to specify node styles and edge styles. The following quantities can be calculated for each node for both directed and undirected networks: AverageShortestPathLength, BetweennessCentrality, ClosenessCentrality, ClusteringCoefficient, Degree, Connectivity, Eccentricity, NeighborhoodConnectivity, SelfLoops, Stress. For edges, EdgeBetweenness can be calculated. For directed networks only, Indegree and Outdegree can be calculated. For undirected networks only, Radiality and TopologicalCoefficient can be calculated. These quantity names match those calculated by the Network Analyzer plugin of Cytoscape, except for Connectivity, which is the number of neighbors of a node, as opposed to Degree which is the number of edges connecting to a node.
  • nodegroups:
    Groups of nodes can be defined; optional.
    • groupname: columnexpression | [node1, node2, ...]
      Node group name and a Boolean expression to define the node group, or an explicit node list. The expression can use node table column names and simple numerical or string operations on them. Examples: mynodegroup1: a+b < 5, mynodegroup2: firstname.str.upper() < 'M'. Nodes can also be explicitly listed by name, e.g. [node1, node13', node128].
    • groupname: columnexpression | [node1, node2, ...]
      An arbitrary number of further node groups can be defined. When a group is defined, it is added to the node table as a Boolean column so it can be used in the definition of subsequent groups. For this reason, node group names cannot be identical to existing node table column names.
  • edgegroups:
    Groups of edges can be defined; optional.
    • groupname: columnexpression | [[source1, target1], [source2, target2], ...]
      Edge group name and a Boolean expression to define the edge group, or an explicit edge list. The expression can use edge table column names and simple numerical or string operations on them. Examples: myedgegroup1: abs(c) > 3, myedgegroup2: interaction.str.lower() >= 'p'. Edges can also be explicitly listed by listing [source, target] pairs, e.g. [[node1, node23], [node45, node57]]
    • groupname: columnexpression | [[source1, target1], [source2, target2], ...]
      An arbitrary number of further edge groups can be defined. When a group is defined, it is added to the edge table as a Boolean column so it can be used in the definition of subsequent groups. For this reason, edge group names cannot be identical to existing edge table column names.
  • clusters: nodegroup1 | [nodegroup1, nodegroup2, ...]
    Define clusters as node groups (simple form without style specifications). Node groups should be listed in brackets (which can be omitted if there is only one cluster). The dot and fdp layout algorithms will draw a box around the nodes belonging to a cluster. Only node groups defined above under the nodegroups keyword can be used. If you simply list the node groups corresponding to clusters, they will be drawn with the default cluster styles. Otherwise, you can specify styles for each cluster, see below.
  • clusters:
    Define clusters as node groups, specifying styles for each cluster. Only node groups defined above under the nodegroups keyword can be used.
    • nodegroup1:
      Specify Graphviz cluster attribute name-value pairs below. These will be used for the cluster corresponding to this node group.
      • attributename: attributevalue
        A Graphviz cluster attribute name and its value. See available cluster attributes (indicated by the letter C) in the Graphviz documentation. Commonly used cluster attributes include color, fillcolor, label, labelloc, fontname, fontsize, fontcolor, style (= solid, dashed, dotted, rounded, filled, etc.)
      • attributename: attributevalue
        Any number of further attribute names and values can be provided.
      • ...
    • nodegroup2:
      Cluster attributes for another node group, if any.
      • attributename: attributevalue
        As above.
      • ...
    • nodegroup3:
      If you don't want to provide cluster attributes, it's enough to provide the node group name, but make sure you place a colon (:) after it.
  • clusters:
    Alternative form of defining clusters: provide a list instead of a dictionary. Use the dash (-) in front of node group names.
    • - nodegroup1:
      • attributename: attributevalue
        See above
      • ...
    • - nodegroup2:
      • attributename: attributevalue
      • ...
    • - nodegroup3
      If you don't want to provide cluster attributes, it's enough to provide the node group name (note the dash - is needed but no colon : must be used).
  • addrankings:
    Add table columns containing rankings of values in existing columns; optional. These new columns can then be used for visual style definitions.
    • columnname:
      Name of new column that will contain the ranking.
      • table: nodetable|edgetable
        Whether the ranking will be in the node table or the edge table; mandatory.
      • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
        Name of column or an expression with column names; these values will be ranked.
      • method: average | min | max | first | dense
        How to treat groups of equal values: take the average rank, min/max rank, or appearance order (first). dense is like min but increases the rank by 1 between groups. Optional.
      • reverse: false|true
        Whether to reverse the ranking; optional.
      • withingroup: groupname
        Provide node/edge group name if the ranking is to be performed within that group only.
    • columnname:
      An arbitrary number of further rankings can be defined.
  • colormaps:
    Custom color maps can be defined, in addition to the standard matplotlib colormaps.
    • colormapname:
      A name for the color map.
      • type: discrete|continuous
        Indicates whether we want a fixed number of colors or a smoothly changing scale.
      • map:
        The mapping; a list of colors for type: discrete.
        • - color
          Any Graphviz color specification can be used.
        • - color
        • - color
          Any number of additional colors can be defined.
      • map:
        The mapping; a number of value: color pairs for type: continuous; the values must be floating point values between 0.0 and 1.0; the first value must be 0.0 and the last must be 1.0
        • 0.0: color
          CSS4 color names and hexadecimal RGB and RGBA colors can be used. Examples: turquoise, '#FAEBD7', '#FAEBD7CC'. Note: hexadecimal colors must be enclosed in single or double quotes, otherwise they will be interpreted as comments due to the # character.
        • value: color
        • ...
        • 1.0: color
    • colormapname:
      Any number of custom color maps can be defined.
      • ...
  • nodestyles:
    Define node styles for all nodes and/or node groups using various types of mappings of data from the node table. This is the main functionality of the program.
    • default | nodegroupname:
      The style can be for all nodes (default) or a particular node group.
      • attributename: constant
        Specify a constant value for the given Graphviz attribute.
      • attributename:
        A node attribute name; will be used in a mapping. Any Graphviz node attribute name can be used. Non-Graphviz, user-defined attribute names can be also used, these can then be combined into a multi-valued Graphviz attribute (e.g. pos, or a color specified by a colorList) using the combine mapping type. NOTE: Non-Graphviz attribute names must start with the prefix ng to make sure there is no Graphviz attribute with the same name. See Graphviz attribute definitions. Non-Graphviz attributes will be added as new columns to the node table, and can also be used to define further attributes.
        • type: direct|discrete|linear|cont2disc|colormap|combine
          Type of mapping to be used to map values in the node table to visual attributes.
        • (the rest of the parameters depend on type; see details below)
      • attributename:
        For direct mapping of table data to attribute.
        • type: direct
          Attribute value will be taken directly from the node table; either a single column, or calculated from an expression on column values.
        • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
          Name of a single column, or a numerical or string expression formed from column names. Examples: colexpr: a, colexpr: abs(a)+b/c, colexpr: a.str.upper()+b
      • attributename:
        For discrete mapping.
        • type: discrete
          Discrete values in table will be mapped to the values provided here.
        • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
          Name of a single column, or a numerical or string expression formed from column names. Examples: colexpr: a, colexpr: abs(a)+b/c, colexpr: a.str.upper()+b
        • map:
          Map is specified below
          • value: mappedvalue
            Value in table and value to map it to.
          • value: mappedvalue ...
            Any number of further values and mapped values can be specified.
      • attributename:
        For linear mapping.
        • type: linear
          Values in column, or calculated from an expression on columns, will be linearly mapped to a given interval.
        • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
          Name of a single column, or a numerical expression formed from column names. Examples: colexpr: a, colexpr: abs(a)+b/c
        • colmin: value
          Optional; minimum value to map; if not provided then the calculated minimum will be used.
        • colmax: value
          Optional; maximum value to map; if not provided then the calculated maximum will be used.
        • mapmin: value
          Mandatory; colmin will be mapped to this value.
        • mapmax: value
          Mandatory; colmax will be mapped to this value; it can be less than mapmin.
        • withingroup: false|true
          Optional; if set to true then colmin and colmax will be calculated for the given node group (if they are not explicitly specified).
      • attributename:
        For continuous-to-discrete mapping.
        • type: cont2disc
          Map ranges to discrete values.
        • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
          Name of a single column, or a numerical or string expression formed from column names. Examples: colexpr: a, colexpr: abs(a)+b/c, colexpr: a.str.upper()+b
        • map:
          Define the mapping.
          • value1: mappedvalue1
            x <= value1 will be mapped to mappedvalue1
          • value2: mappedvalue2
            value1 < x <= value2 will be mapped to mappedvalue2
          • ...
            Further specifications...
          • valueN: mappedvalueN
            value(N-1) < x <= valueN will be mapped to mappedvalueN
          • higher: mappedvaluehigh
            x > valueN will be mapped to mappedvaluehigh
      • attributename:
        For mapping to a color scale or discrete colormap.
        • type: colormap
          Map numerical column to a continuous color scale or a set of discrete colors. Usually, one uses a discrete colormap for integer values and a continuous colormap for floating point values.
        • colexpr: columnname | columnexpression
          Name of a single column, or a numerical expression formed from column names. Examples: colexpr: a, colexpr: abs(a)+b/c
        • colmin: value
          Optional; minimum value to map; if not provided then the calculated minimum will be used.
        • colmax: value
          Optional; maximum value to map; if not provided then the calculated maximum will be used.
        • centerzero: no|aligncloser|alignfarther|piecewise
          If not no then map the zero value to the center of the colormap. The keyword determines how the colmin/colmax values will be mapped to the ends of the colormap. aligncloser aligns the value closer to zero to one end of the colormap; aligncloser maps the value farther from zero to one end of the colormap; piecewise will align both colmin and colmax to the ends of the colormap by using different scaling below and above zero. If the range of the data does not include zero then this parameter must be no (default).
        • colormap: colormapname
          Name of a colormap; colormaps known to matplotlib and custom color maps defined in colormaps can be used.
        • reverse: no|yes
          If yes, reverse the color scale. Note that most matplotlib colormaps can be reversed by appending _r to the name, e.g. the reverse of bwr is bwr_r.
        • withingroup: false|true
          Optional; if set to true then colmin and colmax will be calculated for the given node group (if they are not explicitly specified).
      • attributename:
        For the combine mapping type; a Graphviz attribute that uses multiple values, e.g. pos (which uses x and y coordinates), or a color using a colorList, etc.
        • type: combine
          Combine previously defined non-Graphviz attributes into a multi-value Graphviz attribute. For example, if you previously defined mappings for x and y coordinates, you can now combine them into the pos Graphviz attribute. The combining is done by formatting a tuple of the attributes using a format string.
        • attrlist:
          List of previously defined non-Graphviz attributes to combine. Can also be provided on a single line using brackets, e.g. [x, y] (i.e. a valid YAML list).
          • - attributename1
          • - attributename2
          • ...
            Any number of attributes can be listed
        • formatstring: 'formatstring'
          An old-style Python format string (using % -style specifiers) with which the attribute list will be converted into a string. Examples: '%f,%f!' (for pos), '#%02x%02x%02x' (an RGB color from 3 integers), '%s:%s:%s' (a colorList from 3 strings). The format string must be enclosed in quotes (single or double) if it starts with the % character.
    • ...
      Styles can be defined for any number of further node groups.
  • edgestyles:
    Define edge styles for all edges and/or edge groups.
    • default: | edgegroupname:
      The style can be for all edges (default) or a particular edge group.
      • ...
        See nodestyles for descriptions of various mappings and their parameters; syntax is identical but edge table is used instead of node table, and edge groups instead of node groups.