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Cross-browser CSS3 animation library, a port of animate.css for use with Vue.js transitions. DEMO

Support for:

  • Vue 2.x
  • Vue 3.x
  • Alpine.js


Table of Contents


From NPM

npm i @asika32764/vue-animate --save

yarn add @asika32764/vue-animate


<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>


Import animations for JS Bundler.

import '@asika32764/vue-animate/dist/vue-animate.css';

Import in CSS or SCSS file.

@import "@asika32764/vue-animate/dist/vue-animate.css";

/* If you want to override CSS variables, write it just after importing */
:root {
  --animate-duration: .3s;
  --animate-delay: 0;


Use Vue.js transitions as you normally would, but for the transition name you will use one of Animate.css animations removing the animate__ and in/Out from the name.

For example, if you want to use animate__animated animate__fadeInLeft and animate__fadeInLeft on your element, You could write:

<TransitionGroup name="fadeLeft" tag="ul">
    <li v-for="item in items" :key="">
        {{ item }}

enter/leave is already written in the stylesheet, so just remove In/Out from the name and you're golden.

Custom Transition Classes

Animate.css's original classnames are supported on enter/leave transitions. So if you're going to use Custom Transition Classes, you can either add -enter/-leave to the classes:

  <p v-if="show">hello</p>

Or use the regular In/Out syntax:

  <p v-if="show">hello</p>

Custom Animation Properties

<Transition name="fade">
  <p v-if="show" 
    style="--animate-duration: 0.3s; --animate-delay: 150; --animate-direction: reverse;"

Slide as Mobile

The view element must set position as absolute.

    enter-active-class="position-absolute slideInRight"
    leave-active-class="position-absolute slideOutLeft">
    <router-view :key="path"></router-view>

Work with Alpine.js

Alpine x-transition must add enter and leave suffix, you have to add In and Out suffix after animation name.

<div x-show="open"
    style="animation-duration: .3s"

See also:

Attentions Seekers

To use Attentions, vue-animate.css provides a set of JS functions.

import { bounce } from '@asika32764/vue-animate';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const el = ref<HTMLElement>();


This function is very useful for adding some one-time animation to html element, for example, this is an incorrect password attentions.

import { headShake } from '@asika32764/vue-animate';

if (!await checkPassword()) {



You could add animation properties to following parameters.

bounce(el.value, 300); // Durations 300ms
bounce(el.value, '.3s'); // Durations 0.3seconds
bounce(el.value, 300, { delay: 200 }); // Add duration and delay
bounce(el.value, { duration: 300, delay: 200 }); // Add duration and delay by options object
Option Type Description
duration string, number Can be any CSS valid duration value.
delay string, number Can be any CSS valid duration value.
iterationCount string, number The number of times to play.
direction normal reverse alternate alternate-reverse The animation playing direction.
fillMode none forwards backwards both The animation fill mode.

Contribution Guide

Clone project and install deps.

git clone [email protected]:asika32764/vue-animate.git
cd vue-animate
yarn install


yarn dev

Will launch a Vite dev server of the documentation site which the source file at src/docs. You can modify this site to test your code. (Do not push you test code.)

Build Lib

Run this command to build /dist files.

rollup -c

Build Docs

Run this command to build /docs files.

yarn build:docs

Sync from animate.css

This project is auto convert from animate.css animations, if animate.css release new animations, you can run this command to sync animations and auto generate source files.

yarn generate


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  • CSS 41.2%
  • TypeScript 31.5%
  • Vue 16.0%
  • JavaScript 7.9%
  • HTML 3.4%