People across the globe are in severe credit card debt which has led to financial insecurities. To combat this ever-advancing problem we have designed the Money Manager Simulator! It stimulates the process of managing the user’s money. Based on the user’s income and their costs such as electricity bills or rent it determines how much they can spend yearly. Then the user enters some of the things they want to spend on, what it costs, and how much “happiness” it will bring them. Based on this information the program tells the user what items to buy to maximize their happiness. Furthermore, we also incorporated real-time stock data allowing the user to obtain the feeling of owning shares in the stock market. We hope this tool will help many families, with their financially consulting!
Our project contains three python files (,, and was used to handle all the user interactions, for example asking them what their cost for the year are. calculates what the best items to buy are, using the knapsack algorithm. determines the real-time stock price and handles the buying and selling of stocks. We then combined these three files to create one program, that can better the user’s financial state!
- Devpost project
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